If you're under 6 feet tall, just kill yourself

If you're under 6 feet tall, just kill yourself.

Manlets are so fucking disgusting. God damn it makes me cringe every time i see one. Do us all a favor and just remove yourselves from the jean pool.

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i might be only 5'7 but i whop would your butt in a 1vs1

ITT:fag who's only redeemable quality is height trying to make himself feel better

> jean pool


big things come in small packages

>jean pool


Yao Ming is not 6'2" you cuck he's 7'6"

Does it suck to have to look up at women or are you kids used to being looked down on?

> jean pool

Your autism has been confirmed, sorry.

I'm too short for the bait to reach me

>talking to women
yea that's soemthing I'm sure you do a lot

5'11.5'' barefoot
i wear lifts inside my shoe to be an inch taller

does it make a difference? probably not. but being tall is fun and it helps my confidence for pickup game

no one will know I'm secretly a manlet



Lol sure thing little guy

Manlet detected

tall guys are usually humble. probably all manlets itt

Manlet here. I'm only 5'8''. That's why I lift man I can't get taller, but at least I'm not a limp armed faggot.



girls are easy enough to fool though

Maybe you should remove yourself you may be tall but your still retarded

>taking his bait
>I also just took your bait

And suddenly, the entire Mexican and Japanese races became extinct overnight.

but still funny

feet is a retarded measurement

chinks & gooks too...all a bunch of pygmies kekek


Well I'm a trap so I wouldn't be cute if I was tall.


Good. Fuck manlets.

Di...did you.. Purposefully spell "gene" wrong?

Um.. 5'9" big boy here. Hahaha.

I heard a farfetch'd tale of a procedure that makes you taller by breaking your legs at the kneecap. This will extend the length of your legs while the bones heal.

>Being so insecure you have to rag on people for random specified arbitrary shit that you surpass them in.

Manlet spotted.

Gotta agree with OP here. I cringe when I see "men" under 6'0"

Why is that fucking, freak, using a cane? Do really tall people have a hard time balancing?

U mad, manlet?

Manlet spotted.

Manlet took the bait.

Manlet detected.

6'4 master race here. Under 6'0 are like children, I see them as cute things who must serve taller people with taller penis.

user please, these niggers are just posting b8 to trigger short people.

Manlet spotted. 6'10 master race here.

The shorter person is the next evolutionary step for humanity fuckwad.

That's why Grey's are so tiny with big heads and anal probes!

I think his legs have a hard time supporting his height.

Lord, my sword is yours

All these people with no confidence whatsoever...In order to feel a little bit better about their pathetic lives they try to make others feel bad. The sad part is, these crippling depressed spineless kids do this with something nobody should be proud of (e.g. length) since it requires no skills or talents whatsoever. Just go kill yourself or educate yourself so you indeed have something to be proud of ;)

I'm 5'11 and 3/4th of an inch. Sometimes women check me out on accident for a while but then they squint and that just blows the whole fucking deal.

Very manlet

Im 510
I date under that.
Keep the giraffes man, date in your lane

6'10" here. Seriously, I'd you're only 6'2" and you're giving shorter people shit for their height you're a sad shit. The most defining thing about you is your height, and it's not even that impressive.

What's next, bragging about the size of your nipples? What hospital you were born?

Almost got laid one time, had to correct her mistake and inform her about that quarter inch.

I'm 5'3" and have slayed so much puss. My current gf (and soon to be fiance, I hope) is 5'10".

Fuck off non symmetrical nipple swine

5'8 manlet. Younger half sister (different dad) is around 6'0 or 6'1. On the rare occasion I'm standing barefoot next to her while she's wearing heels my head barely reaches higher than her shoulders. Life sucks man

What? Are you trying to say something all the way down there?

Manlets spotted.

That sounds right.

who dat girl?

Lol this amount of same fagging is just sad.

Enjoy the fact that your two inch dick looks ridiculously microscopic on your body than it would if you were, say, 5'5 ?


>lying on the internet

Manlet doesn't know when to stop.


Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet Manlet hamlet

Because that's what this thread needs more of



Cause they know all the real cool dudes are 8'5 or taller and anyone shorter should just convert themselves into resources already.

You're both to retarded to grammer right.

>Current gf
Baby elephant

5'7'' here care to say that to my face. I double dare you.

>All these fucking manlets

Anyone under 6'1 should be in a gulag.

It'd hurt my back to crouch over that low

Kek look at the butthurt on this 6 foot virgin. Sorry brah sometimes even height cant fix how ugly you are

Your talking from Uranus dude!

Short people ARE the future!!!

My dick is 6 feet tall. Does that count?

im 6'5" nothing crazy tall....but its weird 9 times out 10 im tallest guy around and it feels weird when im not

Not if 99℅ of it is foreskin, no.



>Short people are for dicking


My dick is only 2 inches... from the ground! ....When I'm laying on my stomach.... over a 7 foot hole....that my dicks not in.

I'm 5'8 with a 10/10 gf


Ever wonder as a tall person why there aren't more like you?

Because the genes are being phased out adults.

You're part of a dying breed of hideous and unnecessary traits for humanity.

You mean 5/5? Or do you use your other 5 fingers to ass blast yourself?

"jean pool"

Like a Levi's jacuzzi?

I was at the bank when you tried using your foreskin as a balaclava remember? You walked into and accidentally locked yourself into the maintenance cupboard.

Foreskins don't have eye holes.webm

You made a similar claim back then and look how that turned out!

Lol, look at you making fun of short people when you don't even know what "jean" means. Are you that fucking stupid? Jeans are what you put on your fucking legs. I think you mean GENES, which you seem to have inherited extra of

Is the Jean pool a pool full of people named Jean?

No, "big" denotes mass. Big things come in big packages. That's how mass works.

You're trying to say "good things come in small packages". This is also false. No one likes manlets.

6 foot 4 reporting in. OP you should kill yourself stop bashing on other peoples short(lol)comings to make yourself feel better.

OP is under 6ft guaranteed

My small package cums in big things. Huge loose assholes mostly. They don't even know it's happening

Giants never existed and never will.

You are the by product of a generic flaw which, over time, is being naturally corrected.

OP can't claim people smaller than him are manlets, without approving the use of the term 'freak like genetic abnormality facing naturally recurring extinction'.

And that term btw applies to all other tall freaks out there!

Underrated comment