If you could go back in time to the 90s when Will Smith was still a carefree young TV star...

If you could go back in time to the 90s when Will Smith was still a carefree young TV star, would you warn him of what CURRENT YEAR holds?

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People are brainwashed against sensitive people these days, I guess. I blame the media ;-) No seriously, I kind of do. Putting macho, "badass" guys on a pedestal. Hell with that. Hate those type of guys. Always have, always will. Bunch of pretentious, bullying creeps. Blame it on my past or whatever, but that's how I feel. So just because we're a little socially awkward, sensitive, shy, etc doesn't mean we don't know how to throw down when it counts :-) We just don't have to overcompensate for anything, so we can be ourselves and don't have anything to prove to anyone, unlike those wannabe alpha male douchebags. Alfalfa males is more like it. Can't take people like that seriously. So really - guys like me are the real badasses. True to ourselves regardless of what other people (girls, guys) think.

Can Jaden Smith do any expression other than that weird confused pout thing?


How long can you last, Sup Forums?

good thing you made this thread i was afraid i wouldnt be triggered for at least 30 more minutes today

Mckill yourself pasta poster

So Will is a known homophobe. look it up . Micheal Bay fought with him for a day over the "I love you man" line to Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys 2. He wouldn't tolerate this bullshit Jaden is doing.

He can't just beat him or reprimand him in any real way or liberalwood would throw a fit. What he can do is make sure Jaden isn't in movies, which has been the case since After-Earth.

Can that be going on?

The apple has fallen rather far from the tree.

>Will Smith's only bomb was with his son

I know how eager everyone is these days in this PC culture to jump down your throat if you say the wrong thing. But everyone has crazy fantasies, right? Well, if they're honest. Never said I was perfect. But "normal" people who expect others to be perfect certainly are creepy.

nice vid lol

nice post lol

Where does this come from? Willow is just as crazy. Is it Jada or Will? Both seem like normal people on screen, but their kids are insane, which means somethings fucked up in their household.

My guess is it's Jada and Will is to weak to say anything

wow so progressive and brave. this generation is truly revolutionary and will no doubt propel us head first into shining utopia free of evil.

Will, keep doing what you're doing. In 2016 you're still going to be a big hit. Your children might be slightly retarded, but you get to have an open marriage with a bunch of flatassed white gurls and jada.

You can't save Will Smith from his son because Scientologists actually believe that child education should be as non-authoritative as possible.

So it's Will's and Scientology's fault, really

Sad song for this thread


Jaden says he's challenging traditional masculinity or whatever but he's lifting to look jacked in order to be taken seriously, invalidating himself.


I remember when Will was just a cool skinny black guy in Fresh Prince. Such a nice comfy show.

Why did he bulk up like fuck anyway? It doesn't really suit him. Nor do serious action roles.

I got to the Star Trek one. 01:09. That's as far as I go.

I I could go back in time to the 90s, I would not warn Will Smith at all

fuck him

I'd call brendan immediately

This. I'd use time travel to warn Brendan of his succubus wife, and tell him to avoid Furry Vengeance and Mummy 3.

>In the future, your son will be some weird gay...thing
>Also, you're going to make a shit ton of money