It doesn’t happen that way. They go into battle and their best friend dies or they get horribly wounded...

>It doesn’t happen that way. They go into battle and their best friend dies or they get horribly wounded. They lose their leg or death comes at them unexpectedly.
Is he fucking retarded? Even in real life soldiers go to war and come back without serious injury and without their best friend dying. Some of the shit that has happened in real life is so outrageous that if they turned it into a movie everyone would call bullshit. But here comes GRRM to tell us that no, it doesn't happen that way. Because he's the authority on what's real and what's not.

And nevermind that fiction doesn't even have to be realistic or "realistic."

Other urls found in this thread:

Will never come close to death

>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?

>The war that Tolkien wrote about was a war for the fate of civilization and the future of humanity, and that’s become the template. I’m not sure that it’s a good template, though. The Tolkien model led generations of fantasy writers to produce these endless series of dark lords and their evil minions who are all very ugly and wear black clothes. But the vast majority of wars throughout history are not like that.

>'But if you’re going to write about war, and you just want to include all the cool battles and heroes killing a lot of orcs and things like that and you don’t portray [sexual violence], then there’s something fundamentally dishonest about that.


One of those is going to be a surprise death, mark my words. Not Jon though he's going to live no matter what


I'm sorry, is this /lit/? Oh wait that's right, it's not

Fuck off

GRRM is an authority though. Remember when he served in Vietnam?


He's actually fucking autistic

He has some retarded backwards ass logic that dictates, because statistically a lot of people die in wars, one in every x, it must happen to these people too
Instead of "this is a story of people that went through fantastic events and occurrences and against the odds pulled through etc"

He(You) was talking about the author talking about his story.

Jon Arya Brienne and Dany are all going to die in the books, they are invincible on the show.

LEL ol' George "I Am Dark N Edgy, Feck U Tolkien" R R Martin, Lord of Tax Policy and Little Bby Orcs

all hail Egg

He's not totally wrong. The most boring part about the MCU is that we all know that nobody is going to die. They couldn't even kill off Coulson.

Sure you'll say Quicksilver. Let's be honest. Nobody cared because he was a secondary character.

IRRELEVANT! The show has been off the books since Season fucking 3!

It's his story though so let him write it the way he wants it.

What a bullshit answer. It's all about the POVs with story arcs. Anyone around them can die at any time, sure, but the important characters have to have their story play out before they die.

And how important characters die is usually a part of their story.

Literally autism: the post.

Wew, what a fucking worthless post
Literally >no criticism allowed: the post

He is authoritatively stating that "it doesn't happen that way," writers are "cheating" and they have an "obligation" to tell their stories the way GRRM wants them to be told.


You have to strike a fine line between killing everyone and no one. I think the show really oversteps it this season with killings going down everywhere. The books dont really though. They feel more like no ones life is safe, even if they are important characters. The real protagonists, probably jon and dany, wont die or just right at the end. Every other supporting character can though, not for the sake of dieing but because that is the logical conclusion of the set of characters and their personalities in the current situation

>He is authoritatively stating that "it doesn't happen that way,"

He's right.

>writers are "cheating"

He's right.

> they have an "obligation"

He's wrong.

2/3 is pretty good for an old geezer

plot twist: GRRM is talking about himself and how he dies


jon already died

>kills all his interesting characters
>writes himself into a corner and can't finish the books
>still can't bear to kill any of his waifus

Jon literally died ya fuck. Granted we all saw it coming that he's getting revived. But I imagine watching it blind would've been quite the shock.

>He's right.
>He's right.
He isn't, because a lot of shit happens in war. Some people die, some people get maimed, some people come back without a scratch. Some people get into situations that you would think could only happen in movies (e.g. jumping from a plane without a parachute, crashing through a glass roof and surviving).

And we're talking about fiction. There's no reason why fiction has to always be "realistic."

>You don’t get to live forever just because you are a cute kid
Bran, Arya (his wife's favorite character who she made George promise not to kill)
>or the hero’s best friend
>or the hero.
Jon, Tyrion

I hope you're at least getting paid for doing this.

He died the same way that Idaho Duncan died.

Dany is dying or she'll succeed but become evil
Brienne is 100% dying
Arya will probably die

Remember all those totally real wars where underaged girls got recruited to be assassins by magical cults?

the stark kids will all live

>gets drafted to go to Vietnam
>refuses to go
>now acts like the authority on war and its realism

Fuck this faggot

It's correct though
Also you already responded to it

>We've all read this story a million times when a bunch of heroes set out on adventure and it's the hero and his best friend and his girlfriend and they go through amazing hair-raising adventures and none of them have dragons. The only ones who have dragons are extras, " said Martin. "That's such a cheat. It doesn't happen that way. They go into battle and their best friend has dragons. They have dragons or dragons come at them unexpectedly."

