After he dared and said that italians have it also not easy in Hollywood...

After he dared and said that italians have it also not easy in Hollywood, there was a huge shitstorm from black "people" and they bullied the actor who is playing Crossbones in Captain America away from Twitter and didn't even accept his apology.

RIP his career.

Blacks don't control Hollywood and no one likes them

Italian probably have it easier than most since hollywood loves mob movies.
(Though Jews can easily pass for Italians I guess)

The American Negro watching capeshit... ever... c'mon famalam.

>his veiny dick
why does he specify that it's veiny?

>Blacks don't control Hollywood

A boycott or outrage that lasts a while and is also taken up by a considerable amount of white leftists and leftists in other minority camps can damage ticket sales. That absolutely represents a form control because Hollywood cares about that and will pay close attention to that.

This is the bullshit symbol over substance age.

Being outraged IS a form of control in certain industries..

>The American Negro watching capeshit... ever... c'mon famalam.

are you some kind of clueless amish faggot who just fled the farm? they are literally obsessed with anime. why the fuck would you naturally assume that they hate capeshit again?

>Marvel nu-males hate Snyder

I'm not surprised. After all, their idols are Peyton Reed and Joss Whedon.

Seeing an alpha male like Zack Snyder causes them to remember how they were bullied by an alpha male and uncomfortable and lash out the only way they know how -impotently typing out hateful words on a Japanese jpeg board. Some, like Ant-Man director Peyton Reed when shown a statement from a capeflick rumor monger saying "DC directors can physically beat up Marvel directors," choose to withdraw into safe spaces instead. It's little wonder why Sup Forums connects with Marvel more.

Men are meant to be strong in mind and body. Aren't those the values of superheroes, the reason these characters impressed you as a kid? The divide between DC and Marvel isn't just about the quality in filmmaking (where DC obviously win). Some people grew up reading comics, looked up to their heroes and decided to follow their paths. They hit the gym and became better, healthier persons: leaders, alphas. Meanwhile, others neglected their bodies, because their minds stayed weak, they remained scared and pathetic manchildren even in middle age. If real life was a superhero comics, these guys would be the villains' victims at best and the villains themselves at worst. Would you really trust them to bring the true spirit and meaning of superheroes to the screen, when at their deepest core they cannot possible understand these values?

He should have known that black people have a monopoly on suffering and being discriminated

What did he even say?


>it's an user brings up DC versus Marvel unrequited
On a scale of 1-10, how insecure are you as a person?

race war when?

Why is the Marvel cast so problematic?

fuck niggers all of them all they ever do is whine and play the race card. hollywood shouldnt pander to them or fucking gay/lesbo/trannys. frank grillo shouldnt apologize for shit especially to fucking niggers

too bad. that character was one of the best part of the movie, and that actor would be great in other mob/thoughguy roles

I always find it funny how the supposed black activists say "it's not my job to educate you."

What the fuck do you think an activist does

and on the otherhand would put even non educated blacks in positions

he wouldve made a better punisher then shane

It's because they don't have a message.

Think about it. When you boil it all down to its base elements, black activists say:

>Please like me
>Feel bad cuz you white
>But please like me

That's it. They bring nothing else to the table.

You're kidding, right? Black people love shit like Dragon Ball Z, video games, and comic books. I work with a slightly thuggish black dude, and we got into a fairly lengthy discussion about Marvel the other night. Not the movies, mind you, but stories from the comics from the 70s and 80s.

Before this point, I've barely shared two words with the guy, but he overheard me and another guy talking about Civil War, and he lit up like a kid at Christmas.


then he robbed you at gunpoint

What did he say

I think they just want to be pissed off for the sake of being pissed off, and take pleasure in having something to lord over white people. I really don't understand their seething hatred for Trump, for example. To my knowledge, he's never said anything one way or another about black people.

Italians live in Italy, the "Italians" you are referring to are just regular fat yanks who have been in America since their grandparents moved there.

Please be sensible and do not mix up the two.

t. Italy

Chelsea said: black people don't have it easy in Hollywood
Grillo said: italians neither
and he put black people in quotation marks

If by "educate" you mean "bully everyone into submission when I don't like their opinions" then yeah I guess that is what they do.

Well actually, he fucked my girlfriend while I watched, but close.

Wait, that's it? I thought the quote in OP's picture was just a tiny part of it

Jon Favreau is fucking based, though, and he was an UFC fighter, lad.

>bringing this shit up for no reason at all
>using the word nu-male
>spent time making that image
>actually likes Snyder who is a perpetual 12 year old obsessed with being "cool" and edgy

>thinks hes an alpha male

How embarrassing

spotted the nigger

Ragging on based James Gunn.
Yeah, the guy that got his start on Troma films, made Lollipop Chainsaw and talks about his ejaculations on talkshows is clearly some kind of NuMale.

Stay fat, maggot.

Why do Americans love segregation so much?
If you're born in America, you're American, regardless of skin colour.
Your ancestry should mean fuck all.
And besides, Frank Grillo is lucky to get any roles because he's a shit actor.

your mom is a shit whore so yeah

That's a big deadlift

Even a quick google search for Italian American actors brings up a plethora of performers in Hollywood who have had anything but a hard time.

The same is true for black actors.

why do niggers love to commit crime so much and dress like menacing thugs?

