How screwed is he if Avatar 2 is bad?
James Cameron
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Plebs love his movies, he can't fail.
>9 years after the hype
It won't be, As much of a director he is James is still a businessman, he'll go full hog with the marketing blitz and cut an amazing teaser/trailer that will have people salivating.
seriously, who even asked for this. I understand giving one or even two sequals a shot, but four?
Not to mention 3D is dead.
4 sequels is fucking ridiculous. No chance it goes past the trilogy. Hopefully he wrote an arc in mind that could be wrapped up at the end of any of the films because I think the chances of this going beyond 2 are iffy.
Who invited reddit?
And the real kicker is, I can barely even remember any real "hype" around the first movie. It made the most money in movie history, but I can't remember a single interesting thing about it. Or any of the characters names.
He'll never make a movie again, but that's why he's making all four sequels at once, he'll have his magnum opi, they might even be good, no one will see them but he won't care, he already made the first and second highest grossing films ever
It literally had zero impact on popular culture. It came, everyone saw it, then it went, forgotten by everyone.
It won't matter considering the first one was shit too.
>everything is reddit
Fuck off, faggot.
How is that reddit? Cameron is great for special effects, but due to how technology advances that's less impressive over time, his stories tend to be pretty weak Avatar, Titanic.
did you actually read my post in , fucktard?
Who thought this was a good idea; the original plot has a pretty definite conclusion i think, i can't remember anything about this garbage
Pretty much this. I read he was pissed when he saw Star Wars for the first time thinking he should have made it. And it doesn't matter if they are successful, or even make their money back. The dude is loaded and successful already. It's not like he needs more money or fame.
He woke up in an Avatar body after the body transfer. There is room there for whatever the fuck he wants.
>instead of being about embracing another culture and assimilating, it will be about refugees
People forgot Avatar was a thing six months after it was done in theaters. I cannot fucking wait to see how badly Avatar 2 does.
Colonial Quidditch and Nooner and Ripley and Jake Sullen
I think I read the next ones set in the planets oceans, not sure how their doing the Avatar part of the plot as humans got driven out at the end of the last...
>Oh right we're humans and this is colonialism
People were having nervous breakdowns when Avatar left theaters. There were Na'vi support groups in which people stripped, painted themselves blue, then traipsed through the woods.
He will be just fine. He managed a Jim Jones following by making a sub-mediocre sci-fi flick, the themes of which were derivative to their core.
that schedule wont be happening
2 movies tops
A sequel maybe, more hoomans coming to take our land, but what more else can you do after that?
>No story
>Relies only on 3d gimmick
>looks like shit already
>let's make 4 more movies like that
It is gonna bomb.
>This movie made a billion dollars and everyone forgot about it
Holy fucking shit lmfao Sup Forums please never change
I wish he wrote a sequel to Strange Days 2bh
The movie is known for making a billion dollars and not much else.
Autists had to go into therapy when it left theaters. There were people who lost their jobs and got divorced because they just watched it all day long, back to back viewing in theaters.
How horrifying, maybe they should use this film to torture people in Guantanamo bay with it.
Fuck off, stupid faggot nigger.
not reddit at all desu
>9 inches down your down your throat
Like when you see a cock, fag?
Fuck you, nigger.
What happened to that tripfag autist on here who was completly into this shitty movie
I wonder what he has been up to
please fucking kill yourself dude
3D is a Jewish scam.
>Avatar is 7 years old
Some fat Negress.
You're all gay.
You are nigger-shit.
why are you defending some shitty flick?
>tfw people still dress up like chubby, stretch-marked Na'vi and meet at hotel conference rooms to commune with the earth spirit and have a blue orgy afterwards
This. OP is a faggot.
this kids comments prove avatar hate is simply reddit
"ok i will but im NOT kid im a teenager.... im 14 turning 15 in december..."
this kid could be posting here...
right now..
Raddit for the faggot?
how can one man be so butthurt
You're the fucktard.
Nevermind finishing this in 2023.
James Cameron will be dead long before.
Jews and plebbit.
your mom is a whore
Battle angel fucking when?
no u XD
This. Kikes must die.
Rape candle, niggers.
No shit. Why do you think it's dead?
It's the fucking yo-yo of cinema. Comes back every decade or so and it's suddenly huge before people realise there's only so many tricks it has and now that everyone is doing it it's not that cool any more.
Not as badly as your ejaculation time, faggot bitch.
Already in the works, Cameron is producing with Robert Rodriguez directing
know most people don't have faith in RR anymore but maybe with Jim still there somewhat he can steer him properly.
Kek. Nice dubs, queer.
This post is plebbit as fuck.
Niggers are shit.
The only reason I remember anything about it at all is because of the rifftrax of it. Made that movie so much better.
I'm telling you right now: at most I'll watch until 3.
I may not watch any, unless I'm told it's really really good.
I didn't care for the first one.
Just like your virginity disappearing won't be happening, fag.
I hate niggers.
Avatar 2 would be cool if they had avatars that are like light years tall and they walk in galaxies and they find all kinds of cool aliens and the ending is like The Fountain
Plebbit is delusional and nigger should be lynched.
Shekel-making is not cultural impact, kike.
I only remember it because I recently rewatched Harry's Hot Na'vi Sex vid. Which is still hilarious.
Is this a containment thread?
Fake and gay, you faggot retard.
N(igger)ice age 2: the meltdown dubs, fuck you.
Jews must die.
>9 years after the first movie he makes a sequel
>then 2 years
>then 2 again
>then 1
Being gang-fucked by big niggers.
k fag
rip abatap
Reminder that Disney is spending tons of money on a new Avatar land.
There's alot riding on these shitquels not even the plebbiest redditors care about.
Just like your bitch.
Not at all since they're all being filmed simultaneously.
Nah that suicidal thing is real m8. Do you not remember that shit at the time? People were suicidal because they couldnt live on Pandora with the Navi. Remember when there was a picket line for LotR Two Towers to get the name changed because people thought it was a blatant reference to 9/11 People are fucking stupid, if theres one thing you can count on its that that will always be true.
ayy lmao nigfag-cunt
I doubt I have or will ever again see samefagging of quite this intensity
What is he trying to accomplish?
Like furries but more AIDs and autism
I remember abatap more than avatar
You got trolled, cunt.
Yeah fuck this I'd actually prefer to wait till the ridiculous Avatar quadrilogy ended if I could still get a Cameron directed BAA movie.
i know right? i still remember the day i went to go see it. i had literally zero expectations but lo and behold, it makes fucking 2 billion dollars
You're just mad because your dad bit your ballsack this morning, FAGGOT.
0/10 you're just butthurt.
Man what a fucking world we live in. Can you imagine trying to explain that to someone?
>yeah my brother killed himself
>oh my god
>he couldn't live in the world of avatar, you know that blockbuster? so he killed himself
Just say he fell down the stairs jesus fuck anything but the truth
Why haven't you died of AIDs yet, faggot?
U w0t m8?
or make skynet terminators defend earth from the navi and save cinema and have the biggest box office of all time
Suck a nigger cock!
We need a real Holocaust.