ORIGNAL cast members coming back to TRANSFORMERS

>Welcome back, @joshduhamel! The universe feels safer with Lieutenant Colonel Lennox on our side. #transformers


Meanwhile Micheal Bays instagram has been posting videos of Tyrese tellin Bay he wants back in!


Tranformers 5 confirmed AutoKino!



Fuck all the marvel/dcfags who spammed capekino and started this Xkino trend

Is Slutfu coming back? She hasn't been working much lately.

no shia no dice

This. I want shia or I'll never watch this advert- I mean movie franchise again.

there are now 18 year olds posting on Sup Forums who grew up with these shit movies and think they're good

The first was kino u fuckin dolt

Transformers Beast Wars movie fucking when?

>inb4 trukk not munky

When Bay quits. Could you imagine the shelformers to that movie? All gnarly with animal body parts making up the robot's body.

>no ones excited about Josh Duhamels return to robotikino


underage b&

why dont you try following the links and seeing who is excited you fucking moron. or is Sup Forums your only outlet? literally tons of ppl on both instagrams are saying how glad they are. now fuck off

>admitting to using instagram

No you fuck off.


>literally the link OP posted

People unironically like this shit?

>out of the billions of people on this planet, you mean to tell me its possible for someone to like something I dont?? Unfathomable...

the return of dumbkino.


>TF4 could have been a based father daughter movie
>instead it was stupid third wheel bullshit with her boyfriend

>She hasn't been working much lately
Why would she? Her dad's a billionaire.

>Expecting quality from Bayformers

I'm just hoping the inevitable remake does the series better, or at least doesn't make Prime a merciless killing machine.

The thing is, had they not fucked up Prime, Bumblebee, or overcomplicated the human plot, T4 would be a solid movie. It was that close but they made baffling stupid choices to prevent it.

Autokino killed me though

rank them. was 4 really that bad? havent seen it yet

These movies are fucking shit but it would be hilarious if based Shia came back

4's biggest mistake was misusing the Dinobots so bad.

1 >>>>>>>>>> 2 > 4 >3


Only gonna see it for Shia

Yeah because when I think of characters I can't wait to see in a Transformers film it's "generic military dude".

Cool, he's not it.

He'd be so cute covered in icing and shit. Just imagine his ten wiggly toes squirming in cake batter

>bringing back Duke and Rip Cord knockoffs
just do G.I. Joe already, Bay

>still no megan fox because speiljew got butthurt she called bay hittler

When will Disney buy back the movie rights?

Guardians of the Galaxy: War for Cybertron

Fuck off under8ge

You know she in TMNT which Bay produces

tyrese begging for a movie role again

Autokino was legit funny tho

Well, if you think about it, he is kinda responsable for two of the highest grossing movies. FF and Transformers.
Man, what if Tyrese has something for autokino?

Do people actually remember any of the human characters from Transformers?

>earn that paycheck Tyrese

One man, alone, betrayed by the country he loves.

No which is funny because one of the producers demands human characters be included so the movies remain relateable.

This dude wasn't in 4 was he? Shameful. Him and the German dude made 3 enjoyable.

Megan Fox too?