How often do you think about suicide?

How often do you think about suicide?

lately less

less lately

Every day. They're just thoughts, but they're there.

More and more. Thought I was out of depressions since its been 6 months but....idk.

Doing stuff to dont think about it .. but the nights aren't that good atm

twice hourly

pretty much constantly

Makes no sense to kill yourself unless you are 1) Terminally ill with no hope of recovery 2) Stranded somewhere where no one will be able to find you and you will certainly die a slow agonizing death.

On a daily basis.
Like every healthy human being.

You understand that in order to be afraid of a situation, we must be able to process the fictional picture of us getting killed or injured by it, right?
It is natural to see your own death.

What is unnatural, is to pay so much attention to it. You engulf yourself in these pictures, in all kinds of situation, Your death becomes a common companion in situations where you have negative feelings. Which in turn forces you to start to think of the prosperity of death even when you experience something positive, because you'd normally compare it not to your death, but to your hard struggle previously.

And like a self-fulfilling prohecy you start to ask yourself why pictures of your death start to haunt you even when you're supposed to be happy.
Hence it corrupts the happy moment and just enforces your impression of your life being empty and devoid of joy.

Wanna stop it?
Stop paying attention to these thoughts.
You can give them power.
And you can take their power.

every single day, for the past 6 years

2, 3 times a day? It's less that I want to kill myself but more that I'd like to put myself in a stasis pod out of pure shame, to be awoken only when no one remembers how shitty I am. And also hopefully when treatment for mental fucked up ness is actually a thing.

what makes you shitty in your perception?

It is a constant thought.

If I get into it, I'm just gonna get mocked and told that my problems aren't real. Which is part of the problem - bits of me really believe that the doctors are wrong, and random faggots on the internet are right. Just because that would make me even worse of a person.

Just as often as the next regular guy. Shit gets tough but that doesn't mean you do it.

Where is this image from?

Lesson number one:

You have the option to tell me about it, and maybe have a positive perspective about it be given to you. I will be honest, and i will criticize you where I see fit.

But that only works if you filter the bullshit here from genuine responses.
If you can manage that, post your story.

I'm too much a pussy for it

Gunsmith Cats

>Boy and girl love eachother
>Snuggle in the snow then fuck off
>Boring ass love triangle
>Boy loves girl again, maybe?

was this a response to this?

Gunsmith Cats, that character is called Minnie May

Pretty often. I lead a pretty normal life, but when things start stacking against me, it's hard to put those thoughts out of my head. The alarming thing to me is that really small things can set them off. Things like getting a parking ticket.

In this case, what makes me a dickweed is that I lash out at the people closest to me when I'm at my worst. Depression, and I mean chemical depression that you can't control without meds or just snap out of, makes me act like an angry drunk.
So the best I can manage is patching things up afterwards with whoever I gave a verbal lashing to.
Now that I'm on meds again, shit's looking up, but you still gotta deal with the shame of being an asshat whenever the pills don't agree with you or you try something new.
But I guess shitstorms like that are all part and parcel with the healing process, or something.

And to be honest, this is more for any lurkers who think shit doesn't get better than it is for you. Shit does get better, but you gotta wade the shit creek to get out of the shit swamp.

>tfwu have a degenerative disease that isn't life threatening and won't be for another 25 years
Can't wait to be not killing myself while I'm stuck watching my loved ones do everything for me 8^D

too scared to do it, which is good i guess?


whenever im alone

Every time the wife puts on anime

Not anymore since I realized the world would be the same even if I didn't exist in the first place.
>You're not special.

Do LSD, Shrooms, Ayahuasca and Extasis at least once.

> actually believing this
How's 10th grade treating you

Less because of the Gunsmith Cats post.
Great job mate

It used to be every day now it's about every other day. Although I constantly keep reminding myself of my own mortality and what things would be like once I do die.

>not believing this
how's your bliss feeling?

Getting real tired of drug users telling me the only way I could possibly enjoy myself is with drugs

Often. I'm not exactly sure why though. It's like I'm sad but I'm not at the same time.

Oh I dunno, it varies.

Between 2 and 10 times a week I guess? Life just seems like such a drag, and it is all 100% pointless.

Look fucker, think of this from a time traveler's perspective-
You literally *can not* go to the past without changing the future. That's because every single thing affects every other goddamn thing. The Butterfly Effect is the logical extreme of this - everything you do affects someone, somewhere, at some time.

Yeah, agreed. If you need to use drugs in order to be happy you're better off just killing yourself. Drugs are a cancer to this world.

