Ask a black guy anything

Ask a black guy anything.

Can I buy some weed


I don't smoke nor sell weed you racist asshole.

What are your thoughts on the reported discrepancies in crime rates between black peeps and other demographics even after controls for poverty etc. are accounted for?

I'm not Sup Forums, just legit wondering

Why'd you steal the bike tyrone?

Is that you?

is that you in the picture?

What about cocaine?

How many people have you robbed today?


Why should I have thoughts about that? Do you think about your race constantly? Btw those statistics seem made up. Poverty accounted for my ass.


hahahah btch

how often a day you wish you where white?

Why should all niggers must hang?

I have enough money myself. But I used to rob white guys just to humiliate them.

So white bitches.....the best amiright?

How do you deal with all the childish 50s style racism?

Never. You white punks are bitches to me. I don't even like your women but I fuck them anyway just to degrade your shit race.

White cuck detected.

>Ask a black guy anything
>doesn't answer one single question

I don't like white bitches but I fuck them from time to time

are you one of the smart guys who can hold a job, plan ahead, figure things out and support yourself and your family and deplores violence and looting and #black lives matter

or are you part of the 85% nearly subhuman clade that uses air, poops out illegitimate kids you don't look after and blames everyone else for your own situation and thinks you have a right to destroy shit?

eugenics would cure a lot of ills:
>let the first group have children
>prevent the second from reproducing

it is genetic you know

it that pic is you, you're a good looking guy

Fuck you white bitch, what question didn't I answer?


So you actually admit that it's shameful for anyone to have sex with a black man. Okay then, thanks.

Where's my bike?

No question, just a comment.

Stop being niggerish!

>oh yeah, and fuck niggers!

I'm not gonna answer that question

I'm the 15% that has your money and your bitches.

why is your race so pathetic that it must leech of others to survive?

Where you from?

Why'd you drop out of high school?

It's shameful to be fucked buy a pimp that doesn't call you the next day. And that's what I'm doing to your subhuman white bitches.

Not a niggers detected. The only thing powerful enough to draw a nigger off of a white bitch is probably a basketball.

Got some crack 4 me?

bwahahahahahahahahaha, nigger

no, in fact your comment suggests (if not actual bait) that you're part of the 85% that should be sterilised and are basically part of the lumpen proletariat subhuman clade negro class

but i really think that pic is not you and that in fact you are some fat white dude living in a filthy basement apartment

#b/tard neckbeards matter


I didn't. I'm a lawyer.

My nigga, pass the chicken nuggets.

What's your favorite flavor soda and why is it grape?

ooga booga you black shit



Der Kongoneger

>claims to be an educated layer from Switzerland
>still acts like every ghetto nigger ive ever spoken to

You wouldn't give an intelligent response to any question I might ask. Now flounder off, nigger cunt.

No. Your comment suggests that you don't like either group. You don't like the ones you call "nearly subhuman" and you don't like the other group for having the money that once belonged to your forefathers.


Ich bin nicht aus dem Kongo, du Untermensch.

Like you have ever dared speaking to a "ghetto nigger".

Nah, you pretty much lost that one. Nothing you say can redeem your utterly abysmal rhetoric.

als würdest du tatsächlich was zwischen die beine bekommen kek

Nothing you say can redeem your mom's utterly abysmal anus.

You've already lost bro. Don't dig your hole even deeper. Oh, and stop stealing shovels.

>poverty accounted for my ass
Just like a retarded nigger to spout bullshit
>facts be racist!
Kill yourself

Ich habe Wurzeln in der Schweiz und in Ghana. Ich hab im Durchschnitt einmal wöchentlich Sex.

Does it hurt?

Fuck it I am going to dumb stats now



Why are you such a subhuman nigger?

I dig your mom's asshole even deeper.



Thats only because blacks are too heavily policed

Your girlfriend says it does.

That's only because they commit more crime.

Here is another to disprove the socioeconomic argument

>homicide is because blacks are heavily policed
How retard are you?

you have never fucked a white bitch in your life.

Did you ever considered being cured of your blackness?
Why don´t you mobilize the other niggers and find a cure for being nigger?

>b..but white people are crazy mass shooters!

If you good looking for a crime you will find it...we are all criminals. It's just the blacks who pay a heavier burden.



I have sex once a week in average.


>tfw no girlfriend

And 50% are white. Their pussy smells of wet dogs.

>reminder that blacks owned more slaves than whites

I give you 5 seconds to name the last girl you fucked


>If you good looking for a crime you will find it...we are all criminal
No. Objectively, we are not.
Even more false in the case of homicides you buffoon.

Do you plan to have Jewish children soon?
Is your nose too big?

>reminder that there is more slavery today in black and arab run countries than there ever was in history

Why do you all smell so bad?

are you good at dancing? do you see white girls looking like they want to fuck you?

so, what's your position on Tommy? (all black people know who)

fb profile or it didn't happen.

Prove you're a nigger, nigger.


Black or Tan?


one of your american bitches

Gee I wonder why cops treat all people like they are a risk. Especially when black people DO commit proportionally more cop killings.


Ooga, ooga booga! Unga bunga bunga oongawa?

Wieso hast du ein Problem mit (weißen) Schweizern, bzw. schweizerischen Frauen?
Fühlst du dich nicht akzeptiert?
Hast du Rassismuserfahrungen?

answer or admit you're white

>Why should I have thoughts about that? Do you think about your race constantly? Btw those statistics seem made up. Poverty accounted for my ass.
Blacks must be armed.

How does it feel to know that you will get shot sooner or later?


>eugenics would cure
No it wouldn't. You'd just insulate corruption.

Machst du Witze? Die Schweizer sind das rassistischste Pack überhaupt! Fast so schlimm wie die Deutschen, nur unter einem dicken Schleier aus gespielter Höflichkeit.

How'd you feel when you heard your dad got shot by a Cincinnati zoo worker?