Why can't movies go back to using stereotypes? I find that shit funny as hell.

whites - middle class, average, boring
blacks - gangsters, rappers, basketball players
Asians - restaurant owners, gangsters, smart nerds
Indians - gurus, mystical men
Italians - gangsters, restaurant owners
Muslims - terrorists
Jews - non-existent because they operate from the shadows

I agree with you.
But the thing is, all of the performers who come up in both searches for groups worked hard for it and went through being typecasted.
It's complete bullshit to essentially moan and cry about how you were dealt a shit hand because of your skin colour or heritage when pretty much every performer listed is talented as fuck.

Wait, do black people seriously think they have it hard in Hollywood?

They're hugely underrepresented in Hollywood compared to general population. Black people have it easy as fuck in Hollywood, second only to Jews.

>dress like menacing thugs
what? they dress up mostli ridiculous.
>2-3 size bigger clothes
>pants on knees, underwear up
>tissue on head knotted like a bunnyear

Because people are never going to understand that movies and TV are not an accurate representation of real life.

>marvel stans

can a nigger EVER write a single short statement without having massive brain farts?

To my knowledge lots of blacks actually like him, especially the older ones.
Black "activists" are another story, they're a different breed that hates anything the hivemother tells them to hate or default to what the herd hates, especially white straight men.

Did Black people in America always make such a fuss about stuff? I don't remember hearing about this stuff when I was younger, I swear it's only since social media became popular they've started kicking off.

>gun tattoos

>implying he said something wrong

Thank Bill Clinton

and enjoy 8 more years of it getting worse

using "stan" for fan is the common parlance on tumblr

maybe if you went on it more you'd know that.. also you'd stop using the word "nigger"

>Asians - restaurant owners, gangsters, smart nerds
>Indians - gurus, mystical men
>Italians - gangsters, restaurant owners

you mean those have stopped?

Most minorities really just dislike white people. They come to a white country and wonder why their shitskin second generation family doesn't have things as well as a white family who have been there for 500 years. They feel entitled to it, none of them want to be treated as an equal, they want to be treated superior.

I know an East Asian guy, no job, not much education, but he actually blames his shortcomings on white people.

whats wrong with this

I knew there would be bitching as soon as I watched that, do you think he ment to put people in quotation marks?

Fucking seriously? Like why?

Why the fuck would you change fans to stans?

This image is incorrect he technicaly only put black in quotation marks.

>also you'd stop using the word "nigger"
why would anyone want to do this?

Maybe if you knew anything of value you wouldnt ever learn a fucking thing about the mentally disabled autists on tumblr.

because I listened to Eminem albums over and over when I was 11 and it gave me brain damage

kek that fedora Whedon pic always cracks me up

marvelfags BTFO

It's a racist term they use for white fans of something. It's a reference to Stan, by Eminem, about his psychopathic fan. That's how they try to view white people.

Remember that Eminem song? Stan is now a term for obsessive fan. I dig it t.b.h

Niggers are so pathetic

you know, Jews do control Hollywood, but every 10 to 15 years some Familia from NY come to LA to remind everyone whats what..

And, since we know Jews are really brave people, we get some nice Goodfellas,Godfather etc...

>oh noes! someone got buttmad on twitter/facebook at me about some trivial shit! I need to apologize and grovel like a pussy!

NEVER apologize to SJWs, ignoring them is the best option. If you have the balls and influence to tell them to go fuck themselves that's by far the better, but this isn't an option for most people.

I just don't understand how anyone can be not-racist in this day and age.

God I hate the US.

do you have original, its hilarious


>NEVER apologize to SJWs

Yep. Apologies are like blood in the water to these freaks. They'll walk all over when they sense weakness.

Oooh poor actor that got typecasted in their role

Dailyreminder that overall beauty is way more prevalent than race in the outcome of your acting career

What did you faggot think ? that you just had to believe in the power of friendhsip to land the first role in a BIG AAA movie ?

Lol get realz faggots

everything in this thread reminds me why I hate humanity so much

We know you do, Achmed.

real italian fag here

we already have our best cinema years with some of the best movie ever made, now we sucks horseshit but at least we did something good, it is time for you americucks to show what you can do

and don't blame the niggers or jews, if the best you can do is batman vs superman, maybe it is better to change work

>Hollywood not depicting jews as Funny Goy Goofballs
step it up man

He's right though. Americans consider "italians" to be a "lesser race". I've never met an american that would think of an italian as "white"

Pretty based until the apologize.

>RIP Career
Nah, as long as he doesn't badmouth the zionist overlords

no one in europe thinks italians are white

Italians are lower than Spaniards and that's saying something.

Haaa awesome. What are some Frank "Go Gorillo on a Nigro" Grillo kino?

>heres a doggy treat nig- I mean my black friend. Don't forget to perpetuate black stereotypes and racemix!

Fuck you James Gunn is good

BREAKING NEWS: Nignogs chimped out again.

>italian american
>african american

What's the difference

Man, those guys on the left are pretty hot. It's a shame they can't make a good movie to save their lives. On the other hand they could be models or some shit when they eventually get fired...

in north Italy people are actually withe


>"how can you support trump, he's racist, sexist, misogynistic, and transphobic??"
>I don't see that at all, can you show me proof?
>"wow like omg are you serious? he is"
>Show me
>"fuck you asshole"
Liberals are like children, and just like with children it's fun to mess around with their little heads.

All kinds of extremists are really easy to manipulate and fun to play with.

He is not Italian

Can Americans please stop with the 'muh heritage' shit

Nah, they've already created their best work like most countries. It's all downhill from here.

And kill their girlfriends because they find out about their pedophily websites.

that's the proof that they are smart too

Niggers love violence and quips it's literally all they do


Why does he look like that? Does he have the consumption? AIDs? Some wasting disorder?


What the fuck is Achmed autistic .
Its either Ahmed or Ahmet.