So, I finally watched this movie
I can't understand the hate, its pretty good
So, I finally watched this movie
It was pretty aight.
Sup Forums sometimes hate on it because people here have too high standards.
I lived there for 3 years 🤗
It's a much better attempt at a whodunit? than Reservoir Dogs was, easily a competitor for Footman's best work.
It's Tarantino's second best. People who claim to hate it are contrarians or plebs. Either way their opinion belongs to the trash.
Hateful Eight is the ultimate pleb filter.
my favorite scene
the cinematography is really powerful
Do you trust this board's opinion on anything? Do you think that's a good idea?
I liked the movie too, better than Django.
I'm too pleb and can't into art and shots so I don't know if you're kidding or not, but i think it's a nice shot.
WhY Tarantino never used Buscemi and Travolta again?
muh golden ratio
Sup Forums hates literally everything. I don't know why I even bother coming here.
So was it true or just another work of fiction? Maybe the dick suck was much like how Chris commented on the letter 'a nice touch'?Does it matter?
No one could survive 2 hours walking naked in the snow
he was obviously baiting as fuck
but it doesn't matter
Not true
It was okay, it just wasn't as good as his other films.
But he only have 1 good film
considering the Lincoln Letter he's probably lying.
I kept waiting for the movie to get clever. There just wasn't a lot to it. Every exterior shot is very pretty looking, but his plot is thin and lacking in ideas. Why was Tarantino so keen to use, and promote the use of, ultra panavision 70mm when most of the movie is a clostraphobic stage play? Other than some heavy handed race politics, his dialogue didn't seem very meaningful either. It was entertaining but I wouldn't call it anything more than that. I'm not sure how much rewatchability it will have.
Te snow looked swell on 70mm
Ya know, I always had this fantasy where I was Bruce Dern in that scene with Sam Jackson. But instead of fuming at Jackson, I'd come onto him. Assuring him that muh boy wasn't the only cocksucker in the family. I'd caress his crotch to turn him on and then bury my face in his lap, feasting on his turgid, ebony member.
I'm not gay though. I just wouldn't fall in love or hold his hand. That shit's for faggots.
I was pleasantly surprised.
The twist (or lack thereof) was disappointing, and the bad guys where pretty terrible too (especially TIm Roth's character)
I loved the Sheriff though, he deserved the Oscar instead of DiCaprio
>Youonlyneed to hang mean bastards, but nean bastards you need to hang
What did he mean by this?
Walton Goggins is cursed to no one paying attention to just how good he actually is.
>I'm not gay