I need more movie essential images. Will dump my folder
I need more movie essential images. Will dump my folder
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Do you have a /warcore/?
I have a .rar with like a hundred of these lists that I got from here years ago. Too lazy to post them all though.
I would love to have those, could you upload the rar to mega or something?
Some films in that list are printed twice
>no Michael Mann
bold move
>no Army Dog
thanks man
How are Wag the Dog and Primary Colors not on that list?
Wag the Dog is at the end of the second row
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit Ritalin.
entry-level is actually ultra top tier best films, especially the beginning, while mid-level is in fact bottom low tier
remove the masterpiece which taxi driver is from this list
80% is ultra top tier, the rest is pure shit like 120 days of sodom, are you fucking kidding me? how could someone dare to place 8½, The Rules of the Game, Bicycle Thieves, L'Avventura and the rest with pure shit-eating film? Absolutely disgusting.
>no Silent Hill
>of cinema history
>man with a movie camera not even mentioned