Do you guys drive a car? What's it like to drive a car for a really long time?

Do you guys drive a car? What's it like to drive a car for a really long time?

It's a freeing experience. Not having to rely on people or transit for rides is an amazing feeling

Yeah fuck public transit

I like to run people down just to feel the bump

Learning to drive sucks; it can be scary and nerve racking because of how much thinking you have to do. I've been driving for 4 years now and it seems like nothing to me.

it's nice playing pokemon go while you drive because if you live, you're playing pokemon go. and if you die you get to feel the sweet embrace of death

At what age did you fully learn how to drive?

>for a really long time
Like without stopping? Maybe twice a year I do a 24hr drive and it's a blast. I enjoy driving that route by myself. Smoke a bunch of cigs, eat candy, listen to music and sports talk.

I feel like you guys don't drive alpt if you drive why are you on Sup Forums? Don't you have car stuff to do? Like check your car or drive somewhere?

I shitpost while driving all the time. Driving in itself can get boring

Get yourself some dank shit like pic related and you'll have a good time. Remember, it doesn't matter how fast it is, as long as it gets your dick hard, it's the right car.

You in cali?

I don't how you can drive and still be on Sup Forums

I've been a licensed driver for 33 years. I've commuted to work nearly every day of that time, plus all the other running around that needs to be done to support a household.

I still enjoy driving, but through the years it has become more of a chore. In retirement I'd like to live in a city that has an extensive transit system so that I can drive less, or not at all.

Wow finally an adult response

give me your car

Not done with it yet. Be around in a few more years when I retire and sell everything off. I'll make you a hell of a deal.

I'm a cargo courier so I drive for a living. I drive a 2002 Dodge Grand Caravan. Longest trip so far was 12 hours one way.

It's great for long trips, would recommend for any road trip. 7 passengers or 1000lbs cargo and if well maintained last forever. Mine is coming up on 350000 miles

can you mail it to me?

I love driving, I plan on getting a sport bike soon as well

Shipping might get a little expensive. I'll send you the antenna and a gas cap.

just take it apart and ill put it together

What do you do for so long in a car?

Fair warning, sport bikes are fun, but not for long trips.

Listen to music, mostly. Sometimes I'll listen to a movie or audio book. Plug my tablet into the stereo.

Oh I would definitely use my car for long trips, no cargo space on a bike lol

I drive just for the hell of it. Huge car guy. It's fun for me, most people get bored though.

My van

that your yata?
hoping to get one soon

Nah that was FL, just a crazy cloud in the late afternoon building over the ocean

Idk, I've been driving for 12yrs and drive for work and still find it relaxing. I was always the one when I was younger who offered to drive whenever a group of friends went somewhere and that hasn't changed yet.

Nice tractor. You own it?

What do you guys drive, I drive a Volkswagen beetle 1972 myself bc I love it and it was a gift from my parents (both had the same first car) so the buy one for me

Sweet. Always loved vintage Beetles.

After a while you get a boner

Nah. I would buy a KW or Pete if I did OTR and bought my own truck. I do local and just kinda hop in whatever is around. Normally Kenworths but some Internationals and Freightliners too.

>smoking menthols
faggot detected

I drive an '01 Volvo S60 turbo

I'm sorry for your loss

Check my boner dubs

soccer mom/10

I've always love it, and is a sentimental think too you know, like I said I was my paps and moms first car so they wnted have one for my first car too, it was soo cheap too the paint job was a shit, the engine needed a lot of work too, it was fun learn about it and try to fix it with my pap

Pic? I'm not familiar with this model

It's actually been a great car. Came with full service records from 2001 to the year I bought it. Timing belt had just been replaced at 65000 miles, all the recommended maintenance was done. Got it for $3200. I'm happy with it

Not mine, but same color

Been driving for 12 years. Its a meh experience now. Feels good when picking up prostitutes and going for a drink a few blocks over after

That "soccer mom-mobile" earns me $1200 a week.