Fighting back those capéshit, Game of Plebs and Star Whores theads.
Why didn't Admiral Janeway travel back further so she could save Carey, Hogan, Jetal, and everyone else who died before 7 of 9?
Star trek
1st for qtp3.14 trills
Why didn't Janeway avert the Talaxian holocaust? She could have prevented Neelix from ever leaving his home and joining her crew.
Because all she cares about is coffee and the non-Temporal Prime Directive.
You just caught it before it 404'd.
Is there any sort of Lwuxana voice for a GPS system or phone helper app? If not, why not?
I want the damn computer voice.
I don't mind SW that much but I've had to hide 40+ threads that were about GoT or some kind of capeflick. God damn.
You posted the wrong one.
It's amazing how DS9 did TOS better than Jew Jew.
Blu-ray, nigga
whoops, was meant to reply to
Because they died before they got near the Nexus is what I would have guessed and if Voyager had the future tech for years before they got there then the Borg may have adapted and thus they wouldn't be able to fight their way into the Nexus.
Cadet, if your much-vaunted Ezri is truly so high and mighty, then why does she have zero good copypasta?
>If not, why not?
She's dead, Jim.
Guys what if the new series isn't Federation but something like the Romulans or Klingons
wtf was their problem?
Because Neelix is such a wonderful person with invaluable contributions to the crew.
The Star Wars threads aren't Sup Forums Star Wars threads, they are all started by and full of Disney marketers using the same script they have been using since TFA was announced.
>"Hi, my name is Neelix. I'm a pedophile and I'm molesting this child."
>"Welcome aboard!"
No chance, every series has been centered around humans. It is pretty insulting to the aliens aboard when they preach humanity and its values, they just brush the aliens under the rug most of the time.
Yeah but for decades she voiced the computer in multiple Treks and films, if they didn't have a contingency for her death by making her record the alphabet and key phrases then they sure were fucking stupid.
They celebrated her second birthday in series 2, Neelix had known her for a while before they met Voyager so does that mean Kes was only a few months old when they started fucking?
Because she only loves borgs.
>slept with that mutant, Bashir
Still, i would transport her urine into my quarters as my sole nourishment
They got lost on the way to the Star Wars set and the helmet was stuck on their heads.
Why are almost all Star Trek alien designs so fucking awful. Like they're not just mediocre, they're genuinely offensive.
She was so qt in Cube.
Because most aliens in TOS were essentially people painted green so they had to go along with it for the sake of continuity. That and lazyness
A reminder that Han was in the fleet at Earth fighting the Borg Cube in First Contact.
At first because of budget, then it became canon that all species in the galaxy were seeded by a single race, who then evolved into the Changelings.
Oh shit, this is not fake!
>who then evolved into the Changelings
Yeah, sure, and humanity is going to evolve into lizards.
Reminder there is no greater enemy than ones own fears
>two eyes
Get out, goopface.
ILM were the ones who did the effects so they hid it in the battle. It's why the Falcon is hidden in Starship Troopers too.
Changeling Martok never said that.
Courage comes in all sizes. But don't tempt fate
We've come a long way from our spider ancestors.
>left to do Becker
>It's a Das Boot in space episode
Klingons really had the best songs.
2 chalices of bloodwine minimum
What copypastas does Jadzia have?
So did the studio really sue the guys who made the Anxiar film? It seems so weird because normally they have no problems with fan films and even actual cast members sometimes show up in them.
How much longer until the 24th Century?
>Jadzia will never find you after your shift ends, bear hug you and drag you off for a night of drinks at Quark’s
>Jadzia will never force you to try disgusting abominations from all ends of the cosmos
>Jadzia will never hold your hand as you struggle to choke down some swill that’s probably illegal
>Jadzia will never put all the drinks on her tab, except of course for all the weird shit you end up liking
>Jadzia will never call you her “lucky stem bolt” and peck you on the cheek when she wins a big round at the dabo wheel
>Jadzia will never push you into Morn and tell him that you challenge him to an Anbo-jyutsu match
>Jadzia will never wrestle you to the ground herself to show off all the “Dax Attacks” moves she’s been teaching you
>Jadzia will never pick you up and carry you home after you pass out on the bar floor
>Jadzia will never forget where you live and take you to her own quarters instead
>Jadzia will never let you sleep the night in her bed as long as you promise not to puke on the sheets
>Jadzia will never wake you in the morning with a replicated ‘Owon egg omelet, then tell you that you’re late for your morning conference meeting
I just want to wake up tomorrow dead.
Meanwhile in Ezri-land:
>Ezri will never spend all day screaming at you, then realize that she was confused by memories of a different host’s arguments
>Ezri will never vomit her meal all over you after accidentally eating food that only agreed with a previous host
>Ezri will never have diarrhea all over your sheets because her body is still adjusting to a worm it wasn’t prepared for
Ezri had no trilltraining. Ezri a shit.
A reminder that we are on the verge of having our own holodecks, Equinox style.
>Aren't you Klingons supposed to kill yourself rather than be captured?
>Not while there are still enemies to fight!
>But there are billions of Romulans around and you still thought if your father allowed himself to be captured he'd have dishonored you and Alexander
>Nobody watched that episode!
>But it was literally a crossover with DS9...
Damn, they really are suing them:
From what I can gather, it's because the guys raised a million dollars for the film through kickstarter and the studio is classing that as profit.
Fucking jews.
Kirk assumed that humans wouldn't be violent assholes, since he had no reason to think so.
>I would be most interested in studying the highly sensitive technical manuals of your powerful military vessel
>He seems exceptionally smart for a 400 year old popsicle and not at all shady, I'm sure nothing bad will come of this.
