Why didn't cuckfork take the hint?

Why didn't cuckfork take the hint?

Because it gets them more clicks, money, & posts on Sup Forums.

if they do what a trump supporter says, they lose

How's the future?


lol black people hate kanye now he a Uncle Tom ass nigga

He cant speak for black music either


Hahaha smart wordplay

Is Pitchfork white? What percentage of their writers are white?

>lol black people hate kanye now he a Uncle Tom ass nigga
this is why black ppl stay poor
hating on anybody successful

What is it with nigger musicians and reverse racism? Why does race matter when it comes to music? You're not off the hook for making shitty music just because your great grandparents were slaves.

100% of their editors are white. 95% of their readers are white. They've been derided for years for being the epicenter of smug hipster liberal white music Brooklyn-eqsue music criticism. (And yes, I know they're based in Chicago.) If fucking Portlandia makes fun of you for being so much of a stereotype, well, you know.

>reverse racism


Damn, Trump a real-ass nigga

yeah fuck that successful rich Uncle Tom nigga! now hand me my crack pipe I gotta go to the Arab store

Kanye is barely Black tbqhwyfamalam

Didn't you know? If a nigger hates white people it's not racism because whites deserve it. This is literally what they teach at college these days.

>This is literally what they teach at college these days.
you don't go to college
nobody teaches that shit

yeah, they actually teach that black people can't be racist to white people (but if they could it would be reverse racism)

Wanna know how I know YOU don't actually go to college?
It is exactly what they teach these days.
Racism = hate + privilege
If a black person hates a white person for being white, they're not being racist because blacks don't have "power" over whites in society. Even though the fucking president is black, the attorney general (head of all law enforcement) is black, etc.

why are you so racist?

yeah you definitely don't attend college

why aren't you?

When you don't have any more examples because there are almost no other black people with any sort of power in this country so you say "etc" to make it seem like black people have more power than they actually do

Tell me, was racism at play in the Freddie Gray case, when half of the officers involved were black, in a majority black city, where the chief of police was black, the DA was black, the mayor was black, with a federal government where the AG and President were black? And yet somehow it was whitey's fault he died?

yes because every time a police officer shoots someone they check in with the president first


This. It's just racism.

go back to watching high school dropout youtubers like sargon of akkad

lay off the infowars gramps

Have you never heard of women's or ethnic studies?

>mfw racism is just pattern recognition

>guys my favorite youtubers told me this so it must be true!

>9 months later
what did he mean by this

why are blacks only 25% of victims of police shootings despite being so much more likely to have run ins with police? would never guess that by watching major news outlets, lol!

isn't it hilarious that the crowd of people who are totally against policing and authoritarianism are now supporting it cause a famous black guy is on their side

and isn't it hilarious that those same people who constantly bitched about sjews valuing the opinions of black people more than white people are now doing the same thing

You're retarded. My history teacher literally teaches a gender in Latin America course on the side.

What does it say about the media when these youtubers are more reliable?

does she also bully you for being white

Holy shit this is what you're basing on
a fucking class that majority of degrees Aren't required to take
fuck off pls

2016 was this year

lay off the cernovich gramps

>relax guys, only HALF of majors contain left wing indoctrination courses!

that's a dumb question
white people can't be offended or "bullied" by any minority group, because we are an objectively superior race of humans

>hypocritical fear mongering
>appeals to emotions
>people who go out of their way to trigger themselves to bitch about essjews nonstop
>"le neutrals" who have an obvious bias against liberals and feminists but will never attack MRAs and conservatives (cause they usually are those)
>petitions that promote censorship from the people who totally hate it man

your precious youtubers are literally no different from the media you oh so hate

Show me your curriculum right now that forces you to take either of those classes

>anonymous internet whiner

They don't teach that at actual good colleges.

I don't know why you guys are bashing the beacons of free expression that are American universities

Yep, thats pretty much the same experience all 16 million students currently enrolled in US colleges are having.

>"guys i can find single examples every now and then usually with no link to any credible source SEE HOW HORRIBLE THE ESS JAY DOUBLE JEW INDOCTRINATION IS b-b-but those fucking liberals only care about emotions"

>black women are not hot

>actually being proud of having your mind molded around degeneracy

liberals care about free speech, retard

wait a fucking second

>actually having testosterone on your body and being able of getting an erection is degeneracy
>"I'm totally not gay guise, I mean, those fags are all degenerates and shit"

>muh "hate speech" is not free speech
>muh illegal opinions listed by the government in germany

black women have the most testosterone. it's why they're so unattractive and aggressive. even their own men prefer whites.

that would men that they enjoy and crave sex even more than non-black women.

so you're just upset that a girl is more manly than you

No, you don't go to college you fucking mongoloid. At least not a good one, or for a degree worth more than the toilet paper the Pajeet replacing you doesn't even fucking use.

