Non-anglo pronounces iron as "eye-ron"

>non-anglo pronounces iron as "eye-ron"
>non-anglo pronounces through as "froo"
>non-anglo pronounces wont as "want"
>non-anglo pronounces corpse as "corps"
>non-anglo pronounces three as "free"
>non-anglo pronounces four as "for"

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Why can't the non-anglo say th

I can.Its in our alphabet

Literally subhuman, they have no control over their tongue

>inb4 "hurr rolled r's!!!!!"

I can roll my R just as good as I roll your mum in bed

What is the correct way of pronouncing iron then? "ee-ron"?


Everyone can pronounce this shit if they practice for like, 10 minutes.
Same can't be said about anglos concerning Rs rolling))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>mfw foreigners try to pronounce gn, sc, ch, doubles (tt, ss, etc), words with accentsor use the correct words associated with gender


Why can't Americans use question marks?

accents or**


wow, one anglo in a million others can roll R, the same ratio as non-anglos saying "TH".

>americans can't speak their own language

It's eye-en

I thik "eye-rn"

ay fakd yor mam last nayt

Why anglos can't say ы in a correct way?

Brits say eye-ron
Brits say froo
How do Aussies say corpse?


I say "eye-in"

Actually we say "eye-run" while it's "eye-rn".

>corps - "core"
>corpse - "core-pss

Since when are "wont" and "want" not pronounced the same way?


> non-anglo pronounces corpse as "corps"

yer da sells avon

English is literally meme language.
>Be brit
>Take a trip to the USA
>Say "can't" to a nigger
>Get shot

Oh, I thought you meant they pronounce it the way corps is written. not pronounced.

>non-anglo pronounces iron as "eye-ron"
WTF i hate english now.
I knew how to pronounce all the other ones (four is pronounced as for by the way), except iron

It's pronounced "core"

How do you pronounce gaol? Jail.

>non-Poles think this is hard to pronounce

It's really easy to pronun th sound but I think it is still difficult to pronun rolled r.

It's funny how at my elementary school they taught me to say can't as cunt.

Daily reminder that if you can't read this easily you'll NEVER be able to speak english without sounding like a total retard

>8 letter word
>only has 1 vowel (2 if you consider y a vowel)

fucking polish, man

>if you can't read this easily you'll NEVER be able to speak english without sounding like a total retard
>If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of native English speakers
really makes you think

>zsczsczccszc zc zc sczsczczcz czscsczcz czczsc zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?


Do a Vocaroo of that poem

I would if I didn't have guests atm, I don't wanna seem like a retard who recites poetry out of fucking nowhere in the next room

Good fred

>Have guests over
>Sit in another room on an Azerbaijani cheese-making forum

lel you must sound like an autistic manchild

that's literally how you pronounce it idiot

literally autistic screeching

I got bored halfway because there was no car chase

How do you pronounce the h letter in wahnt? Is the same sound when you make when you're breathing on a mirror ?

Australian """english""" = speaking through your nose instead of your mouth

Zero dignity or sophistication whatsoever.

what the fuck is a wont?

>pronounced "weight"
>the exact same word as weight, with different consonant in the beginning
>pronounced "hight"

>pronounced "do"
>the exact same word as do, with different consonant in the beginning
>pronounced "gohh"

>pronounced "WEMEN"

I will never understand the logic in this stupid language. Why not just type the words like they are pronounced?

this is incorrect.

Will not

Idk how to pronounce some of those words

>8 letter
but just 6 sounds, sz is read as one sound, cz as well
>only has 1 vowel (2 if you consider y a vowel)
y is always a vowel in polish
we have enough vowels and there isn't a single word with syllable with no vowel

Try pronouncing Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz

a habit or custom

>>non-anglo pronounces corpse as "corps"
>>non-anglo pronounces four as "for"


The nature of something

>"killing stealing and raping are niggers are wont to do""

This is me.

>Why not just type the words like they are pronounced?

