Just watched this.
So why didn't Vincent just rent a car?
Just watched this.
So why didn't Vincent just rent a car?
I didnt watch the movie but I assume because it is a tracable method for a contract killer?
He wanted Max to blamed for the murders. He did something similar in the past.
As you would know if you had paid attention to the movie.
His plan was to frame the cab driver for the murders and then make the driver's death look like a suicide. He offhandedly mentions a driver who went on a murder/suicide spree and the implication was that it was actually a driver that Vincent had framed on a previous killing spree.
Also, IIRC he's not the real Vincent. He bumps into Jathan Statham in the beginning and takes his suitcase, which I interpret as him taking the list of targets so he could be the hitman and collect the bounty.
Though your pic related does raise the painfully obvious question of why would he get into an insane shootout inside the club when he could've just waited for the fat Asian guy to leave and shot him in the parking lot?
Either way the cab was traced anyways. So really having to rent car wouldn't impose as such a burden to him as compared to having to deal with Electro and him throwing away his briefcase and shit
Why didn't he just use Uber
This. Framing the cab drivers is how he stays off the radar. No one looks for a hitman because there is no reason to
He would have been leaving while surrounded by an FBI tactical team
Also he can use the crowds of civilians as cover
He was planning on making it seem like the taxi driver did the murders to erase his tracks if I remember correctly.
The point is that Vincent could blend in and no one wold remember he was there. He was unassuming and didn't call attention to himself, and when he fires a fun that doesn't call attention to himself so much as makes people run away, so the night club was still tactically sound.
>Cab was traced
Not if he destroyed all records. Do people watch movies anymore or just have them on in the background and then complain on the internet about how it makes no sense? Don't answer that.
In 2016 this would make for the kind of movie that would totally get greenlit.
he didn't have a license
who would drive the car?
Mann should really drop this camcorder meme he thinks is so cool.
It ruined every movie he's made since Collateral. Looks like fucking shit.
Get real, Mann.
what does this even meme?
That it looks like it was recorded with a Sony Camcorder?
How does it look like shit? Most of the movie is done inside the car, hard to set up full sized cameras inside of a car in LA without custom building downtown LA.
I think the real question is, why did the movie stop 30 seconds after Vincent dies?
Two hours of character development and Jamie Foxx just literally walks off into the sunrise.
Mann peaked in 1995 and has been getting worse every since. Collateral was an accident, and he fucked it by not giving it and ending.
So who wins? John Wick or Vincent?
Wick is adaptable.
Because of what he said at the start, how a man died on a subway in LA and people didn't notice he died for hours while his body was just roaming the city.
It was sort of what was gonna happen to his body so there is no point in showing it.
His experience with Vincent showed him how precious his life is and motivated him to chase his limo company dreams. Meeting Vincent shook him out of the apathy he had regarding his own existence.
I really didn't feel the movie needed to go much further, there was enough devlopment with him and her already, and with everyone else, all bases coverd, the end was nigh. it happened, no one thought it ended suddenly but you.
maybe, watch more movies.
you really didn't watch the movie that close.
And he wears body armor.
>tfw your mom treats random Tom Cruises better than you that visit her in the hospital
Depends if John Wick is back or not.
I think he's back tho.
Not even a competition
Vincent is just a smartish very prepared assassin and sounds plausible
Wick is borderline comicbook overpowered, I mean even the whole hotel thing yells fiction as fuck.
Those fucking flowers man, shit made me sad.
>showing it
I'm not talking about Vincent's story, I'm talking about Max's story. The movie had a climax but literally no denouement. That's literature 101.
>Wick is borderline comicbook overpowered, I mean even the whole hotel thing yells fiction as fuck.
But Wick gets his shit pushed in multiple times throughout the movie and only manages to scrape by because of help from his acquaintances.
>his experience motivated him to....
Except we don't know that, the movie did not dedicate a single action or line of dialogue to Max's life post-Vincent. Max walked off the train, credits.
He didn't become great until the 2000s, when he left all the plebs in the dust.
I only recall that happening twice when Dafoe helps him but I mean you're talking about someone that takes out like 60goons allthrough the movie, back to back with full auto rifles and an Hotel that revolves around assassins and illegal activities or some shit.
Vs Vincent who only fights a few gooks, maybe killing 5 and it never escalates to anything past pistols.
Win at what? Checkers?
It depends in John Wick sees him coming or not. Wick could be standing in line at the grocery store and get popped from behind the soup display, but if Vincent tips himself off then he has no chance.
I did, I thought that was the connection for Mark Ruffalo's character to be incentivized to help out Max, but I didn't think it was Vincent who also did the same thing before with another cab, could be any other guy
Vincent gets killed by a cab driver
>retarded question
This ADHD riddled piece of shit is the new bright generation.
