We talk about things that could have prevented the biggest terrorist attack on american soil in history

We talk about things that could have prevented the biggest terrorist attack on american soil in history.

A) Parachutes. Installing 100 parachutes on each floor of the world trade center would had saved hundreds if not thousands of lives.

B) Harpoons. Firefighter should from the ground shoot up Harpoons with graple hooks up to the windows so the people stuck could had slided down, almost like in the begining of The Dark Knight when the robbers slide 100 feet in the air from one building to another

C) Trampolins. They should have mounted Hundreds of trampolin under the world trade center. Would have saved lives i'm sure of it.

What do you think could have prevented 9/11 and saved lifes?

>Grapling hooks

Let me guess, you play GTA 5 10 hours each day huh?

I'm not racist or anything but if brown people would have not been allowed to fly an airplain then none of this would had happen... just saying

I'm not sure about the other two but parachutes would had saved hundreds of life, i agree with you OP.

What if we just had a really really big body pillow that we wrapped around them

OP, I don't know what's worse, the samefagging or the sheer stupidity of this thread.

I rather have a faggot same fagging a important disccusion then viewing another useless trap thread or fur shit.


>important discussion
Please stop. It's about people putting trampolines and other zany, wacky ways that would have definitely killed people, at the scene of 9/11.

I'm all for having different types of threads on Sup Forums, but this one is just one person shitposting 4 times.

Parachutes is not a wacky idea what the fuck are you on about? If there were parachutes installed people would have had hope and people would had jumped... and people would had survived.

Why do you think that is wacky?

None of these things could have prevented the attack.

Please explain detailed how none of these could have saved the people who were stuck up on the 70+ floor?

I said it could not have prevented the attack.

>We talk about things that could have prevented the biggest terrorist attack on american soil in history.

What's your deal?

Are not the passengers to blame? Only 1/4 passengers managed to fight back with courage and land the plane on a field. The other 3 passaengers on the plans diden't even resist. Resulting in thousands of more lives being taken.

Sure passengers could have done more. They probably did not conceive that the hijackers were going to crash the plane. I think they probably thought they were hostages for ransom.

Because the air was filed with burning debris. If the people jumping Wew lucky, they would die of smoke inhillation. If they were unlucky the debris would have destroyed their lungs and made breathing impossible.

It would have rained dead and unconscious bodies. Parachuted take 2-5 seconds to open when operated by a professional base jumper. When you put a bunch of untrained people in a worse case scenario, you'll be lucky one person survives. They would have been fighting against fire and crazy heat updrafts as well.

Are you retarded? It was better when I thought you were just shitposting.


The passengers are not to blame. If we would have solid rules and a door that could not be opend by anyone expect the pilots then this would have never happend and the world trade center would have still be standing to this day.

>"...the biggest terrorist attack on american soil in history."

has been Obama's presidency.


Hang gliders on the roof for the rich bosses and multiple helicopters landing on the helipad scooping people up

>thinks America was attacked by a foreign government

I would have to say it would've saved hundreds of lives had there not been thermite expolsives placed on every floor of the building.

not crashing planes into buildings
