Did the special effects, at least in the first half, look terrible to anyone else?

Did the special effects, at least in the first half, look terrible to anyone else?
They looked like they were straight out of the mid-2000s, especially in the car chase at the beginning, and the Black Panther chase.

Yep, laughable bad. The editing in action scenes didn't help much either.

I'm glad it wasn't just me. Is it just lower budget since it's not an Avengers movie? It looked awful.

who cares?

this is clearly not art, but a disposable mass marketed product: the smart move is to reduce quality as much as you can, in order to increase profit. consumers won't care

I'd like to see you do better.


At least attempt to hide your samefaggotry.


Certainly above average, for a hollywood blockbuster. Just average, for a chinese blockbuster. Horrible cinematography overwhelms them, anyway.

Better get used, cause this is the future of the industry

i knew the movie would be shit from the trailer when iron man said "i thougth we were friends D: D: "

literally reeked of appealing to 6th grade boys

why are any of you "18+" """""adults"""" watching this?

Iron Man's suit looked like shit

I was watching it and thought "what is this PlayStation 1 graphics"

The early scenes have a bit too much shaky-cam, but from the airport scene onward it goes away

BvS failed, get over it.

I was watching it and thought "what is this Turbo Grafix 16 graphics"

Stop posting this monster.

I was watching it and thought "what is this Sega Master System graphics"

stop posting gifs, grandpa

I was watching it and thought "what is this ZX spectrum graphics"

you didn't watch the movie or you simply have the attention of a 2 yo

no shit I didn't watch the movie, and I refuse to

stay pleb, faggot

i've seen enough marvel movies


The special effects are always shit in marvel flicks since all the budget goes to RDJ

Why don't you go be a mad DCuck somewhere else.

The CGI on Iron man's suit in the airport fight was so laughably bad. Jesus.

>f-fuck you DCuck AGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!


But he is.
He's a DCfag that's so mad at BvS' failure and Civil War's success that he's in complete denial.
He legitimately thought BvS was good which is laughable.

>Talk about bad CGI in marvel movies


But they are.
They are mad DC cucks angry because BvS was a horrible movie.