>implying that's a good thing

come on dude. even black guys agree. it's okay.

are you just upset that white women prefer black men over you so you response to that by getting offended by the existence of black women

>Illegal opinions in germany
Fuck off nazi

>black men prefer white women
go outside

>white women prefer black men
go outside

what? black women are not hot, it's common knowledge. it's not their existence that offends me, it's people that try to insist the sky isn't blue. you or some dude decided to try proving they're hot, which is just ridiculous.

im black and thats not even true tbqh
most white girls that date me just see me as a walking dildo

at the top 1% of society its more common to see white guys date black girls

>he a uncle tom ass nigga

The elegance of black intellect.

which one are you again

not an argument.


Yours wasn't either faggot

>not one third as bad as the leftist stereotype
Fuck, I love living in the future.

which one are you again?

>most white girls that date me just see me as a walking dildo

yes im sure you date and fuck lots of white women..lol

that's the most forced conjecture i've seen in months. literally doesn't make any sense whatsoever

oh i'm not the guy you're responding to

how's this: see opening image. stare at it. let it seep into the fetid, moist corners of your unused mind. once you do, tell me how a guy who openly campaigns for black equality & condemns racist action is an uncle tom. hes not sucking up to "the man". he doesn't give a shit. how is he an uncle tom?

>Pictures of ordinary people
Both of you are retarded

Say the dude who basically sucks the WHITE balls of Subaru Stevens

the dude is having a threesome that night and youre still a virgin

Supporting trump is the opposite of both of those
>inb4 Trump isn't racist
He enables racists and sure does a lot of stuff racists like.

>guys i can find single examples every now and then usually with no link to any credible source

google it?


hello r/gamerghazi

No thanks, ill take some nu male with a 12 inch beard in a skirt before some cold-sored kool aid stained hick in a dirty hoodie anyday


>"black" music

Those are all fringe cases. I can find a lot of examples of white people shooting up places so clearly all white people are crazed maniacs on the verge of snapping.

>ordinary people

LOL. what reality do you live in?

it's just a fact of life that people on the fringes of political spectrums are ugly weirdo creeps.

>a heterosexual communist

lol. sure.

>youre still a virgin

thanks to your mother, this had been taken care of

>no thanks, I'll take an effeminate wuss recently out of his teens who walks around in a skirt and thinks he knows something about politics by repeating mantras taught to him in college before taking a demographic of actually employed hard-working people who are frequently fucked by poverty and other issues because it is socially acceptable to shit on them even though they built this country

gender studies is literally taught at every university. there's a big push to make critical race theory mandatory for undergrads at harvard. has the fact that you're seeing this stuff so often made you consider that perhaps everyone actually isn't making it up?

doesn't matter. it's still a proof that you can get kicked out for having "incorrect" opinions.

First pic they're unattractive but not particularly offensive. Pretty normal. Second picture they all look completely normal. Are you triggered by dyed hair and tattoos or something?
>They're going to educate people about social problems! God damn SJWs!

when has he said he supports trump?

also let's break this down. trump is not racist, he condemns racism. i'm sure you agree that racism is stupid. therefore, racists are stupid. if they are stupid, is it right to blame trump for how stupid people act or for what they think? if they are, in fact, right in assuming that his actions are a thin attempt to hide his racism, then they must be smart, because that would take quite a bit of deduction & under the table guesswork.

are racists smart?

>a demographic of people is comparable to how institutions work
retarded and pathetic.

It's another episode of the retarded liberal spurting shit about school shootings because apparently it is the only crime whites commit more than the other races, EVEN THOUGH Muslims put some real competition there.

okay, so now you've outed yourself as someone who thinks talking about muh patriarchy and muh white supremacy is equivalent to discussing "social problems".

fine, go on believing telling law students that being "colorblind" is racist/white supremacist is actually a good thing.

>First pic they're unattractive but not particularly offensive. Pretty normal. Second picture they all look completely normal. Are you triggered by dyed hair and tattoos or something?

people do not look like that in real life unless you live in some DIY warehouse with improper electrical installations


>employed hard-working people who are frequently fucked by poverty and other issues because it is socially acceptable to shit on them even though they built this country

That's literally a photo of two snot-nosed 12 year olds. Who the fuck are you talking about?

Go sit in a coal mine & wait for your job to come back you stupid fuck.

There is no problem with people entering colleges completely neutral and normal and walking out as bearded fags in skirts claiming to be a third gender or with an ear stretched and pink hair complaining about being raped by other people's stares, everything is just fine and dandy.

What's that? Marxist commie teachers in secret FB groups bragging that they are pushing ideologies to their classes? Nope, never happened, probably some FAKE NEWS™ or some other go-to desperate argument I was taught.

>>They're going to educate people about social problems! God damn SJWs!

more like teach people 1 school of thought presenting it as infallible, correct and the only approach without presenting any different perspectives and alternatives.