Here are 5 facts about Black Widow:

Here are 5 facts about Black Widow:
1.She's cute!
2.She's pure!
3.She's innocent!
4.She's best Marvel girl!
5.Black Widow!!

Other urls found in this thread:

Here are 5 facts about Sup Forums
1. it's shit!
2. too many autists
3. OP isn't actually underage
4. superheroes rule all! #teamcap
5. who can count that high lol??

when her face went to shit?

she was a top tier qt on ghost world

1.She's a slut
3.She's a filthy whore
4.She's worst Marvel girl
5.Blacked Widow

Fuck off

She's still really hot, but no woman is as pretty in her mid-30s as she was in her mid-20s

>posting le quirky tumblr girl

She's not interesting enough to warrant a movie all by herself, and you can be sure that if she gets her solo movie there will be at least 4 Avengers with prominent roles.

It will be a Black Widow movie to appeal to those who whined about it, but in fact it could have been called anything else, just like Civil War didn't have to be a Captain America movie. But Cap is miles more interesting than her

>this faggot trying to seriously discuss this shit
holy faggot

Backstabbing slut. Someone should have beaten the shit out of her, but I guess the movie was just a glorified playground brawl between friends in the first place.

>best Marvel girl

why marvel literally doesn't have any qts? are they trying to make homos out of their young, mentally-feeble male target audience?


Poor bait

Here are 5 facts about OP:
1.He's gay!
2.He's a faggot!
3.He's autistic!
4.He's best at sucking dick!
5.Literally anyone else!!


user pls

Hey how'd you know? Stupid stalker
a shit

>1.She's cute!
she's a fucking midget
>2.She's pure!
she's a slut
>3.She's innocent!
she's a poisonous midget spider
>4.She's best Marvel girl!
she's worst marvel midget

>have turboqt in the first film, only good part of TFA really

>get rid of her in the next but bring back cap's faggot friend and turn him into an edgelord

why cant marvel do anything right?

>She's pure!
I hate to rain on your parade but... She's been blacked.

is true, though

>There's a reality where Peggy was the Winter Soldier

Dude she's 31

Jokes aside, there's actually an alternate universe where Peggy got some of the infinity serum and became immortal and the leader of SHIELD instead of Nick Fury. She even gets the eyepatch.

why didn't they just do that? it would've been 100,000% more interesting, probably would've made me enjoy CW.


I saw this exact post on my anime image board about an anime girl

Best Marvel girl is Songbird, in MCU it's the pink qt alien from GotG

robot alien was way qtier

Was it Umaru?

that mouth can do things, and let not start with her huge tits

I definitely think a Black Window movie has legs. Do it, Marvel Studios!

So you're the cancer ruining my threads.

no bully

She can have sex, she just can't have babies


Her tits are jiggly


4 out of 5 are actually about another character.

Real breasts are.


Look at her cringing.
Evans is the slut.
She's a pure, innocent little angel.

She's a slut


>she's pure


She's not.

delete this

there needs to be a webm of this whole shot. he looks at like 3 pictures of himself. THREE. that's ripe meme material.

>b-black w-widow is a slut!!!
Typical Wandafags

Typical Natfags.
Pic related is the purest btw.


this. and please don't use the outdated gif format.

also, png is not supposed to be used for publishing photos, unless it's a diagram, lineart, or something. don't give a bad name to evanposters.

>pic related
she woke up and launched a massive rancid fart. Best girl Black Widow doesn't do that

>She's not cute
she is old
>She is not pure
she has had sex with Captain America and Hawkeye and since their dicks were too small she fucked hulk who probably destroyed her vagina
>Best marvel girl
only because she is the only marvel girl.
Killed many people and she is the typical American dark and serious female movie character
>Black widow
I can't think of 5 good things about her either

>fartposter is a Widowfag
Why am I not surprised.
Only you could be so desperate to destroy her reputation.


>implying women in the MCU are pure

Only the men are

Tumblr pls go.

wandafags confirmed fartfags


you were supposed to put only 4 points (being 4th one her name). ya blew it, cuck

also, >>>/reddit/



are olsenfags complete retards?

Margot Robbie
Gal Gadot
Cara delevingne
Amy Adams
Antje traue
Lauren cohan

Marvel can't compete, fox is actually doing better than marvel


what's up with this filetype autist ITT

actually fox BTFOd both disney and wb



>Cara delevingne

U lost me m8.

I've masturbated to 28 of the women in that picture


Leave, mad DCuck.

Damn, only 10 here

natalie was the best by far. shame she decided to abandon marvel.

>Margot Robbie
25 year old that looks like a 37 one.

>Gal Gadot
Hungry skeleton.

>Cara delevingne
Manliest eyebrows i've ever seen.

>Amy Adams
Old hag.

>Antje traue

>Lauren cohan
Literally who?

Which ones?

She left because she stood no chance.

wew. in just 3 movies dc does it better than marvel in over 9000. is everybody at disney a faggot or something?

>no woman is as pretty in her mid-30s as she was in her mid-20s
you must not know very many women...

13 here.

But not a single one of those is good.
Hell, there's two people in that post that i'm not even sure are women.

stop embarrassing yourself, grandpa

>2.She's pure!

So am I.

Sorry OP, she won a year ago.

>not liking horny sluts

baka desu senpai deu desu baka desu

>implying DC has qts