"prod of all of u"

>"prod of all of u"

>Worth literally millions and trusted with running Sony Hollywood.
>Can't even spell.

Other urls found in this thread:



>After 2020, Marvel will regain the rights to Spider-Man fully, after paying us 2 billion.
>Spider-Man vs The Amazing Spider-Man

It's so retarded it's brilliant!

>Spider-Man vs The Amazing Spider-Man


>Sinister Six still is appealing, potential to break 2 Billion mark.
>This is achieved by more exciting and dramatic special


>and also add "The Amazing Spider-Man" to title

wtf are these people smoking? 2 billion??

Yeah but...
wait a moment.
Think about this.
They're going to add "The Amazing Spider-Man" to the title!
It's genius!

And two parts!

Sony TM Disney © Marvel®'s The Amazing Spider-Man®: The Sinister Six© Part 1 - Rise of the Sinister Six© Unleashed

>>Sinister Six still is appealing, potential to break 2 Billion mark.

Fucking Sony Pictures man. My goldfish is as much an expert as they are.

Why would having your receptionist take notes be offensive

>This should make us $12 billion in profits over 5 years

Because Amy's notes are the best. Anything else is shamefully inferior.

Truly, with Sony at the helm, a golden era of cape Kinematography is upon us.

I can't wait for Marvel's© The Fantastic Four© vs F4ntastic Four©: Rise of Captain America's© Winter Soldier© Civil Crisis

>female spin-off movie starring Emma Stone as the villain Carnage

what the fuck

In Ultimate Spider-Man Gwen Stacy became Carnage

>emma stone as carnage

Sounds awful


Who the fuck writes like a 10 year old in a professional email?

>Who the fuck writes like a 10 year old in a professional email?

An unfortunately high percentage of adults older then 35-40ish

This can't be real, right?

They wanted to have a Spider-Man vs The Amazing Spider-Man movie, with both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield?

And split sinister six into two parts? Then The Amazing Spider-Man 4, also split into two parts?

Are these people retarded?

>Are these people retarded?
No Just Jewish. Avi Arad is the worst of all of them. Mother fucker never gives a shit about whatever he has control of just how to juice the most $$$.


Ok I honestly can't believe this is real. Can somebody give me source?

This was part of the Sony hack last year.

then give me a link to this e-mail

Dude just start reading through the leaked Sony emails. This isn't even one of the worst. I mean everyone already knew studio executives were dirt-stupid and out of touch, but seeing extensive written proof is still pretty hilarious

I hope they hack Warner Bros just for the entertainment value. I can only imagine the conversations going on there about DC

>ywn be paid $3,000,000 a year to be a glorified "ideas guy"

Amy Pascal's draft emails were fucking gold.
She appears to be genuinely retarded, or typing drunk at all times.
This was the person in charge of Sony Pictures.



Date 2014-05-07 07:34:42

From [email protected]

To [email protected]

a few weeks ago i drove over to cedar sinai hospital and enter4d a small rom packed with teenaerr talking on phones

when i say ttenagers i man kids cuz most of tehm wree even driving yet

but there energy and enithisam and tenson was palable

slmeof tees boys and girls ere from privled priate schools in brewnttwod and some of her were workkng class kids from around the city

wht unites them is there sense of concern aobut teenaggers in Los Angeles in our occtnrrya nd aorund the world

and their concerrn is this there is a nepidemic of teensucicd htaking place rright brore our very eeyes

aw all know the causes rape and ambuse nand humiliationa dn sexaylaidentity

the tena gers taht all in to teen lne from arouund the works are desperate and alone oan on the precipice of despare

they need somone to talk to that underrsttns what they are going throughllon the other end of hte line ae teenagers who have been trained to talk to them to wtxt with them and let them know that there is someoneo there who wants to listten to thm

someone who is thereage but alsoan guide th4m to the resources ath are out there for them to help themeslves

>wtf are these people smoking
Hollywood just incompetent.

You may be right, looking through the emails there doesn't seem to be this exact email.

What the actual fuck? No wonder sony movies bomb hard.

Amy Pascal and Scott Rudin arguing over Angelina Jolie being a spoiled brat:
At least Scott can construct sentences.


