So, now that a female Ghostbusters is coming out and rumors of an all female Ocean's 11 are spreading, what is next?
All female expendables? Female Rocky? Female Lethal Weapon?
So, now that a female Ghostbusters is coming out and rumors of an all female Ocean's 11 are spreading, what is next?
All female expendables? Female Rocky? Female Lethal Weapon?
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Who cares? Let them make whatever they want and then choose to watch it or not. No one is forcing you to watch anything you don't want to.
>All female expendables?
Already pending and there was a syfy tier movie like that already, there was talks of a female Roadhouse but after holly Holm made Ronda eat floor I think they'll go with someone that isn't a big fat LOSER
also female lethal weapon happened with The Heat
>capeshit threads
>Star Wars threads
>pedo threads
>Sup Forums threads
Why is this board so shit?
Full Metal Jacket
How is this thread any of those?
>female Ocean's 11
Im pretty sure a comedian already made a joke about how they would be shitty and passive aggressive the whole time.
Why don't they try and make their own iconic films?
faggot up there got offended and decided to tell everyone his checklist of things he doesnt like. try to be more accommodating next time.
>Female Rocky?
Pretty sure we already covered that with a Million Dollar Baby.
All female version pls, Hollywood.
all female tropic thunder remake
Because there'd be less imagined outrage.
See, when you take something that is predominately enjoyed by men, but remake it with women and presumably for women, then you do the laziest and shittiest job you can and if anyone criticizes, you can pull the soggy knees card and immediately silence all criticism.
The heathen bastards at Sony are making Trainspotting 2.
I hope they make a woman version of the Big Lebowski so I dont feel bad about being a slacker NEET gurl desu
The only 'female only' adaptation I'll be willing to see is Magic Mike.
As long as it doesn't have hippo-tier women like GB16 does.
Female Star Wars :^)
But Magic Mike was a male version of Showgirls.
They're already making a female version of 21 Jump Street
12 Angry Men
>female Carpenter's the Thing
>female Alien (implying it has to make sense)
>female X-files
>female Madwomen
>All females The Room
Female Top Gun
Probably just the complete and utter extinction of white males everywhere. The deathcamps are next.
man i hope feminist 11 gets savagelt raped and disliked on social media too
I wonder what you'd call it.
i saw a nazisploitation of that already, but i don't fucking remember the name.
oh dont worry we'r prepping a big outcry for that too
What I want to know is what the white men get out of hating white men so much.
All girl spec ops team vs. female Predator.
Mean Girls.
[Sombre music]
[BRRRRRRRM to video footage of sad concentration campers]
[record scratch]
[Dubstep remix of Joy Division starts playing]
[shots of girls in striped jumpsuits doing flying kicks and explosions]
'Charlie's Angels Man-o-caust' would be a license to print money. Someone get Hollywood on the line!
Melissa McCarthy has been a part of just about every female reboot, it seems. They all suck.
Who cares, let them make the movies. If they bomb, Hollywood will realize it can't profit from the trend and everything will be back to status quo
>try to be more accommodating next time.
Hello Tumblr!
if it followed the comics (LOL) they'd be extra super secret double fucked since they said the female Predators are bigger than the males and even more aggressive
Nothing. They think it will get them brownie points with women, but it doesn't.
> All female The Thing
Put a bunch of women in an isolated research station in the arctic, and it's only a matter of time before they start mistrusting and fighting each other.
They don't even need a monster, there would be plenty of drama as is.
>but it doesn't
Exactly. Don't they realise that the more they pussify themselves, the more the women will go looking elsewhere?
Validation. The "Yeah, you're racist, misogynist scum, but at least you realize it, admit it and are actively trying to counteract your shit nature. Even if I hate you--and rightfully so--I can't help but respect you for that."-kind.
Did the IDF do a female Top Gun?
muh dikk
You're giving them too much credit.
Would a female Lethal Weapon be all that bad? I mean, it's not as if Riggs and Murtaugh and Murtaugh are as outlandishly unique and iconic as the Ghostbusters.
So it would essentially be a girl cop movie. I'd be okay with that if they don't go overboard with the grrrrl power shit. Something like Bezarides in True Detective, maybe?
Movies are an industry. If you don't like it, don't watch it.
Sure they will cry wolf about the evil males, but who gives a shit.
>everyone finally kills each other
>credits roll
>post credits scene
>the dog is still alive and roaming the destroyed facility
>starts eating some dog food and whimpering
>it was a regular dog all along
>Would a female Lethal Weapon be all that bad?
Watch this and report back.
I feel like a lot of modern films that reboot, like star wars and Indiana Jones simply take away from the integrity of the franchise. We fell in love with an idea and now it just feels like it's being milked instead of anything original being made. The whole all female cast is just a gimmick to me. Like an all black movie. I get it. You're just like men. But not really.
>"We don't know how to organically incorporate women into movies, our creative and marketing teams have never given us assurance on these fronts, so we'll just adapt previously established franchises into all women stories"
Fuck off. With the amount of shit that is being shoveled thanks to this wave of sequels and remakes, we should ALL care.
