Is it possible to sell my soul for benefits?

Is it possible to sell my soul for benefits?

How's the 8th grade going?

Yeah sure what are we talking about?

Well you can always try

who would buy it?

Clearly not great if he's already selling his soul in July.

Yes, it's called "The American Dream".

Yes. Date a girl.

Dunno. Its been a buyer's market these last few years and the trends aren't looking good for sellers.

The trick is to just find a demon with good terms. Like most things in life, it's a matter of negotiation.

A few tips:
Don't go for the ones that will seek you out. If a demon goes out of its way to find a human, it isn't worth dealing with. It's probably just trawling for souls or looking for cheap eternal labor.
Don't make a deal with anyone claiming to be the devil. The devil doesn't make deals in person.
Pick a demon whose personality compliments yours, because after you sell your soul they WILL influence you, even if they aren't trying to. I was always quite asexual, so I chose a lust demon who slowly corrupted me into a raging horndog. Choose wisely.

Demon here, I'll give you 50c for your soul.

>Don't go for the ones that will seek you out. If a demon goes out of its way to find a human, it isn't worth dealing with. It's probably just trawling for souls or looking for cheap eternal labor.
And this!

You should seek out a demon who doesn't typically make deals. If they come to you, tell them to fuck off. You should be looking for them.

And don't let them take the high ground in the negotiation. Make them want your soul, take the initiative!

Sure, why not? Bart Simpson did it...

So how do i search for one? Call 666-666-666 or what?

Be with you in a moment, Chaun'Zuggoroth (chauncy) needs to go over some legal details.

I think I've tried to sell my soul a couple of times now
It doesn't seem like it ever worked either time
Unless of course it did and my stoner memory serves me poorly...
Can't say I'm all that disappointed to be h

How much time do he/she needs to arrive? And what kind of legal details?

dammit harry! youre gonna fry that computer.

If you're looking to be the best guitarist in the Mississippi Delta, then yeah, I'm sure you can work it out.

Not if your soul isn't worth a shit

Typically I'll use an intermediary. Obviously for a vanilla mortal like myself contacting demons is EXTREMELY dangerous. Usually as a simple matter of principle they'll try to kill you just for wasting their time. What I'll usually do is research a demon for whatever purposes I need, then once I have it's Name (capital letter is significant there, most demons have many names, but their true Name can summon them. You won't be personally summoning them, but your messenger will need it to find your demon. For messengers I recommend minor faeries. They're quick, small, bindable by contract, and no one misses them if they get killed). Then I'll pay an intermediary to offer them a contract of negotiation on behalf of an "anonymous part" (myself). The contract is basically just an agreement saying they'll sit and talk when we meet, rather than tearing my throat out or something. If they sign, the intermediary will report back, and negotiations can begin.

Thanks user.

No. Satanism is a mythological construct like Christianity.


Most broker's are only open from 6 till 6 on the 6th of June. You might have missed the boat this year. Think of it as a cooling off period

>Call 666-666-666 or what?

When he ask you, say yes. that easy

Sup man? What can you offer for my soul?

Also, it's worth noting that selling your soul is a one time thing. I've had dozens of dealings with demons, but you should find other things to negotiate with. Your soul is a lot like your virginity: you only lose it once, so choose well. My soul is currently in the beautiful hands of a lust demon matriarch known publicly as Tyhia. I chose her because she's reputable, known for fair dealings, and my post-death service to her will be roughly what it is now: intelligence gathering and the occasional bit of networking. This brings me to the real thing you can offer a demon.

Demons usually don't understand humans very well. Even more empathetic demons like Tyhia and her kind don't generally understand human behavior outside their sphere of influence. Sure, Tyhia could give you a boner without even trying, but she has trouble with morality and human motivation beyond base needs. You can offer a demon understanding of human behavior, especially modern technology, which they're terrible with. Offer your services as a consultant, just be sure to make sure they understand why this is useful.
Sure thing. You really should take a course on this though. I studied for six years before i contacted my first demon. This isn't amateur hour. If you fuck up you'll get killed if you're lucky.
Oh fuck off, he doesn't make house calls.

I haven't been this disappointed in a website since I searched for

>If you fuck up you'll get killed if you're lucky.
THIS. This so much.
You have no idea how often I get hired for a consulting job by some young fucking goth teeny bopper who wants to summon a demon for shits and giggles. Sure, I'll take their money, but almost without exception, they end up getting killed. You're dealing with an ancient immortal being who's been slaughtering humans and worse for thousands of years. The only advantage humans have is preparation and training. You lose your advantages and you're dead, THE END.

There are like four people EVER who survived a botched summoning.

Kill yourself
Go to hell
Send your soul
Back to life

So what kind of preperations do i need?
And what do you got from the bargain?

is this the new finger box?

You should go to school, kid. You have to learn this shit.

