Would you fuck this Sup Forums?

Would you fuck this Sup Forums?

She has chicken tenders for legs
But also has nice tits
Weird boner

Hell no

Tendies tendies!


For sure. Anal at the very least.

The real question is whether she'd stoop low enough to fuck any of us.

Well, she's not fat, so probably.

Of those tits are perky, then yes.

Sup Forums would fuck anything with a pulse


idk shes got some sweet ass moves, maybe id show her some of my sweet ass moves to

If I could cut the feet off first

Definetely not, but for sure talk my buddy into it.

Jesus christ my dick is flailing all over the table. This excites him.

Checked and seconded

Never thought about sex with a penguin

is that The Law?

That stump is perfectly shaped for prostate manipulation.
Would sit on repeatedly/10.

How does she whip her ass ?

would fuck, but pull out.
world doesn't need any more of those fucked up genes.

Well it's not like she's getting away

I guess...
Yeah. Yeah I would.
I'd fuck her so hard she would cry.
And then I'd hold her like a little baby and give her kisses.

chckd and thirded

Reminds me a bit to the girl in this doujin.

Sup Forums would fuck anything

I'd pick her up in my arms
Take her into the deep end of the pool
Drop her and say
"There! You're fucked!"

i honestly dont understand why she dosnt just have the floppy bits cut off. a cleaner stump would be sexyer and she could have prosthetics put on

pic related

