Things in movies that trigger you

Things in movies that trigger you

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forced romance subplot

References to social networking sites and mobile apps.



Black characters.



Death of a pet

Joss Whedon-style 'snarky' dialogue

hi pol

Obvious quota filling. It's like product placement.

>character is supposedly playing a videogame
>mashing buttons on an Xbox 360 controller while the TV shows a PS2 game or some shit
>random "beep beep" and "bing bing" noises coming from the game, like it was from 1987
>the character making some statement about getting a "high score" or getting to a "next level" or some shit, i.e. things that haven't been relevant in most mainstream videogame genres in 20 years

Little things like that. It's not that hard to find SOMEONE who has touched a videogame in two decades.

Obvious stock sound-effects take me right out of a movie.

The worst example I can think of is from the 2004 version of Dawn of the Dead.

In the opening scene for the outbreak, i.e. one of the otherwise best scenes in the whole damn movie, when the zombified husband is chasing Sarah Polley as she drives away, he veers off and instead attacks one of her neighbors.
And when he does, it plays what I swear must have been "Stock Scream (Female) #2" on a CD of public-domain stock sound-effects that somebody got on a CD at Circuit City.

Stuff like that destroys that fragile sense of immersion movies are supposed to create.

A similar thing happens when even in high-budget TV shows, the sound of a police-radio always plays the "Dispatch Police" sound-effect from SimCity 3000.
It's not even just shit like SyFy Channel Original Movies that do that any more. I've seen that sound-effect used in shows on par with HBO budgets.

I'm gonna check out this out when I get home from work. Thanks user!

>child giggling.mp3

>the sound of a police-radio always plays the "Dispatch Police" sound-effect from SimCity 3000

Look at all the examples they found of it being in movies and TV shows in the description.

horrible unrealistic fight choreography and too many cuts during action scenes.


>we only use 10% of our brains

Pandering to retards by having the camera linger on something the director needs you to remember like; a street name. a price tag, or an expression.

Fuck the retards, if they can't just fucking pay attention, fuck them.

What makes it worse is whenever I see this I just know that the director thinks that half the audience will be reading their fucking twitter stream while they are "watching" the film. Fuck them, fuck them all to hell.

a fucking 46 second video for a 2 second sound byte. thanks user.

When someone is playing with a console that has no game in it.

Gameboys are the main example but sometimes even a nintendo 64.

shaky cam
I fucking hate that shit, pic very related

Kind of biased, but seeing when they give weapons to actors and don't train them on their use.

I can understand when the character is a novice, that's fine. However when it's a cop/soldier/or any character that uses a gun regularly, it's really obvious.


I was taken out of the Babadook so quick by this shit and the rest of the movie became a fucking cartoon which sucks because I was 100% invested in it.

All until Stock dinosaur roar #1 suddenly happened.

>people draw/raise guns
>*click* *click* *rack*

Characters who do stupid things in horror films and get killed for them.

The jump scare where you should have heard te thing creep up (like in RE1 when the zombie jumps a guy in a flooded chamber yet the zombie akes no noise walking through water, stupid.)

>go see World War Z
>scientist gets the handgun
>"Keep your finger off the trigger."
>doesn't listen
>trips running onto the plane and shoots himself in the head
>I burst out laughing and look like a bit of a twat

Continuing the stock sound effect thing I really hate it when they use stock gun noises.
>Law Abiding Citizen
>his remote controlled M2 .50
>sounds like a light machine gun
>any machine gun
>stock sound of an M60
>The Babadook
I was ripped outta immersion when she was watching TV and it had this infomercial clip.

Characters in horror movies that silently creep up to their friends for no reason but to provide cheap jump scare


Fuck me

>Characters in horror movies that silently creep up to their friends for no reason but to provide cheap jump scare

>Characters who do stupid things in horror films and get killed for them.

This is the state of Horror, and it's been this way for far too long.


Forced misunderstanding in romcoms at the end of act two that breaks up characters until the big ending at the airport.

True and it tends to be more annoying than scary.

Another thing which is just even more irritating totes agree.

>we think you're just perfect for this part we have in mind
>just one question: do you play vidyashit? no? that'll be all we'll call you


Holy fuck. I thought Seagull was familiar with weapons handling.
Maybe they just didn't have the budget to make more than one take, Ed Wood style.

Forced misunderstanding / not talking and explaining just for plot advancement
I'm looking at you BvS

Not trigger but confuse-a lot of american tv and films teenagers have huge bedrooms and walk in wardrobes, is this the real state of things or not for most american kids?

the entire movie was a grimdark budget oscarbait esque war film. Segal, despite being the ONLY billing and on the cover, was in it maybe 10m of the entire 1 and a half hour film.

However, despite him being in it, the entire movie was hard to take serious when the second in command of the squad was RVD and he was, as per the norm, higher than a fucking kite



diversity cast darkies

>the wilhelm and howie screams
>shaky cam (fuck you paul greengrass)
>hanging up without saying bye
>the extremely innacurate hacking
these drive me up the fucking wall

When someone uses a computer and it makes bleeps and bloops.

>Extremely inaccurate hacking
Every time.

bombs or tracking devices that make sounds

Take lsd and you'll see

hi cuck

leaving an opening for a sequel at the cost of taking something out of the movie

dubs wasted on a Sup Forumstard

>movie bombs, sequel shitcanned

Sex scenes.

This. Graphic sex scenes that last way too long and could have been implied. 99% of sex scenes do not fit the mood of the movie they are in. I get to wondering if these directors just want to see titty on the job.

when location font comes on screen in lower thirds, with the electronic typing sounds.

when there was no reason for a plot when all of this shit could have been solved with someone just talking for 2 min and explaining the whole situation.

when films are censored for a lower rating so little timmy can see it when it was never made for him.

When shakey cam and quick cutting are solely there to imply action and not used like it should, usually hiding poor choreography or simply the director didnt know what to do.

>Vietnam sequence
>"It Was Not Me" starts playing

Agree, and most of these directors come across a desperate neckbeards desu.

Fucking this. I know the giggle, those kids are dead.

The sex scene was the best part of "body of evidence"
I will always hate Willem Dafoe for eating them prime Madonna tittles. I know she likes younger guys now, but she's old and busted.


>more than 3 niggers in the movie
>niggers are portrayed as anything other than thuggish retards
>WFBM couplings
>jewish propaganda
>White people being labeled as bad
>politically correct speech

Strong female lead characters written for today's audience.

>with electronic typing sounds

This doesn't bother me in Hunt for Red October somehow

>when there was no reason for a plot when all of this shit could have been solved with someone just talking for 2 min and explaining the whole situation.
This. I hate this so fucking much. Thank you for vindicating my autism.