Sure some lives matter but the majority of lives do not
ie. If one less African child dies tomorrow will that one child effect the future in any way.... no

How does is feel being so special, user?
Any big changes in your life or the ones surrounding you lately?

Always. But the thought of going through pain first makes me unable to do it. If someone can grant me a quick and painless death, then I would gladly accept it.


>Browsing 4chin
>Thinks he/she/it travels in time

None could never kill myself you guys need me too much

Nearly everyday, mostly when I try to draw.

Zoom out, my dude. This world is so incredibly complex that you'll never be able to understand every change.

I used to a lot- first time i tried to hang myself was nine years old. Then again the next day ay school.

Now? Im kind of openly seeing the world and its okay. It isnt perfect but things can be alright.

You be the judge :

>be me
>raised by alcoholic and abusive foster parents
>grow up abused and witnessing violence in family
>get diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder
>attempt suicide 2 times
>gets hospitalized and I have to take 5 different medication, nothing for anxiety
>i can't leave the house without having a full blown panic attack
>cry every night to sleep
>i caught first bf cheating on me
>second one beat me up then left me, it's been 2 years and I still cry thinking of him and I'm not recovered yet
>he immediately get a new boyfriend, I was shocked and disgusted, I still am.
>nobody to date
>i only wish to have a boyfriend to love and cherish for life
>drop out of college
>come out as fag to mom
>she threatens to kick me out of the house
>nobody to love and take care of me
>i cry everywhere due to intense emotional pain and i tell other people that I'm okay
>i hate myself for allowing me to live till this point because the emotional suffering is so intense
>i don't care about my family since it's their fault
>i hope i rot in hell as I'll suicide within a month, I just wait for the perfect trigger

I consider suicide daily, you Sup Forumsros is all I have and I post this in every feels thread :(

Anime does not help with depression and suicidal thoughts. If you want to get better, it's like the easiest step. Just stop watching it.

I know I will never be able to understand everything but I also know that for most people their life won't amount to anything major just something we tell ourselves in order to make life more optimistic

You guys really boost my self steem.

Screencapped this.
Thank you for your reply.

were you the guy with the pepe on this yesterday?

either way, i know that feel

Everyday. Odds are I'm older than most of you. And I had thoughts back then too. But I would put them out of my mind, try to focus on goals and the future. But now it is the future. And none of the goals happened. None of the revised, more realistic goals happened. None of the re-revised goals happened either.

I have no idea what to tell kids who are 15 and want to off themselves. I'm not some asshole who is going to say, "Do it faggot!" But.. I still think I should have. I still want to.

I don't know how I turned out this way. I don't come from a bad family. I mean, my parents fucked up raising me but I fucked up when I was a kid too.

I was an less than average student, teachers always said I was an under-achiever and didn't apply myself. Well, they were half right. There were times when I did try, and I'd still fail. I guess you could apply that to every part of my life.

I had some friends in high school, but they've all drifted away. I thought I'd make friends in college, never did though. Dating? Nah, never happened for me. The few times I tried, it was always a shitshow.

College itself turned out to be a shitshow too. I couldn't cut it at a university. I tried a community college, and finally ended up in in-patient treatment for depression and anxiety. We tried a ton of different drugs and different therapies, nothing worked. I never felt better.

So I left there and went out into the workforce, tired to make it in a field that seemed interesting to me that didn't require a college degree. I dicked around with that for a few years before finally giving up because there was no money in it. Since then I've tried a lot of different jobs, but haven't had success in any of them. Meanwhile, people my age are married with families now. They have houses and take vacations. Me? I have freaking roommates like I'm still some fresh out of high school douche.

Every night I go to sleep hoping I don't wake up.


'Erry day, it's always present as an option but it doesn't sound very appealing


I feel you man

At least do it proper.

everytime i fuck up

"Amounting to something major" and "the world wouldn't change without me" are very different concepts.
Allow me to backtrack on my previous unwarranted insults - if you truly are a teen, you're bound to think differently about this, and I can't blame you. The longer you're around, the more you realize that it's the little stuff that makes life worth living. Sure, you might not cause a hurricane in China, but you might make someone smile. Maybe that smile won't inspire them to write something beautiful or whatever, but you'll have positively influenced a life.
When you stop hating humanity just for the sake of it, simple stuff like that starts feeling a lot more worthwhile.

Thanks, didn't really feel like opening photoshop.
Hope you're alright, considering you're in this thread.

Could be better. I suppose there's too much stuff I still enjoy doing to even consider suicide.

Do tell, what keeps you going?