Where were you when Bernie betrayed his entire supporter base?

Where were you when Bernie betrayed his entire supporter base?

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Bernie turns out to be a ball-less prick who is no different than all the other pols who suck Hillary's dick.

Fucking pretender.

Voting for Trump just to annoy them.

What he do?

Got cucked by hillary

He got sabotaged by his own party and is too much of a party-man that he won't call them out or stand independently or for the greens or something.

He probably thinks if he makes his supporters reject the dems them trump will win. I dunno if he's right but I suspect people are already rejecting the dems because of what they've done.

Hillary cucked Bernie, proven through the DNC wikileaks emails.

All that money Bernie raised for his campaign, IT'S ALL HILLARY'S NOW.

Also, just something I saw right now:
Hillary delegate wants to ban guns through deception and bait & switch
>mfw hillary is crooked



Not giving a fuck
>Never would have guessed that a Jew would do something so spineless

I always knew something was off with that Bernie guy

I was thinking hard the other day if there is literally anyone at all that could run against Hillary that would actually cause me to vote for her and I honestly dont think there is. How the fuck did bernie lose? It must have been democratic male guilt like obama's first term "if I dont vote for this woman/nigger that means I'm sexist/racist!" It's bullshit. Id easily vote for sarah palin before clinton, mitt romney, Mccain would have won any other election in the last 20 but the whole white guilt thing he was never going to win.

Hillary's cronies were sabotaging Bernie's campaign.

Hillary took onto her platform a lot of his stuff.
The real issue will be if she keeps them 5mins after the election ends and shes won.
I think she will stab him in the back, its her nature.

ITT Sup Forums shilling

I like a man who sticks to his party even if it is not perfect. Lone wolfs are not suitable for politics. But when he realizes it is not his party anymore, no more common ground, just corruption, oportunism and greed, even the most loyal party member should have enough balls to stand up for himself.
Very dissapointed in the coward Bernie.
Never Hillary!

You stupid bastard....it was either go along with it all, half ass endorse her, and continue your revolution with the delegates and supporters at your back (able to use Congress as a loud speaker for himself)....or...say fuck you all and run third party which would ultimately give Trump a divided Democratic Party to go against...which essentially gives him the White House.
It's a solid political strategy to stay close and manipulate from within, instead of being fringe and your base happy.

>how did Bernie lose
Go read the Wikileaks emails...it's allllllll in there

>coward Bernie
>fought for civil rights when violence towards pro-civil rights protesters was considered an obligation.
Right...you're just pissy.
grow up, he's manipulating Clinton you dumb bastards

never compromise, even in the face of armageddon. Only then you can walk into the shadows without complaint or regret.
That has always been the difference between us.

He should have formed the Berie/Cruz 'crying wanker party' and run as an independent with cruz as vp

Giving Bernie 4 years to be around corruption...he was corrupted in less then a month, 4 years he'll be rich and forget about his revolution followers

dude what? 102? in 4 years he be dead

So you are saying, it is good to betray your principles and kneel down before evil if you are under the assumption this will have some positive consequences in the uncertain future? Man, your ethics are the straight way to hell.

bernie -- lying jew
ted cruz -- stands by principle

amusing how that works out

He's been in DC for longer than you've been alive dipshit

probably he wants to try next term so he is playing cool.

i think that if bernie had gone indepentdant, then repub canidates would have gone independant. then we would have had for the first time in american history, a multi party, complex and xrazy race, in which we would have finally had a third party win

>he's manipulating Clinton
that is probably what Ned Stark thought when he bowed down to Cersei Lannister "Hehe, look at me manipulating that blond woman... I might look stupid now, but I am popular and reasonable, right?"

this is exactly whats wrong with politics.

I donated $900 of my student loans, on his promise that college fees would be abolished.

well, where the fuck is my money now? he's not running anymore, so he doesn't need the cash anymore, so why can't i get a refund?

The FBI are in on this fraudulent shit and I i dont expect any type of justice soon.

America deserves Trump.

