What do you think of this man Sup Forums?

What do you think of this man Sup Forums?

Pardon for the inception, but he was cucked by the very people he was "defending". That's double, maybe triple irony.

A cuck with a peanut-shaped head, who is not worth my time or money.


Wish he'd do a new TV show. He does better in that medium.

that head is shooped?


What's the point? It would be full of politically correct quips and strong female characters of colour.

i want to lick his daughter's asshole clean after she shits a log out of it

I feel kind of bad for him desu. The left is full of cruel monsters bent on doing nothing but attacking their own.

He just wanted to make movies ;_;

The point is I've enjoyed his shows so far. But yeah, I am curious what he'd do after the SJW had their way with him.

He lived long enough to see himself become the villain.

Dude, that's not Ron.

The hero we deserve, he tried to destroy capeshit from the inside with his shitty avenger movies but Disney fired him before he could complete his masterpiece. Snyder is now trying to honor his legacy by doing the exact same thing.

Not much

Hung out with Anita Sarkeesian and then got hung out to dry by his new feminist buddies like a wimpy faggot.

One trick pony and that one trick isn't even good. Revealed as a hack as soon as he tried to work in film.

he is the louis cuck of flick directors

>One trick pony and that one trick isn't even good
LOL, this. Tried re-watching Firefly and it's just horrible. Can't believe I loved that shit back in the day.

Head like a fucking potato

That's because you've become a miserable, jaded little faggot.

Awful writer and a worse director.

Has one trick and he's less than average at it.

Palpatine: Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Whedon the Feminist? I thought not. It's not a story Buzzfeed would tell you. It's a reddit legend. Darth Whedon was a Dark Warrior of Social Justice so powerful and with so much "nerd cred," he could use twitter to influence Hollywood producers to create...television shows which are quicjly cancelled due to low ratings. He had such a knowledge of feminism, he could even keep the shows he cared about...from boycotts.
Anakin: He could actually...keep tumblerinas from bitching?
Palpatine: The dark side of feminism is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.
Anakin: What happened to him?
Palpatine: He became so feminist, the only thing he was afraid of was being accused of misogyny...which, eventually of course, he was. Unfortunately, he taught his fanbase everything he knew. Then fanbase killed him in his twitter feed. Ironic. He could save others from cuckoldry...but not himself.

Developing standards for good filmmaking isn't cynicism, it's the opposite. A jaded cynic wouldn't even demand quality.

wait, that's his daughter? holy shit

What's his trick?

He makes me angry, but I liked Firefly and Buffy, guy should stick to TV.


I thought that was Ron Howard and was gonna say I wanna fuck his oldest daughter

But now I got nothing


Is it possible to learn this power?


massive cuck

Cuck, SJW, wasted one of the best Marvel villains, really average and forgettable comic book writer.

so true



Not from a cuck.