If the dumbass wants to show what reality is like, then maybe fiction isn't the genre he should have chosen.

Kids were regularly recruited to do shit to soldiers in many wars. They would pretend to be friendly and be holding grenades behind their back to throw into tanks

My grandfather told me once of how bitter it was to have to shoot down any child with their hands held behind their backs coming near the tanks

how about killing your self-insert Tyrion, you sanctimonious prick?

>people don't die in wars

Maybe the side who have drones or automated missiles to fight for them.

thats Sam you dumbo

Arya and bran maybe. Sansa already lost her wolf. she is a dead woman walking

did he just read LotR and then stop there?

>He isn't, because a lot of shit happens in war.

Exactly, nobody knows for sure they are coming out alive. Unlike most fiction.

He's right.

>There's no reason why fiction has to always be "realistic."

I agree. But he's not wrong about everything he says. Just that part.

it's a war in the middle ages you fucking faggot,
people dying was a fact of everyday life, like shitting and eating
the fat fuck is right, but he went overboard with that shit, to the point that it became a gimmick

Ending the series at book five with nothing resolved is actually the ultimate realization of his philosophy, because real life doesn't have climactic final clashes of Ice and Fire

If he ever does continue the series he should just have the Others say fuck it and stay up north where it's comfy for them, dany stays mired in eastern politics and eventually gives up on her ambitions, and the Iron Throne becomes isolated and irrelevant as the seven kingdoms revert to independence by default


I hate the welfare queens that come back from wherever and act hard like they've seen some shit.

>burgertrash thinks the army of fat hicks from his shit country piloting drones and bombing kids from the safety of a base on the other side of the world from the conflict is a true representation of war, a war from the middle ages at that

americans are always good for a laugh

The fact that they did, makes them a minor character

Can we please drop the reddit tier "OMG GRRM kills so many characters may may"? Let's look at the actual important characters, which are the Game of Throne POV characters:


Oh look, the only ones that are dead* are Ned and Cat**. And killing off the parents when you have a bunch of kid characters so they have to make it on their own is an incredibly common cliche.

What's worse, this may may has now clearly effected the writing of the show, as they now feel the need to have pointless deaths every episode to fit it.

*Jon is obviously coming back and will have more POVs
**Stoneheart doesn't count especially since she will never have a POV

Don't think that all Americans are like the retarded trash in the military pls

>What was Aragorn’s tax policy?
Daily reminder that GRRM's advanced economic writing consists of "the Lannisters have been rich for 5000 years because they have unending gold mines"

a fucking leaf

I'm pretty sure he means Deny. Given her weight

The point is that it can go either way, so you can't say it's not "realistic" for someone to survive.

Not everyone died in wars in the pre-modern age.

I'm not American and it's simply a fact that not everyone gets killed or maimed in a war. You cannot argue against that.

You're also absolutely clueless if you think the US military has no ground forces in places like Afghanistan and Iraq.

>army of fat hicks from his shit country piloting drones and bombing kids from the safety of a base on the other side of the world
hella ebin

Id like this except the others, they should be stopped but only temporarily so it has a sense of cycles, the others were stopped before and someone will do it again (kinda like dark souls I guess)

Red Wedding is what killed the show entirely, it brought the normalfags who fell for the "EVERYONE DIES", meme thrown around and because of those retarded reaction videos. Now D&D have changed the show entirely to fit their needs rather than try and maintain a season 1 quality.

he is right
tolkien is trash
>le white knight in shining armor killing le bad ugly monster, everybody lived happily ever after

ooooooh, omg so amazing and interesting! only braindead faggots and kids like you ( a faggot who still uses LEL) like that shit

Hello redddit!

This fat fuck is to speak of realism
>entire continent, including the rhoynar in the south and the first men in the north speak the same language
>feudal time king is able to rule an entire continent
>dynasties that have lasted for 8000 years
>why are lannisters rich? cuz of the gold mines lmao


>Nobody is married or bethrothed at the beginning of the books
>Theses families that have endured thousands of years unbroken are one male heir away from total extinction

Actually casualty rates were higher in the world wars than they were in the medieval ages, because unless your army gets routed and you get ridden down by a knight ( a rare occurrence) most battles would involve you charging at the enemy, swinging your sword or (usually) your spear and then getting back

Are you mad our soldiers don't die often in wars?