I'm not him so I won't speak for him, but odds are he'll tell you the same thing: you need training. There are schools for this shit. When summoning a demon you need wards created specifically to bind that demon. Most wards are similar in structure to an advanced mathematical equation, with the demon and summoning conditions representing variables. People study for decades to learn this.

Even someone like me who has the equivalent of a masters in this is only considered to be a journeyman.
>What do I get from the bargain.
Well first off, and most perhaps most obviously to most people, I get the attention of a millennia old lust demon matriarch. I'd say she's pretty like a model, but near as I can tell there's no models as pretty as her.

More substantially, I get access to considerably more resources than I'd have otherwise.

But more than anything she offers me security: rather than throwing myself before the judgement of a god that may or may not exist when I die, she'll be taking my soul, and because we're both bound by contract, I know exactly what will be done with it. No moral ambiguity, no uncertainty, just specific conditions and obligations to be met.

It is, but if you're going to do it, contact a professional. You try summoning a demon on your own and you'll just get raped, murdered and eaten. In that order if you're lucky.

>Chaun'Zuggoroth (chauncy) needs to go over some legal details

Tell me a professional in europe.

It is yet you seem to believe it's a simple transaction as like buying bread. This is not the case.

To gain favor of certain elements you must give yourself to the ideology of that which is summoned. Giving your soul is a complete statement but before you barter you must know your product. There is no simplicity of 'I'd give my soul for this', it's a practice that requires expertise and courage.

what do you mean by benefits?

You should probably make it more clear who you were talking to there.
Don't give him the fucking contact! If you're clued in then you know as well as I do why that's a bad idea.

You seem to know quite a bit about this... Random question: Can you contact demons through the use of psychedelic drugs?

Instructions unclear , dick stuck in a demon. But feelsgodman.

I replied to OP you simpleton, denoted by the lack of a replied post number.

The fuck? No, of course not. This isn't mystical mind dream metaphysical shit, it's just science. Put in the right set of variables into the right equation and add enough energy, and you get the right frequency to contact certain beings.

The process of summoning a demon is 30% research, 30% math, 30% preparation, and 10% luck. Drugs don't help with any of that.

Srsly mate , its my soul. Just gimme a contact.

Then why not tag OP in your post like a normal user?

What kind of autism is going on here

The fuck are you even talking about? Are you one of those satanist emotional "demons need your true belief" types? What, you just couldn't make it through school? Hit the math classes and dropped out, so now you pretend to know how to summon because you can't deal with your failure? Leave the summoning to professionals sweetheart.


Sell your what?

I don't know but it's too much to digest.

This is unquestionably dangerous. While in any state of inebriation logic dispels to 'want'. This is especially so with drugs that peel the viel of the worlds. This is akin to going to a gun fight with a knife. The elements that seek mortal interaction are forces of binding and bondage. To seek these things without total control is folly.

Nothing, move along.
Yes, it's your soul, but this is like asking for the contact information to a Chop Shop, because "Hey, it's my kidney!"

Yes, it's yours, but if you don't have the rep and the know how you'll just get killed.

I doubt your experience.

This guy is bizarrely metaphysical and spacey, but he's right. Drugs are a no-go here. You're going to be doing some advanced logic and calculations if you're summoning. Drugs fuck that.

Can I ask what you traded your soul for?

I will get killed anyway , its worth a try.


I ask because I was contacted by some weird entities on a bad trip, had a hard time identifying them. Definitely not trying to contact through this method, just still trying to figure out who/what I talked to 4 years later.

satanic trips

What color?

For obvious reasons I don't want to give you the specific wording of my contract, but more or less, I didn't so much trade my soul as I did offer services in exchange for Tyhia taking custody of my soul. In exchange for my services (she gets half my time, measured yearly. So six months a year, I'm hers. She can take that as every other day, or by month, or whatever, but once she's used up a total of six months of my time, I'm free for the rest of the year). In exchange she cares for my soul after death and ensures I always have the resources I need for my research and my work for her.
Not necessarily. If you negotiate well, you'll be set. I, for example, am funded for life, and even after I die, my soul goes to a trusted ally and colleague. Deal well and you'll be fine. Just make sure you actually know how.
The "entity contact" was probably a hallucination, friend. Demons can't just pop into your mind because you're high. Sorry.

Don't bother. You most likely experienced pure hallucinations.

No idea. Immediately repressed that shit.


No i mean i'm in a life threatening position right now , not by demons. I will get killed by someone else.

Hahaha you think you can just up and change your fortune? You're the type of person that becomes used.

>Just a hallucination

People trip all the time and think it's an entity, when odds are it isn't. Certain spirits of nature will contact you if you know what you're doing, but it requires a fair amount of practice and training to do, and the spirits have to know you, they won't just contact any old fuck. The only person I ever saw do it was a Dine Holy Man (an indian medicine man), and he'd been a practitioner for more than a century.

