ITT: Ask an aspiring trap anything

>ITT: Ask an aspiring trap anything.

disgusting stomach , lose that body fat and you might pass eventually

Sorry. Pic is a bad angle. I'm actually quite slender.

Don't you have anything more worthwhile to aspire to than being female?

I do, yes. I just want this out of my system so I can go on with my life.

what is your diet and workout routine?

I eat normally, actually. I have a high metabolism. As for working out, I do a lot of walking. Keeps my legs and tummy in good shape.


for you is it full time or do you sometimes want to be a guy - also how do you shvae ass

Sometimes want to be a guy. I usually go at it with an electric trimmer, eventually I'll Nair if my skin can handle it.



who hates you more? your parents or yourself?

>how do you shvae ass

how old are you - are you ever gonna go on hrt

My parents have always loved me unconditionally and have always supported my life choices. I love myself as well, of course.

>I love myself as well, of course.
gunna be a hard time explaining your suicide then

I'm in my early 30s, so I'm not sure how effective that will be.

I don't really condone suicide. Nor have I ever considered it.

do your parents know about these particular choices

My father and mother have both seemed aware of it. My father even went as far as asking if I wanted surgery back when I was in my midteens. Wasn't sure how serious he actually was, though.