Which MBTI personality type are you?

Which MBTI personality type are you?


Thoughts on your results?

sorry to burst your bubble, but there aren't only 16 types of personality

there are about 7.4 billion of them

if you feel your personality can be fully described by a set of percentages, then I feel bad for you

*Tips fedora

It's a generalisation. Not all of it will be completely accurate, and it tries to not be very specific in its description for that reason.

I just took the test for fun, to see how accurate it would be. It wasn't too far off for me.

I always get INTP or ESFP
I suppose one of them is really me. The other is my front.

Do you answer the same and get different results?

I've never considered taking the test again to see if it's consistent. I did take it a few months ago, so I don't remember my exact answers, but it probably wouldn't differ too much.

Roast me faggots.

>100% 2x


>tfw INTJ


Can't be as bad as INFJ


I am my own worse enemy


You're so borderline though. It's hard to make a conclusive decision based on that one test.

I like it because when you read your type you can see which ones you disagree with and wonder why, it's a fun way to realize things about yourself. Some fags just take it waaaay to seriously.

The most common one

INTJ is only about 2%, so it isn't the most common one.

I'm ok with being a cold hearted dick


I got INFJ the three times I did it

>The Architect

The Mediator


Well yes. I find it strange that someone would disagree with their own personality.

Mah nigguh

you're so stupid everybody is not a special snowflake



did not expect

Ha 12 min

What do you mean? What you thought you were like isn't what the results show? Do you agree with the results?



ESTP or Entrepreneur
Yeah I'm a psychopath

I'm retarded, I only have stats, couldn't get full page since I'm on mobile.

I know that feel bro

Every time I take a personality test, I always get INTP, do you guys switch back and forth?


sometimes INTJ, sometimes ISTJ, not always the same

well there we go.


Es and Fs drive me nuts.
EFs make me want to leave the room with haste.


Everybody here are "ISTJ" or "ENTJ" while being turbulent as fuck.

You guys are just a bunch of pussies

>tfw 90% assertive, boss as fuck

I got that too, suppressingly

INTP here

It's interesting seeing these threads as over a long period of time, you start to see a change in what kind of people go on Sup Forums. Around a year ago, literally 90% of the people in threads like these were INTPs and INTJs. Sup Forums has changed quite a bit.

For me, some are just too fucking annoying.

3rd time doin' the test, always ENTP, last few times 'Extraverted' was around 51-54 percent. Really close to being INTP.

Fuck those whiny F guys. I hate those emotional fags..

Ay fellow ENTPs

You're me but introverted. ENTP-A here. Why don't you talk more? :)

Pretty balanced user

The test, after you take it at least 7 times, shows the most accurate results. But trying to be a certain personality can mess it up.

Any other intp-t people in here, I'm feeling lonely :(

Thanks, but not my life. Thats messed up.

Descriptions fits perfectly, what I've read.

Any ENTP here with a job?