>knows how to use a lightsaber
>everyone freaks out and calls her a Mary Sue
>knows how to use a lightsaber
>no one gives a shit
>knows how to use a lightsaber
>everyone freaks out and calls her a Mary Sue
>knows how to use a lightsaber
>no one gives a shit
one has combat training
one picks up junk for a living
>doesn't know how to use a lightsaber
>gets his ass beat
>doesn't know how to use a lightsaber
>defeats Kylo Ren
Lol, get with the times grandpa, nobody cares anymore
>says he's straight
>sucks cock 24/7
Do you think people will be talking about the prequels in high regard in 2030?
Is that what "sanatation" means?
but rey can out force the guy who force a blaster blast to stop
>wins 1v1 against the fag that beat Luke's jedi school
>loses to TR-8R and loses to wannabe-darth school stabber
I never said I was straight, user
>Wizards in Space
>Have Space Magic
his job was a sanitation worker, but he was in fact trained for combat as a cadet
notice he doesn't deny sucking cock 24/7
>implying that doesn't mean she's a Mary Sue
The force is her ally. Did you fags not actually watch the movie?
That's not how OT force worked.
Combat training with a lightsaber? Kylo did the exact same thing
that's exactly how the force worked
when Luke's force awakened, he blew up the death star
when Rey's force awakened, she kicked darth faggot's ass
the force just awakens and shits get rekt
Pretty sure it was
>"Kylo Ren is on the same level as Rey! She's not a boring character or overpowered I swear!"
Kylo has trained with Luke Skywalker
Rey has lived off space bread and scavenged for garbage.
Which one do you think should be stronger?
sure, spinny baton is a thing so combat training with sticks is a thing.
>Magic should explain shit.
Pfft no.
Rey because dat paleo diet :^)
rey has to beat off space rapists on a daily basis.
kylo's sparring partners are mainly computer monitors and space furniture
First, let me get something straight
Mary sue isn't just a mary sure in her lightsaber training, she's also literally perfect in every way, and makes no actualy character developments that are at all interesting throughout the movie.
Finn however has to come to terms with his inherent narcissism, and ends up deciding to fight alongside the rebels despite his ultimate goal being to escape the empire.
Also, maybe he wasn't trained with a lightsaber but one of those electrical baton things still helped him out a bunch, not to mention he hardly avoided a shot to the spine in that fight with kylo ren, and collapsed.
The one the living space magic favours.
Luke pressed shoot at the right time, simple as that.
He still would have died without Han saving him, another pilot could have made it (Red leader made a shot, just barely missed)
This. Where the fuck does her character improve from here?
Luke was at least still a whiny brat at the end of IV just discovering potential power.
Rey has got a good grip on the force, all she has to do is perfect it and she's got no where else to go.
it's not that, it's when Rey encountered her only real challenge in the movie she closed her eyes and won. It's a narrative disaster.
He used the Force to win.
He gets a free pass coz muh nostalgia muh SJW agenda
cuz red leader didn't have the force
If the force helps people so flagrantly, why didn't it help luke in ESB?
Checkmate, reyfags
FUCK OFF. He could have put her in a coma, force pushed her again, but didn't. She's a Mary Sue. Get over it.
>Rey has to beat off space rapists every day
You betcha.
I dont get why that should be so special. A blaster bolt consists of a forcefield containing a plasma. It weighs maybe a few gram and moves at fairly low speeds compared to metal bullets, so it doesnt even have much momentum...
Stopping and holding it in place with the force should be a trivial thing to do, considering the things other people have pushed or pulled, like lukes x-wing.
I really dont think this should be used to measure Kylos strength, which seems to be pretty poor in most regards.
>"Is the Dark side stronger?"
I swear it's like you idiots forgot she beat down those two guys who tried to steal BB8
>Rey makes no character development
She accepts the fact that her family isn't coming back for her and that she needs to become a Jedi
>Finn's narcissism
>electrical baton
>Turned off targeting computer
>And Won.
