Based Kiefer at it again.
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Will he make diamonds from the victims asses?
Looks pretty cool. How cool it would be to have Jack Bauer for president?
Kief's unapologetic partying and rowdiness is one of my favorite things in Hollywood
He is apologetic about it though, but he can't help himself and yet never blames on outside influences.
I read that as "Designated Driver" and thought "wow, Kiefer's really expanding his range with this one".
Looks like shit.
What's with this new trend of 24fps footage, 60fps graphics in TV trailers..? It's jarring.
Why would they make a TV show like this? It's a short lasting premise, could work better as a movie.
>"That explains everything"
>Jumps in to xmas tree
Kal Penn thickening up nicely. JUST potential for him.
Takema toad batel withus
Never Forget
>mfw the twist is that he actually did this himself to become president
>how do we make people not immediately associate him with Jack Bauer!
>I know! Slap some glasses on him
Fucking hacks, it's still Jack.
in the LOO?
>that dadbod
Jack is just a cool character.
There's nothing he can do to surpass it. Unless this series turns out to be really good.
Chief Kief is a great actor though so maybe he can pull it of.
>hief Kief is a great actor though so maybe he can pull it of.
Yeah just like he did with Touch!
He wasn't bad in the series, the series was bad.
>guys, what if Jack Bauer had an autistic son
Brilliant premise indeed.
He just needs an actually decent show. Mads had Hannibal, Matthew Mc-whatever had True Detective, Buscemi had Boardwalk, etc.
> Kiefer Sutherland plays a quiet and reserved man put into a position of power
did you notice this show is on abc
He already had 24, in the wrong decade though, some years more and people at Hollywood would be falling in line to suck his dick.
Maybe Designated Survivor can be his next big thing. It even has a catchy name.
Drunk Kiefer will never stop being a funny meme:
In b4 the president is actually alive and he's making Jack do all the hard decisions.
It's a meme for us, alcoholism for him.
"That explains everything"
>tfw they make a joke about MGS not being MGS without Hayter with Kief sitting in the audience
Uncalled for 2bh
And he took it like a champ, never addressing the faggots not even once.
>Literally within sight of the Capitol
If that had been a nuke instead of a conventional bomb he'd be dead too. Why would you even have him in Washington?
This, at least put him in a bunker, or some place that doesn't have fucking windows.
pls come back jack and save us from the 24 nigger PC mandatory diversity
>save us from this show you're executive producing Jack
Fucking moron.
>hey Kief, here's the script, can we put your name on it so it would look legit?
>sure why not
And that's the extent of Kiefer's involvement in the show.
He did a great job. Chris Zimmerman confirms this and Jay's to rest any roomers that he was too expensive. He wanted to do a good no. For the fans and I thought he delivered. Everyone else has been nothing but shit to him and he has completely taken those hits like a champ.
The only person to blame is Kojima for always trying to out someone from Hollywood in that role.
Goddamn Kief is matured as fuck.
He wanted a professional actor for his husbando in MGS3 too.
I don't know why he didn't followed that plan.