>no one thought it ended suddenly but you
It's not my opinion it ended suddenly, it's a fact. It did. Google "denouement." It had a climax but no ending.
And there's plenty of people who watch Michael Bay movies, those people are also wrong.
>didn't become great until the 2000s
Watch more movies.
His best three all came out before the GWB administration, and while "The Insider" did get nominated for a heap of awards, it was still a by-the-numbers procedural. If you have not seen "Heat" then get the fuck off this board right fucking now.
I'm assuming it's one of those "it's up to the audience to decide where the characters will go from now on"
Given the circumstances, Max will probably live out a new life and look at thing differently now thanks to Vincent
>tfw you have to post on a board with plebs of this caliber
Vincent has all his skill points in stealth, John Wick in combat. You play to your skillsets.
There's a chart on the internet somewhere ranking the swordfighting skils of characters in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies, and it notes that Captain Jack is actually the worst swordfighter. But he has other skillsets (and in fact beats a superior swordfighter in the first 20 minutes of COBP).
Same principle. Toe-to-toe it's Wick, but Vincent wouldn't be so stupid as to let it get that far (except, you know, that he did in his own movie).
>Max will probably
If I have to imagine what happens then why did I go to the movie in the first place. I could have stayed at him and imagined Javier Bardem raping Max for hours and hours.
This movie started off pretty good but got more retarded as it got near the end. The way the last hit turned out to be the nigga gal was wayyyy too predictable and convenient. Also the way a fucking cab driver suddenly turned into Jason Bourne (over a woman he barely knew) was laughable.
That blonde bitch was so fucking hot, the brown one was shit.
I don't understand why it took him so long to snap, it would have been his word of a respectable whatever the fuck he was vs 2 random sluts.
I've seen all of Mann's (available) films multiple times and have watched all his tv projects except for a few episodes of Starsky & Hutch, Bronk and Gibbsville. I'm probably the biggest Mann fan on this board. I don't think he ever made a bad (theatrical) film, and I like them all, but his post-The Insider films are when his mature style reaches its full flowering and are my favourite.
>stayed at home
>looking for logical coherence in an Eli Roth movie
Why do people even work with this idiot.
We're all very excited that you learned a new word. Good job.
>he never made a bad film
Um. Stream "Blackhat."
His directorial style is aces, but you're being a little too fanboy. His scripts are frequently shit and that's what makes a great movie. Spielberg has had the same problem for 20 years.
"Public Enemies" for example, was directed within an inch of its life, stunning sets and performances and action sequences. The script was stupid as fuck, illogical. historically inaccurate, and unsatisfying. Ergo, bad fucking movie.
Fun fact: Jason Statham is portraying Frank Martin (aka The Transporter) in this movie
Yes, Collateral and The Transporter 2/3 are in the same fictional universe
Have you tried to looking for parking in LA?
Yesterday I went to fairfax, shit was a nightmare
I think the issue at hand is you HAVEN'T learned it.
Blackhat's a visual masterpiece and one of his best films
you're going to get a lot of steam for calling out Blackhat as a bad film with Mann fanboys
No one outside of unregulated imdb has said this.
>fun fact
This isn't confirmed, just a fan theory, but I still like it.
Yeah okay, we're done here.
Was Vincent autistic?
go pleb up some other thread
I didn't realize anyone was defending that movie, it came and went pretty quickly. It was a movie about the modern state of internet security written by someone with an AOL account.
Or is it because anons all imagine they look like Thor?
Wick. He adapts to his situation and is just as good, if not better than, Vincent in every type of combat. Wick also wears body armor and carries backup weapons. Vincent does not.
Vincent dies specifically because for all his shittalking about Darwinism and survival of the fittest, Vincent is incapable of adapting and breaking his routine. He shoots a doorframe not once, not twice, but three goddamn times, just because he's used to shooting in that pattern and never deviates from it. Which is why Max spraying and praying manages to clip him.
We wouldn't have had the best club shootout scene if he had. Only John Wick's club scene rivals this.
>His scripts are frequently shit and that's what makes a great movie
For you. What interests me is the director's role in the film. The script can be weak but if the direction and filmmaking is great, I am likely to enjoy it. That said, Collateral has a dumb script and is his weakest film, for me, even though the direction is good. I wish I could like it as much as everyone else does. Maybe I'll rewatch it if it is released in 4K
>Standard 1v1 fistfight
Wick wins
>Standard 1v1 shootout
Wick wins
>Contract put on Wick
Vince gets him and a cabbie takes the blame
>Contract put on Vince
Shootout occurs, Wick wins but now has to dodge police and is quite possibly suffering from a bullet wound
>Hair modeling competition
Vince wins
>Beard modeling competition
Wick wins
>Quipping competition
He wears the exact same fucking suit
>Beard modeling competition
>Wick wins
Nah. Tom Cruise can grow a much better beard than Keanu. Keanu is a patchy mess.
