It's happening in Japan

It's happening in Japan

How does one kill 15 people and injure 40 with a knife without getting piled on

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Attacked a spaz camp

RIP cripples

Disabled care centre. Basically he just peeled potatoes...

lmfao. I shouldn't laugh but man, you won the fucking internet.

no guns on the street

Blood of the samurai. Much better killers than the Muslims

Guys name is Jackie chan Mohammed

Mother fucking coward cock sucker - funny they just wont shoot someone like this on site

Jackie Chan is Korean you dumbfuck.

Well its simple, when you stab with glorious Nippon steel it has a strong aoe damaging effect.

>gun control

Who cares, they're all disgusting pieces of shit that look the same.

It's funny because knives over 6cm are illegal in Japan.

>Someone actually giving a fuck were an Asian is from

f he couldnt have gotten his hands on such a dangerous assault knife, this could have been entirely preventable. this is why we need stricter knife control.


>if the retards would have had guns this wouldnt have happend

I remember the munich thread yesterday where people were saying only japan is safe nowadays. Pic related, MFW.

>Moron that thinks he needs a gun.

Top kek

its fucking time for Japan to legalize guns. this never would have happened if the people of Japan were free

It's 19 dead now


It's Japan... perhaps something to do with 'shame' or some other bullshit...

>How does one kill 15 people and injure 40 with a knife without getting piled on
lay down. point knife up.

R u joking or not? He probably would of just shot them not stabbed them if they had guns


Marathon pro, lightweight, commando pro

were you at the knifing user

Omfg hahahaha

Peelin taters Nippon style. Fukin yeller bellies slice up easy till you hit the bone.


He's Japanese, he was probably flying around like a goddamn samurai

Yea, because if he had a gun he could have killed a lot more....duh. You think people in a clinic for the disabled would even be armed if they could legally own guns?

Idk, I can cause some pretty good damage in gta with a katana

Of course they should. Or do you hate the second amendment so much? Every retard should have a gun!

Jackie Chan is oriental, you mongoloid.

SoWhatRUasking4? WhazITT?

that's fucking cheating
going room to room stabbing crippled old people

Knife attacks in Japan vs shootings in the US... Hmmm


True that people are go on stabbing rampages all the time in Japan amirite

Somebody screen cap this

Ok. IDo.

Not that guy but I think his point is that gun control doesnt stop mass murders. If someone gets it in their head to kill people, even en mass, they will do it, regardless of weapon(s) available. I don't ever carry my guns, nor do I imagine I would ever shoot someone with them, I use them for recreation, target shooting, skeet/trap ect. but I know that gun control doesn't work. Criminals gona criminal, taking away guns just hurts me from enjoying my safe, secure hobby.

look at you with your edgy way of writing




I really can't do it any other way.
Some kind of autism.



mfw 15 people are stabbed to death, 40 others injured.

But no Germans?

paul blart has seen better days


That's not possible. Because we all know that if you make something illegal then no one will have it.

Or even some moar of IT.

The reason 60 people where victims is not because there waa no one with guns to protect, the reason 60 people where victims of one guys with a knife is because japan has sedated its populace to being scared shitless honour bound pussy foot emasculated human piles of chocolate diped pretzels. The averag japanese person would rather watch a helpless person get raped and murdered infront of them than get involved and that person will be hailed as a hero for bearing witness. And the voctim will probably be blamed. Weeabos who thi k this place is still great dont ubderstand that the reason the characters are so extroverted in their precious animes is becaise its what the people want to see because they are so. Fucking far from being it they need to fantasize about being tough and able to defend themselves. For fucks sake, they cant even work up the. Alls to fuck eachother let alone defend themselves from someone tougher or more mentally autistic than them.



Must b z!NNi.

Wondering how that fuck-tard shitskin obama will blame this on American gun owners?

You're really want to talk about a TrumPCampaign?

just go outside dude

Kitchen knives are legal, and they're one of the most common murder weapons in Japan.