Any asianfags on Sup Forums? plan on calling in work tomorrow cuz of the killings in japan, dat shit is embarrassing...

any asianfags on Sup Forums? plan on calling in work tomorrow cuz of the killings in japan, dat shit is embarrassing, same thing as the VT shooting when i found out the shooter was asian.

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Does Kyrgyzstan count?
Shit man thats just sad.


dats middle eastern, u more related to sand niggers not asians

How the fuck am i sand nigger?
yeah im muslim but i don't look anything near eastern

u look asians but not part of them u still middle eastern related wit ur goofy lookin ass motherfucka

I'm Chinese and Filipino. Ching chong bitch.

Are you legitimately retarded?


Japanese Fag. Had family that used to live there, moved to yokohama a couple years ago though.

op here, but seriously im not going to work tomorrow cuz dis is an embarrassment to the whole asian community.... and when VT happened in the past i call in for a week

I know the shit sucks but not going in to work because of it? Unless you're mourning doesn't really make sense.

theres only a few asians at my workplace dats y im not going in

You're not making any sense. Why would the number of Asian people at work determine whether or not you go?

u don't get it... its a asian thing, if a tragedy happen and the perpetrator was asian its a embarrassment to our community. we asians are expected to never commit theses violent acts.

>we Asians
So you're Japanese? Was your fault harmed in the attack? Did it personally affect you? Are you even part of the community where it happened?

If not, stop being a lazy asshole and go to work. You're using this tradegy as an excuse not to do your job and claiming embarrassment and solidarity as the reason.
That's fucking disgusting.

Being Japanese myself I don't really get where he's going either.

no, but im asian and live in a small town america where racism and bigotry still exist, and when VT shooting happened that was our 9/11, lots of hate went towards asians ppl

Oh, so you're just being an autistic bitch. Go to work. The stabbing had nothing to do with you and you have no reason to be embarrassed. If other people are assholes, oh well. You do you.

fuck u nigga, u don't know wat its like being asian in a small town in american full of hicks, one wrong move they hang u up on a tree, and im not going to work only 1 day, im calling in sick fo real tho

>How the fuck am i sand nigger?
>yeah im muslim but i don't look anything near eastern

> an Asian guy on 4chins is telling me I don't know what it's like to be a repressed minority.

Fuck you, you absolutely ass-backwards shit stabber. You're being a little bitch because you're afraid someone is going to bully you when you go to work. Deal with it. Are you just going to run and hide whenever there's a tradegy completely unrelated to you an ocean away. Stop using other people's pain as an excuse not to do what you need to do.
Jesus Christ, you're acting like no one else has any experience dealing with people different than them. I'm black and I've lived in both cities and small towns in the South. I know exactly what you're going through. The solution isn't to complain and act like a victim though.

>he thinks all Muslims are Arabic and live in the middle east
There's plenty of black, Muslim Africans and Muslims in both central and southeast Asia. There's a disconnect between what you quoted and the Wikipedia link because your logic only makes sense to you.

I bet you're 3rd rate asian, something like filipino the mexicans of asia. Shut the fuck up yuo faggot