Someone who wants to make an ar15 illegally with no access to parts, how can I make my own

someone who wants to make an ar15 illegally with no access to parts, how can I make my own....

I am thinking:

3d print the grip, and stock
mill with a $500 cnc the handguard, firing pin, mag release the lower and upper all in aluminum 7075, how can I do the bolt carrier, barrel?

ask /k/ jesus

You can literally buy every part you need online.

Can't ship to my country, customs will sieze and rape me

any usefull links?

How about the years of experience it requires to perform some of the delicate operations? Just sayin.. machinist fag here...

alibaba, but if you're from europe like me, it won't get past customs

thought cnc does it all automatically?

Amazon for 90% of your stuff. Any decent gun store will have an AR lower without a serial number if you order it as a replacement part. No more than 500 bucks for a shitty pea shooter.

Who programs it? Feeds and speeds? Who is making the work holding fixtures? Materials? Like I said if anyone could do it I wouldn't have a job. Cnc or not. Not an easy job. Move to a freedom loving country who protects citizens rights to keep and bear arms. Problem solved.

Anyone can do it, but most are too lazy to research and learn. Your job exists because people are lazy. Same reason IT jobs exist.

for the lower and upper you just put the block in maybe flip it over once. Not hard for that, it's the rest that's hard, barrell, bolt carrier, charging handle.

Guess anyone can fly a plane? U know u just move the stick thingey.. I am manual machinist. Not lazy. Just a SKILLED tradesman.

it's called 80% lower, try reading up

I never said you were lazy. Looks like they don't teach you to read when you're trained to be a manual machinist, eh?

I own 3 Haas CNC Mills. Not one does shit automatically, until someone ( me ) programs them and sets them up..

Automatically? Really? Fuckstick.

yes.. I know. I can make the lower, it's the bolt carrier, charing handle, barrell I cant or the roll pins

I forget I'm talking to (b). Ar lower takes 10 operations on a 3 axis cnc mill. I know. I have done it. And unfortunately it actually does take skill.

yeah, and then it does it automaticaly you fat kike cunt

Yeah, then I sit back and cash fat checks, ya starving little beeyatch... lol...

Not impossible, but not really easily doable because of the amount of mill work that would need to be done.

I instead would suggest an AK clone of some flavor where you can simply get plans for bending jigs etc and parts and simply cut them from raw stock you purchased or scavenged. If some dudes squatting in a cave in Afghanistan in the Khyber pass can do it with a few files, hammers and such, you can as well. The only tricky part is the barrel, which is the most difficult thing to machine accurately as it requires expensive equipment... so beat the rush and make it smooth bore.

something like a STEN is cake, they were building them by the truckload out of bicycle shops towards the end of WWII.

3d printing isn't there yet... not really. You can make a zip gun, but nothing really nice.


Make a zipgun with pipe. Blast cop, take his gun and keep trading up until AR-15.

bullshit, anyone CAN do it if they can drop 50k on a machine, that's the only reason you're in a job... if they cost a dime you'd be out of a job bub

But really OP.. If you live in a shit Country, black market that shit. Nowhere on Earth does black market not exit.

No retard, the only way you're going to get a non serialized lower is to make it yourself either from an 80% lower or a block of aluminum. The lower is the only part that has to be serialized when bought new as a kit or complete rifle.

tried, only sell handguns and probably the police, I'm looking for any rifle, but I heard ar15s are the easiest to make.

ar15s are easy as fuck to make bro, i make one every morning before work while i have my cup o joe

nigga what the fuck are you talking about? the lower receiver is the part the is legally considered the gun. Having a non-serialized complete lower receiver in your possession is super fucking illegal. The only way to get one like that would be to buy an 80% complete receiver, which you would then need to machine yourself, and even then, if you dont register it, you'll get sent to pound me in the ass prison.

Also you wont be able to find 90% of the necessary parts on amazon, so you kinda have the inverse of then going on.

Automatic? 1 load block into machine 2. Run program. 3 remove said part from machine. 4 debut part. Inspect to blueprint... and on and on... when does this automatic part start to happen ?

teach me then of master of the ar. also known on the occasion to fuck girls pussies with the barrel of his rifle that glistens in the light. Some say he had the machine work papers directly from god, some say it's alien technology.

Well, is a car automatic? Or do you have to push the pedal and steer the fucking thing

Hey dude, at least you're not cranking handles to do it all. Fuck Bridgeports.

You're better off making one of those slam fire guns out of pipes and a nail.

Tesla? Oh wait.. CRRaaaash!!!!

Yes anybody can walk up to a machine and push a button. Nobody is going to pay you for parts that are not correct though. Big difference between making parts, and making good parts..

Actually I do run Bridgeports. And manual lathe and the omax waterjet.

Well, Your country is sure as shit going to rape you now, since you posted here.

Incase you weren't aware this site has been under fbi surveillance since 11' the only reason the occassional murder spree dude didn't get picked up is cause they never posted their intent they posted a simple warning. Enjoy being under scrutiny from you countries Anti terror section

Thank God for the FBI

not any of the guys you are replying to, but

>just no

i've seen hundreds of people rent time on CNCs to produce stuff and utterly fuck it up.

they charge upfront for the parts, make stuff thats not to tolerance, machined wrong and snaps under tension, etc etc.

they've paid us for the machine time; then we get their customers coming asking for the money back cos the parts weren't right.

i don't know how you people can be so stupid as to think that a machine exists that you say "gimme a guitar body" or "gimme an AK47 receiver" and out it pops perfectly formed.

>are you perhaps thinking of the film cloudy with a chance of meatballs?