Yeah... Sorry user, but... This.
Any demon is going to be able to tell that you're going to die soon, so if this is true you'll NEVER get good terms. At this point it's best to just make peace with it and meet death with grace, because any demon who's willing to deal with you will fuck you in the ass.

Like your mother was?

Sheeeit, gonna be expensive I can tell you.

My death is is 100% sure. I can embrace it , or i can run from it. I just can't choose which one should i choose.

No need to be petty, user. He's probably right. Demons can tell when someone comes to the table desperate, and they'll never let you take the high ground.


Really? I've been apart of two rituals but they were both South American. sounds interesting, to be an Indian. Though I suspect nationality does little, it's just a more prominent culture in South America.

We got a case boyz.

Look, if you're really desperate I'd recommend you contact a professional for this, but it'll be expensive. Like, seriously expensive. There are maybe two dozen people in the WORLD who are qualified for this kind of work, and I'm not one of them. On the rare occasional that I do consulting work (note that this isn't an offer, it's just a point of reference) I usually charge anywhere from 2.5-10 thousand an hour, plus a retainer of 25k that I'll sometimes waive if it's just a quick consulting job. Now consider that I'm not even qualified for this level of fast negotiation; I wouldn't take this job. You'd be looking at the top arcanists in the world for this kind of fast, deceptive negotiation.

Do i need to go to the deepweb for this? Atleast gimme a lead.


You're going to die. From everything you've said, you lack the means and ability to nullify this. Death isn't so bad, though, user. The transition is the worst part.

Sorry, to be clear I should have said native american, not indian. You may not know this if you aren't an amerifag, but in norht america we colloquially call native americans, indians. It's stupid, yes, but you can look it up if you don't believe me.
>Been part of two rituals.
I can believe it, though it's important to know that nature spirits and demons are a whole different ball of wax. Having a couple encounters with nature spirits is entirely different from contacting a demon. Even the most dangerous, predatory nature spirits are generally safer to call than a demon (with a few exceptions. There are a few oceanic and african preditor spirits that can go toe to toe with a fucking demon lord, though part of that is speculation. As you can imagine researching these entities is difficult due to their danger potential).

You need to be saved user. Jesus will heal all

user... This.

Death is NOT the worst thing that can happen to you when you go chasing this kind of entity. Actually, death is about the best thing that could happen, if you get really lucky. I can't in good conscious give you information that would lead to your inevitable death and the likely theft of your soul.


Not everybody can speak , gayman.

Ahh ok that makes more sense. Though I personally disagree that 'nature spirits' and 'Demons' are not alike. Entities that don't experience mortality have a very similar vibe to me. I'm by no means an expert practitioner but from what I've felt the two labels are one.



Only if you want to be a werewolf with no control of yourself... then yes.

Yes and no.

On one hand, yes they are similar, but at the same time they're also very different. That may sound like a contradiction, but hear me out.

Like I said, I've studied this for six years, so I have roughly the equivalent of a master's degree, and while that's far from a master (you're not considered a master until you've fully completed your schooling, which takes anywhere from 25-40 years, and you also need to have summoned and bound a level 4+ entity).

I guess you could think of this kind of thing as different kingdoms of animals. Nature spirits and demons may both me metaphysical beings, but we classify them differently for cataloging purposes. Both are metaphysical beings, and both need an investment of energy to interact with the physical world (this is why so many demon rituals have animal or human sacrifices, the investment of energy is needed for the demon to physically interact with the world). Nature spirits also need an investment of energy, but they can actually aquire it themselves, typically from the ecosystem around them, ie an oceanic spirit could aquire energy from the ocean, a desert spirit from the desert, etc.

Try not to get too metaphysical and spacey. This stuff is science, not magic.

Not to choose is still choosing.

Well bettter than nothing , time to try it.

>occupation that takes 6 years of schooling to reach a journeyman rank in
>Here's an infographic that can do all the work for you
Seems legit.

Still better than this arcanist shit who needs 20k for 1 hour lol.

This obviously can't do anything, there's no investment of energy. Even if by some miracle you did manage to call up a demon (which you won't, but more on that later) it couldn't do anything because it would have no energy with which to interact with the physical world. Come on dude, even the satanist crowd know you need an energy investment (though they typically sacrifice an animal, which is a rather inefficient way to do it).

Plus you can't call an entity with this, as there's no frequency alteration, no investment of energy, and most laughably, THERE'S NO TRUE NAME. Come on...

What? Better? No, it's cheaper, but not better. That's like saying "US law for dummies" is better than a lawyer, because it's a fifteen dollar book versus a professional that will charge 300$ an hour for consulting.

Cheaper =/= better.

At least that guy knows what he's fucking doing. That infographic is the metaphysical equivalent coloring page. It won't do a fucking thing. It's missing four of the five summoning factors, and it doesn't even have a ward, so even if by some act of god you manage to call an entity, it'll just kill you.