Yes because a random cab driver shooting people that are connected through a trial against a criminal organisation absolutely isn't. Note that the movie says Vincent already used the same method once before. As shitty as it sounds he could have used public transport, steal a car or get one through his contacts that isn't traceable. The cab thing was just for the sake of the story to get 2 different people together in a small place, it made 0 sense
Despite what you think about him going digital it is clear he stopped giving a fuck about any sort of story once he did
and his films have done nothing but benefit from it
all Mann is great (outside of maybe THE KEEP, PUBLIC ENEMIES, and THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS) but it's clear that he has only improved over time
>People try to decide whether John Wick or Collateral has the better club fight
A better question is, which ones has the better club fight soundtrack?
>John Wick:
Wick. It just feels so intense desu family member
>>Hair modeling competition
>Vince wins
>>Beard modeling competition
>Wick wins
>>Quipping competition
Cruise might be a manlet but he looked pretty cool in Collateral
Keanu looks way too skinny with shitty beard and boring hair.
I wish we got to see more of Tom Cruise's training for Collateral
>Max posing as Vincent
>guy says "I thought you'd be taller"
>Jaime Foxx is 2 inches taller than Tom Cruise
>they are both manlets
I got a kick out of that scene
Who is this semen demon?
Who is this fluid druid?
Who is this boner toner?
Who is this sperm worm?
Who is this cum plum?
Who is this dong deity?
Who is this stiffy stimulator?
Who is this testicle tamer?
Who is this penis venus?
Who is this wiener witch?
And no, I'm not talking about Keanu Reeves
Also shitty YouTube compression is shitty
It's really obvious why he didn't rent a car.
First, his plan wasn't to stick with one cabby. He just entered a random cab and told him where to drive. On the way to the first killing he quickly evaluated Max as a reliable and most importantly strict driver who can estimate the time to the destination very accurately.
And after the first killing went wrong (the body fell on the car) there was no way that he would leave Max so it was certain then that he must use him. He also saw that Max was a bit labile so he figured he can easily manipulate him.
He really was the perfect driver for the job. Until the chick got targeted then all of a sudden Max became superman but that's irrelevant.
>Wick gets shot and immediately gets his ass handed to him by a random mook because he's in such extreme pain
Why don't more action movies do this kind of stuff? It was refreshing, hadn't seen the hero be vulnerable since fucking Die Hard
Once you figure out the tricks it gets less interesting, you must be in high school or something.
I watched the pilot for "Luck," and while he did direct the shit out of it, the script was as generic and boring as it could possibly be. I had if he lost a bet.
I assume the writers are children who want invincible characters.
>Once you figure out the tricks it gets less interesting, you must be in high school or something.
An original aesthetic is a trick? We need more tricks then.
some extra who probably got paid like 50 bucks total
>directors start caring about style over substance
I don't understand the fascination with this. When Spielberg directs the shit out of the worlds worst script (The Lost World) he gets shit on, but there are people out there who think Public Enemies was kino?
Watch more movies.
>putting Mohicans at the bottom
Fuckin' dropped.
The fucking director confirmed it
>random hottie extra who only get a closeup because she gives the director a boner
>an original aesthetic
It's not an original aesthetic. It's something the director has done before. With the exception of shooting all his movies with a GoPro, Mann peaked in 1995 (hence the earlier comment), and everything else you're seeing he stole from himself. Where you're telegraphic your failures is the high school philosophy of, "Movies that came out in my lifetime are the best of all possible worlds," which just means you need to reach back into the past a bit.
>Citation Needed
director here. can confirm
Because he's lonely wagecuck that wants to experience connection in a totally disconnected city.
>Mann peaked in 1995
If you are saying this you value different things about Mann than I do.
Makes sense. I forgot his targets were under federal witness protection.
>being this lazy
>value different things
Well yes, that's not in dispute, the point here is the things you're sticking up for are stupid.
>"I like them."
Okay, fine, you like shiny objects with no substance. Not my thing, but have fun.
>"These things I like are superior."
No, they're derivative and repetitive. Mann has a different aesthetic from Spielberg, and both have directed classic movies, but neither of them have done so since the mid-1990s.
Reminder that Tom Cruz is a basket-case midget.
delete thisd
What did you think of the Miami Vice movie and Public Enemy?
Mann's two best. It took me a while to get Public Enemies, after disliking it for a long time.