I think inherent vice and the master are both better/more enjoyable than there will be blood
Unpopular opinions
Transformers and capeshit are essentially the same thing and their fanbases are just as bad
True dat my man
If you think a movie will be bad and you're going into it ready to hate it, you just shouldn't, you're wasting your own time and money
This. People who go to bad movies to complain are retarded.
Rottentomatoes is correct every single time without question
>le transformers films are so bad. michael bay's such a hack
>hurr explosions, good story mike, haven't seen that one before
>being this smart and having such refined taste compared to the pleb masses is such a curse!
I thought Inherent Vice was kinda bad.
PTA revered the source material too much and didn't adapt it to screen enough. The Pynchonian literary jokes fell flat when translated to the screen.
>not watching bad films to contrast against good films
>not watching a film you expect to be shit and coming out pleasantly surprised by how much you enjoyed it
I know Sup Forums is like pleb-central, but c'mon
If you only watch films you think you'll like, your tastes will forever be limited and you'll miss out on a myriad of great films
>implying movies are worth watching for the mediocre pay-off they typically have.
>posts on a board about television and film
>doesn't enjoy watching movies
What did he mean by this?
I think it does a damn good job. I have a few exceptions, like I love Will Ferrel movies, but understand why they often get a rotten rating.
This is objectively true
movies fucking suck desu, it's so hard to find good ones.
Is that Euron?
It's an opinion at best, and not a very favorable one.
Seriously, why are you on this board?
Wait, this isn't an unpopular opinion right?
It wasn't bad but it's true the script lost almost all the humor, which then was kinda saved by the amazing acting
to discuss TV and the occasional thread about good films
Only a retard would want to be favorable towards capeshit
if you clearly hate any film that your parents/friends didn't force you to watch one time, why do you feel like your opinion on film is worth anything?
I don't know why you are making these autistic assumptions.
>he takes people on Sup Forums's opinions seriously
I don't think he ever said it was, but that shouldn't prohibit him from discussion, should it?