
Explain me this Breaking Bad scene please.

At the start of season 3, White does a speech at his school to help kids with the trauma of the planes accident. Everyone seems shocked by what he says, which is pretty much people will get over it and keep on living.

What's the problem with that ? The previous speaker where joking about getting good grades, talking about God and severed human legs, why it's Mr.White speech which makes everyone unwell ?

Am I an autist for not understanding this scene ?

>Facing up to reality.

user, plz.




Walt was being insensitive.

How ?

It had literally just happened, many people would still have been mourning. Truly you're autistic if you can't empathise

Saying this will get better is pretty much the first thing you say in case of a trauma

he was trying to downplay it because it was his fault

Because he is telling the truth and people usually can't handle the truth

It was more about his tone, it was almost angry. It was almost the pivotal scene of his new self coming to the surface.

>mourning over people you don't even know
You mean they were pretending to mourne like normies always do

What? The area around the school was directly affected by the "accident".
maybe if you're a doctor breaking news to a patient

In America the social norm is to react to public tragedies with hysterical displays of grief rather than calm pragmatism.

t. german

lol yeah you europeons sure do react calmly to disaster

That's mostly americans on Sup Forums saying that

these are just self-preservation desu

What I can't get is why it took Hank so fucking long to figure out WW=Walter White

He was looking for Wally West the whole time

no you autists. that's actually the ONE THING experts advise to NEVER say. you shut-ins are really something.
also this

>implying any of these kids would give a shit other than the guy who lost his uncle that he sort of liked

>germans are cold and calm
t.retarded burger still holding to his ww2 propaganda

go live with germans for a week then come back to me

t.butthurt retarded burger
>yuropor are pussies!!! dey should kill de muslims like we do in usa! usa! usa! trump!!
>omg look at these yuropens why dey wanna ban de muslims

>that's actually the ONE THING experts advise to NEVER say.

you gotta admit, up until just before hank figures it out, there'd be literally no reason to assume it was his beta ass brother in law

Yeah so silly to be upset when tragic things happen lel

> being upset at accidents beyond your control
are you a child ?

I'm a human being.

>it's an edgy Sup Forumstard ruins a thread episode

There's a difference between being upset and indulging in hysterical misery at the expense of reason and perspective. See: the American media's reaction to 9/11.

>indulging in hysterical misery at the expense of reason and perspective.