>inironically comparing real life politics to Game of Thrones

>All that money Bernie raised for his campaign, IT'S ALL HILLARY'S NOW.

is that true? I didn't agree to that, and its a clear breech of the contract i had when i donated money. there was no clause about 'any unspent monies gos straight to the winner"

Sarah Silverman's pro-Shillary rant was so fucking autistic.
>Haha! Like, she's overqualified for president!
I knew this election was shit but it's made worse by random entertainers saying stupid shit at the RNC and DNC to cheering crowds of fuckwits

>All that money Bernie raised for his campaign, IT'S ALL HILLARY'S NOW.
That money was spent on the campaign. Advertising, paid organizers, etc etc

2 late. party is permanently split now. trump will win if everyone doesnt vote third party at this point.

bernie fucked up and basically just fucked the entire country over with this retarded as fuck move.

literally this.

watching her get booed at trying to give that speech was so fucking awkward. you could tell she knew it was all fucked at that point. she literally had nothing to say. tried to attack bernie supporters and it backfired so hard. for being a professional comedian, both of them failed so fucking hard at spontaneously entertaining a pissed off crowd


>Bernie betrayed his entire supporter base

Trump shill detected

supporting Hillary over Trump when you have no chance left of winning is hardly a betrayal.

There is no such thing as a Trump shill you cuck.

All planned from the beginning
The jew gets to keep his money and not have to do anything
bernie supporter fucking retards poured A LOT of money into bernie for whatever reason, some fucking bankrupted themselves hahahahah


I voted for Bernie and I don't feel betrayed.
He made it clear from the start that he wouldn't run third party, and he's been saying for months that he would do whatever it takes to defeat Trump, which I took to mean he would endorse Clinton. I still respect the fact that he had the guts to take on the Clinton machine and the entire Democratic establishment when no one else did, specifically Warren.

That said, he thinks he can change the Dem Party from the inside, whereas I think it's beyond hope. The changes he got out of the Democratic Platform are meaningless. I won't be voting for Clinton (or Trump).

fuck that bald ass conman

There is no such thing as a trump shill.
We genuinely want trump to win and arent being paid for it
If you pay me though i wouldnt be too unhappy kek

nigger u what

Trump just pays for fake protestors


>“I like protesters, because that’s the only way the camera shows how big the crowd is,” Trump explained. “Sometimes we even stage protesters!”


But you don't respect Trumps balls to take on EVERYONE? including clinton?

he isn't bald though


If you would vote for Palin before Clinton you should probably hero.

Tbh, the same can be said if you'd vote for Trump before her as well, though.

>implying he hasn't had numerous hair transplants and yet STILL needs to do the world's most intricate comb-over. I won't even mention that bad dye job.

Trump doesn't need to stage protesters, have you any idea how many young cucks hate his guts for being rich, white and republican?
It's in the millions
You realize he's not paying for supporters even if thats true?
That's the opposite of shilling,
He's literally paying to show that people hate him and challenge his views.
>wew lad

wew lad
Picking apart his looks instead of his values?
That's not very high energy now is it?


Part of me wants to see Trump burn down both major parties, but I don't think he would take the country in a good direction, away from corporate control and militarism

>his values
nobody even knows what his values are...well except for "screw the other guy" when it comes to business and wanting to fuck his own daughter


when Bernie should of been the candidate?
>Hillary shill detected
> retard detected

Bernie is 74, Trump is 70. I guess 4 extra years puts you in diapers. Just enough time for Trump to REIGN SUPREME.

Under my Trump hat.

>2 late. party is permanently split now. trump will win
Except Trump was a pro-democractic independent. The fact he's in charge at the RNC despite other major republican leaders disliking him shows how fucked both parties are.

The dems are dickless man titted bronies

I voted for Bernie in the primaries, but there is no chance for him to win now. Between Hillary and Trump, Hillary is the superior choice by far.....well for that matter a retareded howler monkey would make a better president than Il Douche

the good because Hillary has been on both sides of every single topic over her career


haven't seen any change with obammy.
like how he has kept the wars going all this time.

He looks weak af, but if he didn't give Shillary his endorsement, it would have been career suicide. He can't be president, but he still wants to do politics.

Don't care though, I'm pro-Trump.

ive been a democrat my whole live
Because of bernie, im voting trump

If Hilary would get indited he would be right back in the game. really her and her husband should be in prison but the powers the be including criminal elements are heavily invested in them and will never let that happen.

right here. now is when you fall in line and vote for who they tell you to.
a generation of cucks is born.

Hillary is a cunt. Her supporters are cunts.

You are a cunt.

you know she won't. admit it.

a cunt who's fucked your mum.
deal with it

$.05 has been added to your account.

