You wake up and you realize you are the protagonist of the book you last read, how based are you?

You wake up and you realize you are the protagonist of the book you last read, how based are you?

Great books and games love the series.
last book I read was the enemy (series of course) so I'm pretty screwed cause most of the mains died during the series

I'm like op, medium-serious fucked.

Who is the protagonist in an electronics text book?

>mfw i'm finally gonna get laid when i'm 47 if i don't suicide.

Last person in book I read. Frank Fink the Jewish guy in the man in the high castle. Shit.

the electron, dumbass

it's a great book tbh

colonel-commisar ibram gaunt
id be ok i guess


The Art of the Deal

>set for life despite bankruptcies
>own millions of dollars in real estate
>lots of friends in powerful places
>might become president
>do whatever i want because i don't care who hates me
>hot wife

i could get used to it

>Protagonist of The 48 Laws of Power

I'm chill wit it

Perturabo, Lord of Iron.
The feels.

my nigga

you guys can stay

Ah fuck. I'm Josef K. in Kafka's "The Trial".
So, pretty fucked.
Like, stabbed in the heart twice, knife blade twisted, like a dog - that kind of fucked.

>The Screwtape Letters

I'm ok with this

Oh fuck, I don't want to be a Jew.

youre screwed man, game over

Jesus Christ in the Bible. I'm pretty sure (YOU) are fucked

Sick af ww2 fighter pilot

I'm Greg Sestero, who played Mark in The Room. So I'm pretty based, but also very busy.

>tfw last book I read was the first Game of Thrones book



I'd have to figure out which character is the protagonist first.

youre american politics tier fucked

Another Artyom reporting in.

this is an awesome little book to be honest.

Lord of the rings. Cool

I'm just recording the neglect amd gluttony of our hierarchy.

I feel I could be worse off.

Boy in the Striped Pajamas.

I gas I'm screwed

artyom had some serious plot armor, he literally gets rescued out of every situation at the last minute


>reading tolkien books
ok little guy thats nice, whats next... harry potter?

>sense of humor is for heretics
>relaxing is for heretics
>not spending every second collecting fancy paper scrolls is for heretics

Last book I read was Metro 2034, coincidentally. So that kind of depends on which protagonist I am

Quit acting like you're better, faggot.

I like to immerse myself in a fantasy world from time to time to read a series I neglected as a child.
Sue me

that book doesn't have a protagonist

>Collecting fancy paper scrolls
Knowledge is for heretics, heretic. A life of service to the immortal God-Emperor is all a man could ask for.

im philosophically based

Not a singular one, but it does have two main characters who share the role

Not too bad I must say.

It would be much worse 2 books ago - I would have been in 1984...

apparently i am a giant sleeper agent Ai ship now.

Oh cool

is hunter a protagonist or antagonist? the book was so confusing and horribly written.

lore and action were only things keeping me reading

I like when they know they're wrong and decide to shut the fuck up

well there is hunter...and artyom gets mentioned from tome to time.. but honestly heres my real point...2034 was real fucking disappointment in comparison to 2033

I think you got the wrong post.

literally based as fuck. could not be happier with this outcome

yea i agree

>love story between two characters who barely ever interacted
>long boring plot involving some old guy and his book (why do we even care?)
>hunter turns into an invincible murderer
>artyom isn't even the real artyom or atleast i fucking hope not
>not finishing the HUGE cliffhanger 2033 ends on or even touching on it

he's a fucking hack author who got luck with one book, i hope 2035 is atleast decent.

2035 is really good if i can believe my polish friend, he says he fixed everything that sucked in the metro last light game story line

Fuck yea

i hope so, the games really fucked up the whole story line of the dark ones and artyom

Sherlock Holmes


translation is coming out next year i've heard

Bilbo Baggins, well shit, atleast i can cook well i guess

cant fucking wait

Neither I'd say. Just a main character. I think the translation didn't work out very well, I found it a bit more difficult to follow than 2033, and a lot of that seemed to be from somewhat poor English

Last book I read was pic related.

Last book I read was The Elements of Eloquence by Mark Forsyth (which is fucking great!).

Last fiction I read was Conan: The Tower of the Elephant.

I'm ok with all of these.

>everything went better than expected


The Infects. Pretty based plus I get laid with a thick slut

That is the last book I just read.
I can't wait to come face to face with a bunch of angry gorillas.


Fuck yeah middle earther


Dostoievski is amazing