Watch Schindler's List

>watch Schindler's List
>turns out the Holocaust actually happened

Other urls found in this thread:

>told about the holocaust in 2nd grade
>then in 3rd
>all 4 years of my BS
>every day online
>in all the news stories
>in all forms of media
If it really happened, why do they need to push it so hard?

Check em Shitposter-sama

>told not to touch stovetop when hot as a 4 year old
>then a 5 year old
>6 years old
>and so on and so forth until this very day
If stoves really are hot on top, why do so many people tell me not to touch them?

And why is anti-semitism pushed so hard against more than any other form of racism? Why is Hitler regarded as one of the worst monsters to ever grace human history when he was a man with an ideal, much like Marx and Stalin?

These questions and more at 11.

RIP to the 76 megaseptaterabillion

I can go test to see if a stove is hot
that's good enough for me

You're right, instead of teaching children to not touch stove we should inform them of basic logic, including fallacies such as strawmen.

you're over 20 and people still tell you not to touch a stovetop when hot? are you literally retarded? are you legally competent?

damn son, you might just be retarded

I was only told not to touch the stove top once. If it takes you more than once to learn that it's hot and will burn you, then you're probably retarded.



> (long)

Also, these vids in order lay things out pretty well.


The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxists Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxists fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Cultural Marxism in action, polictical correctness. The tip of the blade:


Does this sound familar at all?


The Holocaust



Kikes should not confuse themselves with all Semites. Religion is not race, and many Semitic Muslims want Yidzrael destroyed.


Never sure if posts like these are in on it, or are actually that stupid.

>the liberal says: "I won't address the argument at hand at all, but I will feel free to say "la la la can't hear you" in response to troubling views
Never sure if posts like these are in on it, or are actually that stupid.

reddit-tier argumentative skills, buddy

I'm sure you're wishing you could downvote those posts

And of course you got the Hitlerdubs.

Anyways, this is probably the worst part abotu discussion on places like Sup Forums, people just believe and respond in memes, too the degree where they believe insipid conspiratard nonsense like this just because they can call anyone disagreeing a jew.

No, I'm not fond of Israel, their rhetoric or what they're doing, but don't be retarded about it.

That's right, the only real conspiracies are the ones they tell me on the news.

It'd help if you actually presented an argument. Taking a post mocking the logic of another post and treating what it says literally is literally full retard.

>doesn't know if we're in on it or not
damn son, you might just be retarded

You're right, your irrelevant strawman analogy needs to be treated with care.

Look at the state the world is in and tell me that a majority of people are lacking even the slightest hint of commonsense

> I never got an education

Isn't it funny how conspiratards are more likely to believe some neckbeard with a youtube channel who dropped out of high school knowns mroe about history than people who literally study it?

Whatever, this is like arguing with homeopathers or people who believe in ghosts, it's a waste of time.

>Hey guys I'm 16 and just learned about fallacies today in first period English.
>A-am I using it right?

Yes, I'm using it right. At what point did you consider your post to be a relevant contribution to the argument?

Why are you responding to my post like I even care what the conspiracy you're complaining about is?

Let me state what I said again: the only real conspiracies are the ones they tell me on the news.

>continues strawmanning despite being called out
Most embarrassing post of the day

>Yes, I'm using it right.
>tfw Dunning Kruger effect is real

>>Hey guys I'm 16 and just learned about fallacies today in first period English.
>Hey guys I'm 16 and just learned about pseudoscience today in first period sociology.

>2014 tourist STILL strawmanning

Me too.
What's your country? Me : France

>just watched who framed Roger Rabbit
Did you guys know that cartoons are actually real?

There's literally nothing wrong with the systematic extermination of the Jews. It's the only thing that makes some movies worth watching.

the best part about dunning-kruger is any time you could site dunning-kruger, they'll just claim its affecting you.

Spooky huh?


>le ebil jews xD
Grow up redditors

>reddit hates jews
I like this meme. Can we push this, together?

Jews are just too good and too smart, that's why everyone hates them. It's literally the reason for modern antisemitism.

>tfw you were born in the wrong era

>its a "I got a C in my shitty public school history class, but I watched this meme youtube video and am now an expert historian" thread

>it's a "The red cross documentation that strictly states no crimes were taking place is something I'm going to completely ignore" post

>it's "I'm dumb enough to think the Nazis allowed the red cross to examine death camps" post

>doubling down on meme shit instead of just admitting you have no idea what you are talking about

pls shitpost jpgs and 6 different hour long youtube videos and call me a jew shill

>it's a "lalalalala I can't hear you." post

WAKE UP SHEEPLE! The jewish conspiracy is why Im still a virgin!