Зaмoк and зaмoк.

t. Southern redneck who pronounces "star" and "store" the same

Phonetics are for caveman-tier languages

>ooga booga how say word???

Tyт paзницa в yдapeнии, a нe в пpoизнoшeнии cлoвa пoлнocтью.
Хaнc вышe oпиcaл мoи мыcли.
(B aнглийcкий тeкcт нe cмoг, тoлькo тpяпкoй нe бeй).

assuming you didn't just look it up, how often do people actually use that word? it sounds ancient

If you aren't a bumbling retard people always use it

>debt is pronounced as det
>doubt is pronounced as daut
>coup as coo
>corps as core
Fuck this illogical niggerspeak

You can thank the French for those last two.

im pretty sure i fucked up some but i did my best

>anglos have language that nobody can speak, not even themselves
UN creating and enforcing a normal speakable artificial language when

it's pretty archaic

idk how to write it in english alphabet so

Coup and corp are french

What the hell are you even talking about?

The australian accent is a disgrace. It doesn't matter which specific demographic you single out either. Men, women, old people, children. It's shameful across the board.

>esperanot will FINALLY become lingua franca

There are only 6 sounds an 2 of them are vowels.

>2 if you consider y a vowel
This is not a matter of consideration. Y is a vowel regardless of what you think about it.

You said wont, which is a completely different word than won't

t. yankee

Then "y" is complete useless in this word

>english is easy they, take you a couple of months to learn they

esperanto a shit

>No matter how much time they dedicate to learning the language or living in an English-speaking country they will ALWAYS have a disgusting and easy to identify accent
All part of the plan. There will be no hiding when the day of reckoning is upon us

We can "thank" the French for your whole fucking ""language"".

It's eye-n

would be one syllabe word, why is "y" useless?

We can thank the Germans, the French just came in and bastardised it

>Anglos who think 'iron' is pronounced "eye-n/eye-en"

Not being able to pronounce R is a speech impediment

>Then "y" is complete useless in this word
t. deaf

how will using english transcription help foreigners?
use the fucking IPA

Iron is /ˈaJɹən/ or /ˈaJən/ depending on whether your accent is rhotic or non-rhotic

I don't find it hard to pronounce, since it's practically the same as our word peščina - sand dune.

It's still funny that OP the Anglo thinks he can master Slavic phonetics with his current phonetic repertoire desu. But I approve of the thread, it's instructive to all of us who aspire to be proficient in English.

Erm, E or I letter?


what did he mean by this?

Гoдoвщинa/godovshina sounds like gadavshina

ע maybe

shit, forgot Sup Forums turns pic related into j

>non-anglo pronounces corpse as "corps"
>non-anglo pronounces four as "for"
Americans say it this way, as they are the ones who establish English rules nowdays, it is the best variant for a non-anglo to pronounce it.

The only I can't legitimately pronounce the way it's meant to is "four/for", but you'd be lying if you claimed that most Anglos don't pronounce it exactly the same way. Queen's English has more non-Anglos speakers than not.

>why do most people whose native language lacks a sound approximate it to one they have
I could say this for many Italian phonemes that Americans can't say correctly, yet you don't see me making threads about it everyday

it is still not incorrect, dipthongs used to be shown by ej, aj, oj and so on. my prof still uses that for some reason.

Literally the rapebaby language of French and Danish. Why couldn't literally any other country conquer half of the world, at least we'd be speaking a language with actual rules instead of "lol just watch a shitton of movies and you'll get how to say words"

i hear "coreps"

Because English has own writing system for ages. Languages change with time, the more language is used, the quicker it changes.
When I started to learn French, at first I used an old book from 50s (written by a French author). When I showed the book to my French friend, he laughed and said that the words they used in the book were really old and they didn't use them anymore.

This isn't difficult to pronounce though, German is 95% pronounced as it's written and long words are just word+word+word+word+word, it's synthaxis that's harder.
>subject [complement] main part of the verb [fifteen other complements] verb particle that gives out the meaning of the entire sentence