>there are people on this board legitimately hyped for a two hour video game cinematic
>there are people on this board legitimately hyped for a two hour video game cinematic
I can't wait to see this flop.
Can't wait for this to do well so that Sup Forums can eat a cock
literally don't understand how people will think it will flop
is it autism?
its just going to flood two boards with excessiv weebiness
No, but It seems like autism that's defending it.
orc milf
She seems to be one of the best things about the movie.
Why is that?
>fuck WarCraft I want more capshit films
>"Guardian of the Galaxy will flop so hard"
>"Star Wars The Force Awakens will be terrible"
>"Deadpool will be such a failure"
Sup Forums LUL
TFA was terrible thought. I do believe that you are right kinda, there were retards out there who thought that a movie with Stars Wars logo would flop.
based Gul'dan
>tfw will probably cry like a faggot when she dies
and i will jack off even harder then
snoo snoo
>TFA was terrible thought
Tell that to every critic
>people think this movie is gonna flop
What language is he reading in that letter?
Ignore them. They will eventually fuck off to their subreddit
Normies aren't going to see this. It has turbo nerd permavirgin mountain dew drinking sensibilities written all over it. This film will go the same way as dredd: the nerdy fans go to see it and then a couple of months later they'll complain that there isn't a sequel in the works even though no one spent money to see the first film.
>Normies aren't going to see this. It has turbo nerd permavirgin mountain dew drinking sensibilities written all over it.
Who cares about the normies? It will break box office records in Asia.
>Normies aren't going to see this
yep just like no normies see capeshit
Magni looks too old desu familam
Can't wait to see D&D off themselves once this breaks box office records.
No long the master of fantasy.
Hey kid! No copy pasta today? Still hating anything Blizzard I hope!
Love your rich and deep vocabulary btw, makes you so easy to spot.
See you soon after your incoming traditional ban!
It will probably still be a financial success. Most of the profits from this movie will come from Asia, which is why they are releasing it there first. The actor who plays Gul'dan is considered a huge star in China
Normies aren't going to see this. It has turbo nerd permavirgin mountain dew drinking sensibilities written all over it. This film will go the same way as dredd: the nerdy fans go to see it and then a couple of months later they'll complain that there isn't a sequel in the works even though no one spent money to see the first film.
Normies aren't going to see this. It has turbo nerd permavirgin mountain dew drinking sensibilities written all over it. This film will go the same way as dredd: the nerdy fans go to see it and then a couple of months later they'll complain that there isn't a sequel in the works even though no one spent money to see the first film.
during the Third War, Muradin was 221 years old user.
Yeah, companies are stupid user and no one listens to such extraordinary brains such as yours.
You see tons of super hero movies being released while no one reads comics anymore or movies like Lord of the Rings being released 50 years late, i mean what are they thinking?
Clearly no one cares about fantasy anymore, that TV show Throne of Games, I think its called, has no audience at all, and they keep making more seasons. What the hell are they doing?
>Fuel for fel
bad cgi, he is supposed to look 30 years younger than that
I'll wait till the movie goes to landfill.
>during the Third War, Muradin was 221 years old user.
How long can dwarves live in warcraft?
this is how you do a villain. marvel take notes.
Makes sense, people tend to wait for a movie to come near them in order to watch it.
Lifespans are weird in Azeroth
Dwarf -
Adulthood: 40
Middle-Age: 125
Old: 188
Venerable: 250
Maximum: 252-450
Magni was described as 'old' so 188+
Muradin is probably getting there.
Brann is in the upper tier of middle-aged.
Finally, a movie that's based on videogame that's a pastiche of Warhammer that's a pastiche of Dungeon's & Dragons that's a pastiche of Tolkien is finally coming to theaters and the haters won't slow down the movie we've all been asking for. 2 billion gross minimum.
I want to like it but the orcs look so fucking fake compared to the humans
It's the other way around, user.
And the worst looking is Garona anyway.
>It's the other way around, user.
Realer than real life.
Orcs are fine. Human acting and Garona with her shitty paint job seem to drag this down.
no the humans look human but the orcs look very CGI, its like shrek but with real human fiona.
>implying video game cinematics are bad
top kek, get educated blind hater
>a 4 minute cinematic for a game made for children explaining literally nothing
>vs a 2 hour cinematic with Blizzards shit writing
lmao kys
>game made for children
>Duncan Jones
>Blizzard shit writing
At least look into something before you shitpost about it like a retard.
Capeshit isn't synonymous with a video game that's known for its obese virgin fanbase made popular by a South Park episode.
why are you obsessed with this film user?
normies love Warcraft
are you retarded and or not left your house in seven years?
What did Gul'dan do when he stumbled?
He fel.
Dude that's my meme I made it up you can't use it without my permission
Gul'Dan alone will make this a 7.5/10
I hated these looks but he seems decent in these last clips. My only complain is that he doesn't have red eyes but whatever, might be cool.
>stop having fun guys. movies are not supposed to be fun.
>sandwiched between TMNT2 and Finding Dory
>last thing you see before your GREEND
>How to make boomsticks
>i wish i knew how to read
Mmh nice
Remake that picture with the new draenei mother that they've shown from the movie
>Remake that picture with the new draenei mother that they've shown from the movie
Got any pics of the draenei mother from the film I can use?
Holy shit didn't even notice the felhound, fucking demons confirmed mates, imagine if we get voidwalkers and shit
A while
muh dick
>fucking demons confirmed mates,
They've been confirmed since we saw the Avatar of Sargares
poor little white boy
>user wans't kidding about the felhound
Based Duncan
This shit looks even more amazing with each clip they release
I know but that doesn't really count since he is one of a kind, I meant more in the traditional demons we know from the games
Got any better pics I can use?
No its the only picture they've released so far, i guess you could crop and mirror this to use half her head in the chamber
there are some draenei pictures from the very first leaked video that the retards never bothered releasing in HD but those look like ass
Pity because they were literally in the Fel Chamber
You mean just like in district 9 and Avatar and pirates of the Caribbean and planet of the apes? shut up faggot
I think its just part of his throne in the footage it doesn't move