On Feb 27, 2014, at 6:46 PM, "Scott Rudin" wrote:

Re: What the hell are you talking about? Who’s threatening you? Let me remind you I brought this material to you and I can off her from it in a phone call. Don’t for one second even think about trying this shit with me. There is no movie of Cleopatra to be made (and how that is a bad thing given the insanity and rampaging spoiled ego of this woman and the cost of the movie is beyond me) and if you won’t tell her that you do not like the script --- which, let me remind you, SHE DOESN’T EITHER --- this will just spin even further out in Crazyland but let me tell you I have zero appetite for the indulgence of spoiled brats and I will tell her this myself if you don’t.

Watch how you talk to me.

On 2/27/14 9:35 PM, "Amy Pascal" wrote:

Do not fucking threaten me

I have been asking you engage with me on this for weeks

And Fincher brought it up to me at dinner
And you know Eric has been working this for 2 years

On Feb 27, 2014, at 6:31 PM, "Scott Rudin" wrote:

Here where they're discussing the Queen movie, MERCURY!
"We need to make it more exciting!"
"Introduce Freddie to coke earlier in the film!"
"Make that guy into a villain!"


Email-ID61202Date2014-01-24 15:11:21
[email protected]
[email protected]


I'm starting a set of page notes, but here are the big thoughts I had on the new draft of MERCURY:

It's certainly a step up, but the new draft suffers from a lot of the same problems as the last draft. I think we should care most about Freddie's relationship with his band mates. That relationship sometimes plays second fiddle to his relationship with Mary, and Mary's relationship with Freddie is one of unconditional love so it feels undramatic compared to the band. We need to see how the band fulfills Freddie emotionally - how they are his family - so that we really feel the tension and the tragedy as Freddie's ego and Prenter pull him away from them. We can also feel that tension in his relationship with Mary, but that can be secondary. The climax of the movie is the Live Aid performance, but since we have that set up in the first few seconds of the movie, we have to be feeling like there's a chance we'll never make it to the Live Aid concert (even though we know we will) if Freddie keeps self-destructing throughout the movie.

Prenter enters too late and never feels like enough of a villain. He should introduce Freddie to coke earlier and be a wedge between Freddie and the band from the moment that he arrives.

>Final deal allow Spider-Man to appear in Civil War, Andrew Garfield as lead still. Then in 2017 "The Amazing Spider-Man 3" is released, Avi Arad and Sam Raimi Producers, Russo Brothers Direct, Marvel can recast everybody but Andrew.
Sounds like a fucking mess, no wonder Marvel didn't go along with it.

Holy shit I'm in tears.
This sounds like that autistic kid that punches the walls trying to type a mail.

They're private emails. Who cares about spelling? Also, they don't care to type super intellectually because they don't have to compensate for being loser neets that never leave the house, like Sup Forums.

hi amy

They're all on wiki leaks

Low effort post.

A lot of her shit is barely coherent. We're not talking about a few typos.


I did not really read much of it so I am not talking about the content here, but the spelling here is perfectly common in any sort of office job in the entertainment industry. Nobody cares.


Is... is she retarded?

Pascal? More like gambled and lost.

Sony pictures really hasn't done much good besides handing some money to Fincher and Sorkin

>AMS Part 1 and Part 2
>could lead into Female Spiderman film which can lead into Spiderman vs Amazing Spiderman with Tobey reprising

I remember that part

Nonstop why boners

I bet you're really prod of that one.

See That kind of illiteracy isn't commonplace.

I smirked.

These kind of fucking people make millions. One "Freddie needs to do more hip drug coke" -email and then Freddie does more coke.

My cynicism meter just got new readings. It was already at "if you look something up close it is probably shit".

>He's not an ideas guy

>more misspellings than correct spelling
Jesus christ

Is she the living embodiment of apustaja pepe

You can just see her personality oozing out of that stupid mouth of hers. Jesus christ I hate everything.

>it's a Sony leak thread

Fuck yeah.

>started her own production company
>it's a subsidiary of the sony corporation

I can only presume she got the job because of her 'connections' and being a woman. She must've threatened people with a female discrimination lawsuit to get where she is.