Bullies Thread

Bullies Thread

Tell me your story about Bullies, user

6th grade.
Hispanic kid.
I ate part of his hand when he tried to choke me.
Was good, fam.

I bought a gun to school to scare mine off.

Got arrested shooting garbage cans un a back alley before I could even threaten him with it.

I hot every to team up on my bully. Dude had a nervous breakdown and had to leave school permanently. Kek.

>be me
>freshman year, high school
>black kid keeps fucking with me
>Finally had enough.jpg
>Tell him i will shoot him if he fucks with me again.
>Never fucks with me again

I was one fucked up kid..

I used to make my bully eat dog shit. Little fucked did it too.

I told some chick "haha, your dad died" in 6th grade or something like that

One time I pushed a bully out the second floor of our school. Got pretty fucked up. I told if he ever told I would kill him.

Got bullied in school because I got triggered over the word Applesauce. I got over it in a year and it occurred less frequently. Worst year of my life

Excellent trigger. Mine is Canada. Fucking mooching assholes.

you address us as "Sup Forums", not "user"
fucking summer

I almost drowned in the school pool. My bully for 4 years jumped in to save me. He stopped bullying me after that. Kinda weird ending to it all

>High school, Halloween, cafeteria.
>School thinks it's a good idea to have kids come to school in their costumes.
>Come in mine, eating lunch, principal gets up on stage to make 'safety' announcement.
>Finishes announcement, leaves, some nigger twice my size decides it's a good idea to grab my mask and play keep away with it.
>Play nice and politely ask for my mask back several times.
>Eventually yank my mask away from him and get up in his face (he's about 4 inches taller)
>He shoves me, I shove him, he shoves back I hit the floor.
>Get up and roundhouse kick the guy to the face, breaking his nose
>Last thing I remember is having him on the ground in the fetal position with a security guard checking him out to make sure he's not dead
>I lean past the security guard and kick the guy in thy stomach.

>In class
>Retarded skinny nigger running about with his friend
>Each time he passes, he kicks the leg of my chair
>Get tired of it after three or four times, throw the chair back, grab him by the throat, lift him off the floor, and slam him against a wall
>Growl out through gritted teeth "Kick my chair again and I'll break your fucking legs."
>Teacher tells me to stop and we both sit back down
>A week later, find out he moved schools.


I was a bully of sorts, not the typical take your lunch money bully but i was just really vicious and mean.

I used to attack people for insignificant things like bumping into me, and when i attacked i did pretty bad damage. Including rupturing testicles, cracking someone's skull, and knocking out teeth which got me sent to anger management.



No Felix, although the ruptured testicle story involves someone named Kevin.

year is 2010
been bullied whole life
niggers threw me against lockers
spics threw my food away
therapist gave me meds that made me crazy
threatened to kill them all
they came to my house
i threw a knife at them
police came
police sent me to mental institution
year is 2012
just got released from institution
goes to new school
no niggers fuck with me
no spics fuck with me
year is 2016
most bullies died from heroin
the others are locked up for robbing gas station

Did ya fish that image outta you're 2006 Memebase folder friendo? Had to find a use for it eh?

I once had a bully try to pick on me and my friends and I ended up smashing a rock across his face during recess I had to go to therapy

nope i googled it

Got bullied alot as a kid, 2 main bullies, luckily one was killed in michigan during vacation, many years later, at the bar and see asshole bully, by this time im no longer a compmete faggot, "accidently bump" into him, when he tries to say something, start beating his ass, stomp on him and everything, faggot ass didnt recongnize me, best feeling in the world, wish i had had the balls to do it when i was younger

It's 1999, a couple of months after Columbine.
My friends and I have been wearing tench coats for years.
Learn that a group of kids want to beat us with bats.
Have a friend in the weight-lifting class.
He gets them to show up when fucks are going to do.
They leave like bitches.
If not that, a gun.

>7th grade
>gym class
>didnt want to shower with other guys
>rapist redneck kids tried to get me to shower
>teasing, taking my stuff, pushing and shoving
>didnt help that i was a complete nerd, had my gba on me all the time
>went on for months
>gym teacher didnt 2 fucks about anything
>one day 4 of them tried to pick me up and carry me in there
>i fucking snapped
>punched 1 in the dick
>kicked another in the head
>broke their grasp
>threw some volleyball crank thing at another
>broke his jaw/nose, messed up his face, blood everywhere
>tackled the last 1 into the wall
>concussion and 2 broken ribs

From then on nobody fucked with me. Though it helped that I was the tallest and biggest kid in school by a large margin. The only way to deal with a bully is aggresive, rapid brute force. Kept a 6" Buck knife in my locker after that.

Not fucked up, survival. Fuck that animal.

I don't believe you, but fuck do I want to fap to this story.

>The only way to deal with a bully is aggresive, rapid brute force
Wish i had known this when i was a kid, i was bullied bad, until i learned i had to fight back, when i started foghting back i would get beat up, but they would think twice about it cause i didnt go out without a fight


Took me a long time to learn that as well. Didn't have any strong male role models in my life to teach me these things.

I believed the whole "ignore then and they'll stop. They just want a reaction from you so don't give them one" nonsense. Total fucking bullshit. A bully's favorite target is someone who will sit there and just ignore their abuse.

Three ways: Tell, kill, or be a bitch. There are many variations, but it comes down to the three. What will you do?

hope you're doing well user

Yeah dude. Fuck what people say about violence, sometimes it's the only option. Only as a reactionary tool. I'm only violent when somebody is violent to me. And shit, I was raised by my mother and sisters.