What they never explain. Since Finn is in sanitation, and the First Order is so powerful. WHY THE FUCK WAS HE SENT DOWN TO JAKKU WITH THE FIGHTERS
He didn't because Snoke told him to bring her to him. You really didn't watch the movie
>Surviving the drop on cloud city
>contacting Leia
Force? What Force?
a girl can't survive on half portion carb.
gotta get some protein somehow
>Knowing how to use a lightsaber
Pick one
Why does this board feel qualified to critique a movie when it lacks basic comprehension skills? People here can't even pick up on obvious things in a family orientated movie designed so even children can get it.
TFA has cemented itself as the good movie that saved Star Wars and brought it back to the public consciousness as a fun and beloved franchise, after the prequels destroyed that public perception. You're just going to have to deal with that.
Rey has to learn to fight with a stick.
Suddenly can manipulate force-sensitive minds, take down trained force users.
He has sanitation duty alongside of regular combat. Just like some stormtroopers would be responsible for cooking or maintenance.
cuz no one else have done it
Light side or dark side, who cares. She's on the cock side.
>The sexy bad guy should have won, why do goodies always win
Are you retarded or 6?
>Stormtroopers cooking
>In full armor and an apron
The mental image made me laugh. Thanks, user
So you wanna blast JJ for the one thing he has done right with inventing and implementing in the movie?
While being guided by Obi-Wan and having a little Force training on the Falcon done previously.
her force awakened.
also she learned about practical application of the force from luke's legends cuz she's a huge fan
Just become something is designed for children's comprehension doesn't mean it makes sense.
But doesn't he have something to clean? Also he was talking about how he was trained for it his entire life/ he was bred for it. But he sees ONE casualty and says "well fuck the empire that birthed me and I have only been exposed to my entire life"
Idk Finn was a good character, JJ was really sloppy on his backstory though
So, a magic ghost gave him more magic?
And that's ok, but getting more magic naturally is bad...? even if the magic favours your side? Even if it's revealed her space bacteria levels are over 9000?
I hate that I've read the new canon so I can explain this.
First Order troopers are all trained in similar ways. They have seperate jobs to do (e.g communications, construction) while they're not training for missions. FN-2199 doesn't work in sanitation but trains with FN-2187. They're still mates though, and trained together. The first order isn't as big as the Empire was and doesn't have dedicated forces to solely send on missions, they have to be split elsewhere.
Source: Before The Awakening
>a protagonist should overcome any challenge effortlessly
Are you an embryo or retarded?
Tell that to Luke's severed hand.
Rey will lose a limb in episode 8
If you wanna take Rebels for canon there is an arc where Ezra is at an imperial training academy, and its shown that many cadets arent very fond of the empire.
The story is definitely sloppy though, because you can only either say that stormtroopers arent that loyal after all, which would explain Fin. But then it doesnt make any sense that everyone in the empire immediately knows about Fins defection, since that would be a quite common thing.
I raged more at the sun eating planet weapon.
The Bitch has space magic, deal with it faggot.
So that makes her a shitty protagonist. Got it.
Finn was trained alongside other troopers but often tried to help his fallen soldiers, even if it put the mission at risk.
This was not encouraged in the first order. So Finn does have a reason to ditch, as he's not suited for the type of uncompromising missions the first order does.
Honestly, it should've been explained in the movie, but nah, we needed more throwbacks
Finn had combat training and got wrecked. And it was pretty clear that Kylo was just fucking around.
Fuck I hate movies these days why am I even here.
No, it makes you a faggot
brilliant defence of your waifu, good sir
Read the thread, cucklord
This. I understand it's a whole 'space serial' thing but that doesn't make one episode on its own any good, especially if it's to be watched on episode order.
in a thermodynamic way or a gravitational way?
Her and every other Protag in SW.
They were all space wizards you dumb cunt.
I bet you'd literally have been fine if Kylo had a Force Scouter and remarked her Midichlorian Count was higher than 9K.
