ITT: performances that are realistically creepy.
ITT: performances that are realistically creepy
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The one in There will be Blood
my house kind of looks like his, haven't cleaned in awhile. should i be concerned?
What was his fucking problem?
This guy seems a little too good at playing creepy serial killers.
females deserve to be punished for being unlotioned, filthy animals
dubs confirm
He was cast as The Judge in James Franco's Blood Meridian a couple weeks ago, for an afternoon, before it fell through. While Franco's not ideal maybe, D'Onofrio is about the best choice for the character.
Lector explains this shit in the fucking movie. Shove your meme bullshit up your fucking ass, you stupid reddit cunt who is trying to fit in. Kill yourself.
Holy shit, he'd be perfect. I'm glad that fell through, I think Franco wouldn't do great with it 2bh
>realistically creepy
>chooses priest over potential molester in Prisoners
Something about Dafoe I'm American Psycho always seemed really creepy to me
He's too black sounding for my tastes.
Classic Dano
Many find that scene creepy because it was filmed twice, once where Dafoe's character suspected Bateman, and one where he did not.
>it was scary because they filmed two versions of it
this makes no sense
I found it unsettling because of the tonal shifts. Creepy might've been the wrong word.
>rare pasta
>fucking it up
three times, you tard, one time he wasn't sure.
It's meme tier but on first viewing this guy is stone cold creepy
Fuck me, you're right. Sorry, I'm out.
Any character played by Brad Dourif.
Peter Stormare in Fargo
Steve Carrel in Foxcatcher
Creepy but also arousing.
what's the name of that hairstyle?
How is it meme tier it's fucking good
this dudes entire career before and after BTTF
Peter in Constantine
Disher drove him nuts.
She's so cute. I need to watch that.
Anthony Hopkins in Hannibal beats all.
I've always called it The Roadie
It's wore by delusional and lazy men who odds are use to be cool when younger. All long hair flowing as they rode a motorcycle with a hot bitch on the back. Maybe working as a roadie for a band, banging chicks left and right.
but then they got old, bald and fat.. Yet they STILL trying to rock that 1970s World Tour level hair. That of course he just no longer has, at all.
>It's wore by
>use to be
He just wanted to make a comfy woman suit
It wasn't a performance.
This whole movie man, shit gives me the chills more than any other movie.
every character dano plays is a fucking creep
its brilliant
Looks like he is into that whole "Yale" thing.
the whole grandpa part really fucked with me, I thought he was just dead and stuffed.
They filmed the scene 3 times, each iteration Dafoe had a different persona. Splice these 3 scenes together to get one complete scene and it becomes subtly unsettling.
This fucking wrong'un
The Buffalo Bill house is real, and the owners have had it on the market for about a year. It has some nice meme provenance (it helps that nothing bad actually happened there that anyone is aware of, as opposed to true crime locations), but it's in the sticks, and has only one bathroom. Also the basement dungeon was a sound stage, and is not part of the property.
Various news sites claim it has 3-4 bedrooms, while the realtor claims 5. Again, a cramped bathroom. Apparently, it is still on the market with no buyers, and down about 75K from the original asking price of 300K.
Actually it's not THAT far from Pittsburgh, just about 20 miles. Another place of interest in this part of the country: the Flight 93 9/11 crash site and memorial is about 30 miles east of the house, near Shanksville.
freaky deaky
Zuckerberg in The Social Network creeped me out, knowing that he would hold a grudge against and fuck you over the smallest infraction.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre is better than Halloween and no one can tell me otherwise.
He deserved more screentime
Basically everyone in Pusher I-II-III.
Everyone in Gummo pretty much.
Probably the most realistically creepy, but he's also likable as fuck. I keep hoping he'll turn out to be genuinely good-hearted, not just putting on the act for the tourist.
Luckily he remains fun when the killing starts, at least in the movies. That side of him got kinda toned down for the mini-series.
This guy was weird as fuck
D'Onofrio is open about his autism
Here comes the best one, not scary though, but very realistic
He looks like Jerry Sandusky and has the same gravely voice, fucking weird man.
I noticed you sempai
You've got that right
I know it's satire and that they're laying it thick, but both these fuckers, Malory and Jack Scagnetti, are fucking creepy.
are you serious? did you not get the movie?
i dont visit this board as often as i used to, is this some kind of meme?
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of realism.
Well obviously.
Yes yes, it's a meme. But the ticks and mannerism he had made it super believable.
Maybe not "realistically" but he was very creepy the first time I watched it.
OMG seriously who is this creepy fuck, certainly not one of the greatest filmmakers that ever lived or anything
can't even with Benedict cumberbatch since this role
fuck off nigger this is about performances that are realisticly creepy, if anything getting posted in this thread is a compliment to one's acting skills.
Yeah, but he still grew up to be the prime minister of Canada.
No that was just an idiot
It's a thin line
and he's real charmer behind the camera as well
Bait, it was bullshit
I don't know if commercials count, but in the early 2000's, there was this drug or alcohol Public Service Annoucement on TV that had a creepy dentist or tattoo guy. Whoever that was, and whatever the commercial was creeped me out.
I know right? Hell that whole dinner scene made me uncomfortable as fuck.
do people really hate this movie? I saw it as a kid and fucking loved it. it was so insane
>meme tier
Is this what we've become?
Bradem was fantastic. I have my gripes with the film, but he was one of the best performances in a long, long time. Everything about him felt so characterized, so precise. He didn't even have to speak and you just felt a sense that death was coming. He portrayed a pure concept of evil, one that existed to just exist as opposed to overly sympathetic or obnoxiously loud. He was a storm, a natural order.
>mfw his youtube account is still up
Im watching him in 10 Cloverfield Lane right now, had to imbd him because i knew i saw him in another movie, hes bretty good desu.
Also, Jake Gyllenhaal can be very creepy.
It (The Cell) is a bit underrated. It has pros and cons, which I'll go into.
First of all, it is an extremely visually ambitious movie, and it delivers on that front, for which it gets big points. And it's not just "cool sets and colors" ONLY for the sake of doing something cool, but it does make sense within the story insofar as we are literally exploring dreams. I've never been personally fond of Jennifer Lopez, but I do not recall finding anything about her performance "wrong", "diva" or "cringey". She was just the bimbo in this particular thriller, and she did just fine IIRC. This movie does not deserve to be discounted just because J-Lo is the lead.
The Cell is ALSO very derivative, in multiple ways. The serial killer meme had been firmly established by the time this flick came around, so they were really just taking Buffalo Bill (yes, that is the character I initially think of, not it's not just because that's the character in this thread's OP)/Ed Gein for yet another spin.
There is also a scene where horse is cut into a dozen separated rectangular segments, which is a clear ripoff of Damien Hirst. Also it kinda feels like they're trying to "look" like Matthew Barney installations at times. I'm pretty sure there's other gimmicky things that are clearly just aping famous art-piece X, which is nice, but it still feels forced and bitey.
Finally, the specific notion of pulling in-and-out of an alternate reality via technology reminds one of the Matrix. One wonders how close the creatives were, the movies came out very close to each other.
The Cell is worth a watch, though. A more recent variation on this theme has been Insidious, which I personally enjoyed, but it's a bit of a meme movie so I know that lots of Sup Forums aren't there with me on that one.
It's his deformed ugly face.
fat obsessed woman from misery
Those eyebrows or lack of them
The Hitcher is so damn underrated.
>a remake of the Hitcher eh? I wonder how it is, even got Sean Bean in it!
>gender swapped bullshit where the guy is now tied to the trucks
loved this guy
creep is such a creepy film