>be me
>have a hispanic nurse
>go in for a yearly checkup
>we are making small talk, make a few jokes and she laughs
>"so who you voting for, Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton?"
>"actually I'm voting for trump"
>suddenly silence
>she glares at me
>"you are going to vote for a racist who hates hispanics and wants us all deported?"
>"well no"
>"well that's what he wants"
>"no, he only wants to take better steps to deport those who are here illegally instead of poking at the issue like past politicians have done. If you crossed the boarder legally you have nothing to fear"
>room still silent, she looks nervous
>"wait a minute"
>quickly reach over and grab her face
>pull down and yank her mask off to reveal the cold black carapace of a xenomorph
>I reach for my flamethrower but it's too late, she brabs me with her alien hands
>"so this is how it ends"
>suddenly the door bursts open
>it's trump
>"we're gonna make america great again"
>the xeno attempts to escape into the vents but it's too late
>"you can't stump the trump"
>loud screeches fill the doctor's office as trump's flamethrower purges another alien

sure kid

At least kiss me first.

but its a principle they don't agree with.

he's afraid of this catching up to him.

welcome to the democrat party.

sad isn't it.

yes you are correct.

Sure, just produce the signed contract between you and the Sanders campaign and it's an open and shut...wait.

Here it is in a nutshell as I understand it.

HRC commit crimes that were determined not crimes, however, if you or I did the same, or anyone who was not as rich did this, they would be in prison.

Bernie got fucked over by a mole in his campaign. He then HAS TO ENDORSE the democratic candidate that is most likely to win. To do otherwise would be career suicide, all the people in higher up positions would label him petty otherwise. Look at Cruz and Trump.

Trump quite possibly raped a 13 year old - again, this could be bullshit created by HRC.

HRC is a fucking socio/psychopath and has proven time and time again that she will lie, for almost no reason. In instances that do not matter. She has also been called out on this, but for some reason, people don't seem to care.

The best description I have heard to describe her is "Her political beliefs depend on the audience". She is also likely at least bisexual, if not lesbian. There were sketchy emails, and she openly was against gay marriage - why would someone be against gay marriage? They don't want to be outed, or they are a bigot.

this one doesn't get it. Bernie was there to draw you in.
bait and switch.

Bullshit. We all knew this is exactly how it would play out. 8 years ago when Obama won the nomination over Hillary everyone was saying "OK then, Hillary in 2016". Enter Bernie trying to turn the tide of 8 years, he put up a good fight but most people knew that shit wasn't going to happen. Now enter newcomer Trump, sure he made big splash but that's nothing against the eternal tidal mass that's been brewing either. Hillary is going to mop his unruly ass up too, we all knew this shit 8 years ago. 70+ million people are going to vote for her in November, she's literally going to break the popular vote record this round for any candidate, ever. I don't know how anyone can be surprised by her winning.

sure kid. Hillary is cuck defined.

>I used my money irresponsibly because TV man said everything would be okay

You're a disgrace to milennials. Pic related.

got a real source kid?

I'm still voting Trump. I will never vote Hillary, even if 99% of the population suddenly went brain dead and wanted HIllary, I will not vote for her. I will chop my arms off before I am forced to vote for her.

well you fucked that up kid.


Ok sport


someone's a butt hurt shill.

wow haha u got him

The DNC leak simplified

Yes, but he possibly set a precedent, he was democratic, but with his own views. He could have went to the green party, if they would endorse him, but he didn't. The fact that it was close is good - it means, potentially soon, we will have more candidates like Bernie.

in my living room hearing him speak and reading the transcipt of his speech
still vernie

Bernie wasn't even a Democrat until he decided to run for president, which is probably the entire reason the DNC wasn't happy about him running. The only intelligent thing he's done this entire season is throw his support behind Hillary. But his supporters are mainly entitled Millenial idiots who won't even listen to their preferred candidate. They trust him to run their country, but not when he says who to vote for.

i hope you're kidding right? you don't understand how campaign donations work? you, sir, are a moron


>Hillary took onto her platform a lot of his stuff.

Well that's simple for a compulsive liar. It means absolutely nothing.

This is still possible

Agreed that this is why he did it but the flip side is he could have rallied alot more supporters from either side by standing apart from his party or spinning the dem email shit to his advantage. Either way still believe bernie and trump are two sides of the same coin or at least both pushed out there as figureheads to resolve the same internal disputes at least bernie is somewhat qualified to do the job, even if trumps flash and bravado is just a show he just isn't a person ready for it.

I don't know if I'd call it a precedent. America has a long long history of anti-establishment candidates, they rarely win. The last one to win I believe was Andrew Jackson, some people might include FDR in that but I'm not so sure of that. Ron Paul proved that internet excitement does not make a candidate win. Ross Perot had a chance but blew it. I actually liked Bernie, as opposed to Paul and Perot - and he'll leave his mark on history as just another "what might have been". But it's all over now, there was never any chance at stopping the freight train that is Hillary, there's a decade of momentum behind her.