It just struck me as odd when he said he was bred for it, outside even having a name, and still had even an idea of anything else. Kind of like in Brave New World where all the classes couldn't imagine being anything else. I can understand if he was torn off the land of some planet but by him saying he was bred for it speaks to me that he knows nothing else, and it would seem that watching your friends die and killing civilians was just part of being a stormtrooper. Kind of like a clone, sure they get slaughtered by the millions but they don't care because that's all they know (clone psychosis not withstanding)
Thanks, now back to R*ddit with you
Even if that happened it would make more sense.
>every other Protag in SW
You mean the guys with flaws who encountered challenges along the way, had to rely on friends, had to actually train, had to actually grow as characters?
I'd give her a few quarter portions, if you understand my ribald euphemism.
If we're going by the pottery it rhymes notion that they're just going to copy the next movie, yeah probably.
You're literally so autistic that a god damn DBZ scouter is preferable to not being INSTANTLY spoon fed a potential mystery...?
This. Red Leader was milliseconds away from pressing at the right time.
>Waaah, spoon feed me JJ, or else SJWs under my bed will eat me
Luke was a sue, Anakin was a sue, you're retarded if you can't see that.
he's like the most skilled pilot but he still missed.
and luke is a total noob but he has the force.
so they established in the very first film that force trumps skill, and all the non space wizards can go eat dicks.
If youre superiors treat you like shit, it doesnt really matter how much they are brainwashed. Plus Id assume that they still get excellent academic educationas well as combat training, so that makes the whole brainwashing much harder, but is also necessary to not have an army of dimwhits.
Clones were different because of the chip in their skulls Id reckon.
It helps if the mystery is fucking interesting. I'd take a quick explanation over some shit not worth caring about.
>Luke was a sue, Anakin was a sue
I'd give you Anakin in TPM, but neither Luke nor Anakin post-TPM were sues, you son of a whore.
>Luke makes an impossible shot by letting the force guide him
I wonder if she has nice feet
I guess in a way where it takes literally one minute of research to fond out that a sun that loses its mass is getting bigger in size and not smaller...
You will have to wait and see, won't you Salty?>Muh Nostalgia!!!
Cry more fanboy, I still enjoy the films, I'm just not in denial that space wizards are OP and the force is just a lazy plot device to handwave bullshit.
So why didn't he just do the same shit he did 30 minutes ago and Force sleep her?
>total noob
>best bish pilot in the outer rim according to Biggs
Pick one.
It's not about the mass, it's having the fucking reflexes to stop a blaster bolt travelling at you at like 500 mph. Most of the Jedi Masters in the prequels/EU couldn't even do that in Order 66
Anakin has fundamental issues with love, leading himself down a path of hatred. He is a complex character morally. But let's ignore him as he's had 3-6 movies to develop.
Ignoring V-VII, Luke has flaws. He's whiny, not skilled in the force, he only develops or achieves anything thanks to the help of others (Obi-Wan, Han) or thanks to luck. He knows little apart from the basics.
Rey doesn't really have flaws. She has a challenging backstory, but is adept with the force, even manipulating force sensitive users, has great combat skills, is a technical genius (at the level of Han Solo despite being a 1/4 his age).
Luke is a much more interesting character because after IV he has room to develop his skills. After VII, what does Rey really have to do? Get better at lightsaber duelling at most?
Rey is much more overpowered and a sue than Luke was. Luke is hardly a perfect character, but Rey is much more sue-esqe and subsequently, dull.
How was Luke a mary sue? How Anakin? As I remember they both had a great lot of flaws be it overemotionality in the case of Ani or just simple lack of power and strength in case of Luke.
By that point he was thinking with his dick. Why else would he show her his face?
how many times has he been in an xwing?
When she learned to resist his mind reading it's not implausible that she would be able to resist his sleep ability. Having him do the same thing twice would have caused you to complain about that too I'm sure.
Not impossible, luke used to bullseye womp rats in his T16 back home, and they're not much bigger than 2m.
What are you talking about? How do you think the Jedi evaded or deflected all the blaster bolts if not through force assisted reflexes? Kylo stopping the bolt is just another version of anyone else hitting it with their saber.
>it's been almost 6 months
>there are still TFA threads
What the fuck are you on about?
No one in TFA knows how to use a lightsabre!
...even Kyle O'Ren sucked!