>u fedora
>u redot
t.buttmad burgers in shambles

Yeah this part is shit. Sansa, arya, brann but especially Robb should have had a betrothed at the beginning. Actually Robb could have been married even

>3rd worlders and 2nd worlders (Europeans) so mad at getting BTFO constantly by America that they have to believe this

lmao m9 if ur trying to make someone mad, u have 2 be offensive

People realize that medieval warfare was far less lethal than 19th/20th wars right? If you died in a war, the odds were 80%+ that you died of smallpox caught because an army is a large collection of people.

Field battles in the medieval ages were rare as fuck. Castles were usually taken by sieges, not assaults.

And if you're a fully armored noble, then it's hard as fuck for anyone to kill you even if there's actual fighting. The most dangerous thing to do is surrender because some English King might order your throat slit.

I'm European and I wrote

Good man. Have an extra semen ration

t. burger
Stay mad though. Your blood sugar must be spiking. Eat some sugar cubes

>eurotrash that hasn't fought a war in 50 years because Daddy US is there to protect him
>having opinions about anything

But GRRM's characters don't really die in realistic ways desu, he always makes a big event of it

>Most powerful house in the North that has existed for thousands of years has 9 family members at the beginning of the series.

>indicate it can strike down anybody at any time.

There is a zero (0) percent chance that Jon (again), Dany, or Tyrion die before the last third of his last book. And since there is a zero (0) percent chance that the last third of his last book will ever be published, we can therefore say with certainty that Jon, Dany, and Tyrion will live.

His characters are more likely to die from intrigue rather than directly in a battle. But I don't know how realistic that is. In high school I remember plenty of rulers killing their families. e.g. Roman emperors, Henry viii, or according to duron's accursed kings, French kings

>yuropoor 3rd world

ahahahah americans literally assdevastated by a single post spewing out their whole usual repertoire

only thing missing is "we went to da moon" and "if it wuzn't 4 us u wud be spekin german!!11"

European countries have soldiers fighting in foreign countries too.

t. false flagging american doing fuck knows what

>fantasy series
>dragons, magic, witches, sorcerers all spreading death and mayhem
>hundreds of thousands die, millions
>the chosen one, regular joe, and his three friends go on a journey across the world to destroy the ancient evil, god of pure evilness, omnipotent evil
>nobody dies

Yeah. I've always imagined gods of death that take the form of a twenty ton dragon which makes fire rain from the sky to be about as dangerous as a single raghead with a AK-47 who can't aim and ends up shooting himself.

But you're just factually wrong. The US doesn't conduct its wars exclusively with drones and airstrikes.

Being a king is literally the most dangerous occupation in the world.

>He estimates that their risk of violent death was more than 700 times greater than that of their subjects and seven times greater than that for the most currently at-risk groups: young black American men or people living in the most drug-riddled city in Mexico. Almost a quarter of all royal deaths over 1,200 years was bloody and overwhelmingly those deaths were caused by murder, usually by rivals for the throne. Random assassinations were rare.

Burgers actually believe this

Say what you want but this is one reason I like Game of Thrones. I love stories where the hero doesn't win, or does but in a bad way. Where no one is safe just because they are the main character. One controversial thing that comes to mind that I loved but a lot of people absolutely hated is the ending of The Mist.

you are late mate

here it is:
there is more salt in this thread than in a mcdonald meal

Well that's the thing, he's still writing fantasy. It's fantastical, it's Tolkien-like in its childish simplicity. But then people get their heads cut off and replaced with their dog's.

He hasn't killed a main character since Ned Stark. He has tons of characters with impenetrable plot armor.

There are and have been a lot of ways to die in modern warfare, such as artillery strikes, airstrikes, land mines, tanks, machinegun nests, snipers, suicide bombers, special forces and plain old infantry.

I hate this fat piece of shit and all his fanboys. The most overrated book/tv show there has ever been.

>What was Aragorn’s tax policy?
There are no tax policies described in his books either.

>Did he maintain a standing army?
There are armies described in his books. However even though the story is clearly set in a pseudo 15th century world, it depicts cliched nonsense like armies consisting of untrained peasants with (direct quote) "a sickle or a sharpened hoe, or a maul they made themselves by lashing a stone to a stick with strips of hide."

So that very strongly supports the death rate of his characters who are predominantly of the nobility

Catelyn and Robb.

Cersei and Sam are probably next on the chopping block, Cersei's story is practically over and Sam will more than likely get executed by his father since he'll see it as desertion.

I wonder if he's too scared now to kill a bigger character now?

most characters in the book don't die in battle, so I don't see your point

>I'm going to kill off Dany and Jon, sorry Reddit

thank god

Reminder that he will die of fatness before finishing the books.


Cat has been brought back to life (inb4 she's different!)

Robb was not a main character and anyone who thinks he was is an idiot.

This. His vision of peasent leavies is far from real, even if it was a war fought by no-ones.