A new “reparations” website asks white people to pay black people’s rent and give them money to relieve their...

>A new “reparations” website asks white people to pay black people’s rent and give them money to relieve their white guilt.

>The website, started by Seattle-based “conceptual artist” Natasha Marin, suggests a number of ways in which white people can atone for the fact that 1.4 per cent of white people owned black slaves in the United States over 150 years ago.

>Numerous white people beset with self-loathing have already offered a number of goods and services, including the free use of a car, house cleaning, massages, “catharsis,” and straight-up cold hard cash.

>Black people have also posted messages on the site with requests for free laptops, a Kindle EBook Reader and recording studio access.

>The site's founder is quoted on the about page:

>"I invite People of Color to ask for what we need to feel better, be happier, be more productive by posting in this space. These may be both material and immaterial requests."

>"I invite people who identify as White to offer services or contributions to People of Color in need of time, energy, substantive care, and support."

The site is reparations.me

>People of Color
> people who identify as White

are we not allowed to identify as a person of color?

So if I pay one niggers rent for one month will the rest of them shut the fuck up? Sounds worth it.

Too bad i dont feel white guilt. Get over yourselves and be productive members of society for a change. Fucking nignogs....

So if i pretend that i am black i will get white stupid people pay for my rent?

They ARE trying to be productive! but since they grew up with nothing they don't have much of a chance to get education or find a good job.


what a fucking faggot.


>I'm mixed-race and like most of us, it's very difficult for me to ask for help when I need it. My pride doesn't want me to be "needy" because blablabla

Fuck that shit, this is very retarded... But whatever, if there are people stupid enough to fall for the con, I am not blaming the artist.


Is it because he is fat?

Who cares they're only going to spend the money they get on crack and KFC.

it's all bullshit. everyone making these "requests" is already collecting welfare and certainly doesn't have a fucking job. they are professional victims and will never work hard to actually provide for themselves.

Hurr durr..please pay my phone bill so i can go act like amonkey outside. Fuck that. You want stuff? Work your way up to it. What that website is doing is enabling a generation of entitled welfare collectors.

'Yun Suyoung'

Wait is this a website for all minorities or just blacks

No one, no matter how lefty cultural marxist they can be would actually be stupid enough to fall into this kike trap.
>god bless you muricans tho

> This just in, niggers want free shit and refuse to work for it.

How about reparations for white Americans having every single majority black part of their country turned in to shit hole ghettos by apes?

I'll contribute a job application template. Anything else, get real.

It claims for "people of color" so basically anyone that isn't white.

Hmm maybe that's the true reparations for all the slavery


anyone who actually falls for this totally deserves it

I'm not a murican but I have no fuckin clue why anyone would feel guilty or responsible for action done by people who died hundreds of years ago

In the summer, I'm tanned. Can I get reparation in July and August only?

Yes I am sure it is. And I'm sure all the other black shit holes on the planet are some how the result of American slavery.

Man, Mexicans can't even speak English and they are more productive.

lmao at least black ppl kinda have a very small point, but other races? lol fuck off

MLK would roll over in his grave if he saw the way some black people are acting today. this isn't what he was fighting for. it's just fucking sad how lazy and greedy some niggers are.

Lol a black guy should make a fund for stopping white guilt

White's a color though.

We need to stop East Asian guilt.

East Asians are the most oppressed race in the world right now and deserve reparations

1.4 back then, no?

Which makes it less that .1 today that might be related, no?

Out of those, which families can be said to have retained the wealth in any way?

Black isn't a color

> recording studio access
lost hard

ey yo whitey peep my mixtape


Lil nigress has decent trigger discipline, at least.