Klingons are literally the only species in Star Trek that they put effort into their culture for
>The only ones with music more advanced than slow newage synth shit
>The only ones with a coherent spoken language
>The only one whose sense of ethics and beliefs are explored
>inb4 muh logic
That's exactly the kind of simplistic and 1D shit standing in for an entire culture I'm complaining about
They were talking about how he's probably a violent asshole the next scene.
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
>In other space news, The Klingon Empire announced today that after the shock announcement from Bajor that Tribbles are no longer extinct, suicide has once again been made illegal until such time as the infestation can be contained
What is the armament of the lollipop?
Threadly reminder that Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.
>Tell me Captain, have you ever danced with the devil in pale moonlight?
What did he mean by this?
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
I hope that what ever the new Trek is, it fleshes out a race as well as the Klingons were on DS9.
For as much as they played it off as a joke, the Tribbles were a genuine plague.
Why do they still have to rely on cups? The replicator should be able to transport the tea directly into your mouth.
DS9 did a pretty good job expanding on the Ferengi 2bh
Threadly reminder that he did nothing wrong.
>implying they are getting the top secret stuff
>implying Kahns superior intellect didn't allow him to fuck Kirk even without the top secret passages
>Star Fan
How is cognitive dissociation going for ya?
Picard is obviously old school and archeology and stuff. Same reason I got a samowar.
Fuck you, Chain Kikeburg, I'm sure Gene hated progressivisim and hoped all colorful races and the kikes would die out to preserve the pure purity of our pureness.
Looking back on Star Trek overall, it was definitely right-wing propaganda, like when
>Trip votes for George W. Bush
>Soval uses the phrase "the eternal Ando"
>Shran says "pinkskin" but starts stuttering after noticing Mayweather
>T’pol explains to Archer the difference in IQ distributions between species
>Chekov tells Sulu that Russia should have conquered Japan like it conquered the Ukraine
>Kirk jokes with Scotty about Spock’s mother being a race-mixer
>Bones called Spock "Jew, Green blooded bastard"
>Spiderbarclay steals a guy's pizza
>Troi walks in on Barclay browsing /r9k/
>Gowron calls Worf "a subklingon fucking targ"
>Worf enters Picard's ready room without knocking and gets phasered
>Picards helps forcibly displace the Indians because of a treaty with the Cardassians
>Data tells Geordi that he's just as beta as Barclay, but people take pity on him because he's blind
>Dax tries to redpill Bashir by showing him the chart with all the Bajorans in top media positions
>O’Brien complains that "petaQ" is just a word and it’s silly "only Klingons can say it"
>Kira coaches Ziyal on how to milk the Occupation for maximum sympathy
>Weyoun jokes with the Breen that Damar drinks like he's Tusken
>Bashir tells Ezri that he's glad she's "not a slut anymore"
>Sisko misgenders Jadzia
>Janeway says "we have to out-Ferengi the Ferengi"
>Tuvok walks on the bridge and Neelix makes money noises
>Chakotay was actually Armenian but pretended to be Indian for attention
>Kes confesses to Paris that Neelix is molesting her, and he starts hitting on her too
>7 of 9 insists to Captain Janeway that Barack Obama is actually not an American citizen
I wonder how many people started drinking Earl Grey due to Picard.
It's going pretty well, how is being a humourless Vulcan autist going for you?
She had a facility for it.
Bagged Earl Grey doesn't taste any different than the generic black tea.
I didn't like Earl Grey until I bought in loose tea format.
>He asks you if you want to engage in intercourse
>He tells you to disrobe.
Oh fuck off back to tumblr, you people are a drain on society.
I pull my phaser and blow that twat away.
>it's an Entergay episode
I hope they put sun tan lotion on, exposed skin is a terrible idea in a desert.
What the fuck were they thinking with this?
>it's a Scott Bakula has a weird face but his bod screams daddy episode
This woman walks up to you in Ten Forward and smacks your ass. What do you do?
>Enterprise never had a wink to the audience joke about Archer being Sam Becket after leaping to the future
Seems like a missed opportunity.
skip the episode
top trek husbandos (no particular order)
>Kirk (season 1)
>Riker (season 2)
Not funny anymore. Time to retire and put in the /trek/ meme Hall of Fame.
She's a Federation Ambassador, I'd try and convince her to order the Captain to take us on a tour of the best bars in this half of the galaxy
Invite her to my quarters.
Most underrated Trek movie or best Trek movie?
It turns out better than expected
Klinks had more backstory on their culture than the humans did.
>muh cashless culture
>muh paradise
>muh bettering self
Gene tried in TNG S1 to flesh out Evolved Humans, but like many of Genes ideas, that was garbage, and it was mostly thrown out (except to contrast with the Ferengi, and even then the Space Jews usually came out looking better).
>Most underrated Trek movie
Undiscovered Country is the best Trek movie made after 1980
Every time I see it I just think 'No way that's Bane.'
Hardy as Picard in TNG reboot when?
Funnily enough, the best written evolved human and only one I really got is from the Trek with the reputation for being against Gene's vision, and it's this man: Head Chef Fleet Admiral Joseph "Cartwright" Sisko.
>He loves cooking and people, so he cooks for people
>He can't be dealing with your fancy techno-foods, just good eats
>He just wants you to leave him the hell alone you Federation pigs, he's finna cook
>yfw they make a dark and gritty tng reboot
This has been my thought for a while. It would be the only way I wiuld watch a TNG reboot.
based Admiral Cartwright
Is promoting Janeway twice when she got back star fleets way of saying "you are such a shitty captain we want to make doubly sure you are never in charge of a ship ever again"?