Self-defense. If you feel threatened, do what you have to do to end that feeling. It's not up to you to decide what their motive is.

I'm not sure if by kill you mean actually ending a life but this faggot (senior I think) in my freshman year(after the shower thing) was fucking with my friends and messing with their stuff. He pushed my best friend into a trophy cabinet and broke the glass, my friend got blamed. So I went up behind this faggot when he was standing by a vending machine and slammed 3 thick books on the back of his head, dropped like a fucking rock, didn't wake up for 3 hours. He never fucked with anybody again. Possibly because brain damage.

Sometimes calculated preemptive strikes are also necessary to prevent further bullying. Fuck people who prey on the weak. I will destroy you.

the most bullshit stories ive ever read

That was like... super bad for him. Yeah, murder may not be necessary, but it sounds like you tried.

And YES, destroy them.


I wanna do what you did

Did you leave point yet, nigger?

No story. I was bullies from 7th grade till i left high school. Gave me a thick skin, but i coped alone.

>6th grade
>Second week of school
>New kid
>Have no friends and know nobody
>White kid starts harassing me
>Shoves me into lockers
>Swipes my CD player out of my hands (The year is 2004 btw)
>Real cocky, jock kid
>Had a real abnoxious loud laugh
>One day I'm crouching facing my locker
>Kid shoves me head first into the locker
>I snap and and grit my teeth
>I chase him and tackle him from behind
>He turns over facing me
>I must have hammer-fisted him at least 50 times
>Elbowed him 2 or 3 times
>He's bleeding from both nostrils
>Left eyebrow is cut and left eye is swollen shut
>Teacher pulls me off him
>The kid is on the ground crying and bloody
>Circle of 100 or so kids clapping for me
>Was my first and only fight
>Best moment of middle school

>Oh, and I got suspended for 10 school days.

>Come to find out a few years ago he died from a form of lymphoma.

Anderson? Seriously if it's you what's your middle name. I still remember.

I told some kid I was gonna kill his whole family like in the 2nd grade

Femanon here. I was 11 years old and some kids were making my life a living hell. They made sure I didn't have friends. One day, they told me they'd fight me after school. So I waited, loosing my shit. I got on the bus and they were standing. I went up to them but when I tried to throw a punch, a guy grab my arms from the back. So they punched me until the bus driver noticed and put an end to it. Never had the courage to stand up for myself after that. Was bullied for 7 years total.Because of that, I have no self-esteem (I am now 21 years old).

In second grade I told this girl that all babies are born bald and she started crying.

In 6th grade we told this kid the trashcan was gonna rape him and he cried

then show us your tits bitch

Are you fucking 12? damn just search tits on google if you're so desperate

stfu bitch tits or gtfo

I used to take one of my fellow 6th graders water bottle and hide it in various areas of the classroom. He eventually gave up on asking me for it and went to the teacher every time i hod it, and i would get in trouble. Then after getting 4 days in detention in a row, i had enough and fought him. I ended up getting suspended for the next week but it was alright because during that week i got to eat out every day, it was fucking dope.

Why don't YOU shut the fuck up. I don't have to show my tits to anyone you piece of shit

jesus just show tits
you know you want to

TITS or GTFO. Come on. You know deep inside you're just a slut who wants attention.

Shit, that's nothing. When I was in daycare, like 5-6 years old, I threatened a kid with the destruction of the southern hemisphere via nuclear detonation. We're now very close friends.

Quit harassing them you horny fuck, just go on pornhub god dammit


Fucking bitch chill out what the fuck is your problem. Why wont you show your tits you fat bitch

what if i show you my dick? limp as a motherfucker right now because of the drink. but fuck it.

Jesus fucking christ I don't understand why you want us to show our tits so bad I mean that's why there's porn wtf

I'd like to see them taters too please


bc you came to THIS board. shut the fuck up and comply with expectations

Thanks I appreciate it :)

Never had someone bully me.

I had a lot of friends as a kid, used to talk to everyone, but the few times someone tried to make fun of me I'd just shut them down. Gotta let them know you're not a pussy.

>inb4 we got a badass over here

Just advice that works. You don't have to be tough and edgy, just call them out for acting autistic.

Then don't identify yourself as a woman. No one here gives a fuck if you are a grill or not. You have identified (thus breaking your user) to get further attention because your grill. So here is your attention, tits or gtfo.

stupid slut. show us your fat tits

just gtfo. No one wants to see your tits.


Nice dubs. Don't post your lady boobs until the weeb posts his manchild boobs.

I don't recall this board being ONLY about tits but ok my bad.

You weren't even funny why would you continue

this guy gets it

>What I wanted to do to the kids who harassed me but couldn't because I'm a beta fag

>high school
>skipping lunch in bathroom stall cause friends I sat with were on this job training thing for class
>kid walks in alone followed by two niggers
>hear them tell the kid to give them his money
>are you serious, he says
>nigger sees my shoes and realizes someone is listening in
>pushes door open cause I didn't lock it
>I throw a few straight punches without even thinking
>nigger falls back and lands in urinal
>both niggers take off, turns out the kid was an old friend of mine from years ago
>report the blackies, they're expelled
years later, hear that one of them raped a girl at a party and is doing a lot of time in prison now, nice too see bullies and their fucked up lives after school


kek, were you sitting on the toilet or standing up when you starting throwing punches?