They are going to keep remaking your favorite movies with women until you stop being afraid of them :^)
Next thing you know they'll make a female Evil Dead.
>12 normal women
You could even have Tatum's wife!
You know, that actually sounds somewhat cool.
Im ready for an all male Steel Magnolias
and Roots starring Jack McBrayer as Kunta Kinte
yeah John Mulaney has a bit about it.
>You could never have a female Oceans Eleven because two would break off to go talk shit about the other nine.
>back to the future with black female lead
You can screencap this. It will happen.
Teenage-Dad wants to fuck his teenage daughter?
Are you sure?
Not if bob gale and robert zemeckis and their army of lawyers have anything to say about it, unlike Ramis they've got the rights locked down tight away from zombie jew lawyers
In the black version he does it
Dad? You mean a man? Thats so 1985. It will be a transwomyn.
Band of Sisters
Saving Private Rhiana
Spinster's List
Godesszilla vs. Queen Kong
Transgenders: The Last Knife
Pauline Blart: Supermodel CEO
Star Wars 8+9
Gwenpool: The Movie
All female:
>The Thing
>12 Angry Women
>Reservoir Dogs
>The Revenant
All female Diehard when?
This. Absolutely based. Hopefully Gale and Zemeckis live for 1000 years, so we will never see a reboot or sequel.
>Mistress and Commandress: South American Vacation!
>12 menopausal women
I'd like to see all Downs remake of everything, can you imagine? 28 Days Later, American Psycho, Raging Bull, The Godfather, etc. It'll be hilarious.
No, it's still the mom that wants to fuck.
Harry Potter, Hermione is now replaced by a white male who must always be right.
>we need fewer white males in hollywood because... reasons
>but nobody wants to watch black people and women, especially when they're obviously forced into a movie
>they will if it's... GHOSTBUSTERS
>aw yes, then they HAVE to watch it!
>pfft, that'll be fanfiction tier. pretty pathetic shoehorning your political agenda into a franchise like that
>not even that mad, we just won't watch it
>*movie breaks even*
>*anything remotely bad happens in real life*
>ahhh! save us, white men!
>You're tearing me apart Johnny!
Fight Club with Jennifer Lawrence as Tyler Durden fucking screencap this
>skyler durden
>Female Rocky
Didn't Clint Eastwood and Hillary Swank already make this movie?
Can she please fuck off already. I think we've reached peak Jlaw though, the end is nigh.
It's all about forcing SJW propaganda now.
As Kasdan said in an interview, he and JJ asked themselves what it would be like if the Nazis had gone to Argentina and regrouped after WWII.
From birth, Jews are raised with this idea that homogeneous white societies will inevitably result in goose-stepping, ethnic cleansing, and warmongering. And I could understand that outlook if history had begun in 1930. But the truth is, whites are the most egalitarian and least barbaric group in human history.
That's what frustrates many of us when jewish SJW Hollywood sensibilities become accepted norms. They're slanted, prejudiced and their bias goes unchallenged by everyone.
The First Order was a Jewish take on ultimate evil. And because modern Jews are obsessed with The Shoah and WWII everything magically relates to MUH SIX MILLION.
It has gotten boring. It's stale. I wish we could get a more nuanced view of evil, but that won't happen because show-biz Jews always find a way of politicizing everything.
Like, recently I saw a movie set in 1920s London. There were several shots of a black man and a white woman holding hands in the street. It was there to sell us something. It was out of place and revisionist. It's tacky and it's condescending.
The objective is to shape public opinion with the assumption that everyone needs "educating" and are too dumb to pick up on the flagrant advertising of their agenda. In this case, it was a short throwaway scene and it still took me out of the movie. The message is basically, "You're too dumb to find the right opinions by yourself, so we're going to give you direction by placing propaganda in the media you consume."
SJW placement just seems dishonest and manipulative. Flagrant product placement annoys me whether it's a product I like or not. It takes me out of the ride that it should be, pauses everything to remind me what I'm supposed to think, and then expects me to jump back in with full enthusiasm.
Why dont they just make original content with a strong female/all female casting? or make adaptions of things with strong/all female casting.
I'm not optimistic about GitS but at least they can use it to get their strong wymyn shit across without shit like this
Jennifer Lawrence as Skyler Durden
Brie Larsson as the Narrator
Michael B Jordan as Marlo
I watched the Frank Sinatra version of Ocean's 11.
whats source on that pic?
i'm assuming it took place in some university
Female Nightmare on Elm Street.
Though wasn't that basically the second and third Prom Night movies?
Why not instead of remaking old movies they make original movies with all female cast? That way they cant be compared to the original and can stand on their own?
SStale Pasta.
I've never watched anything with Jennifer Lawrence in but I imagine she's the equivalent of a really bad smell in a room you can taste in your mouth sometimes and your mouth begins to collect so much saliva you need to constantly drink water all while your eyes are burning.
More female bullshit. Great, just great.
She aged like milk too in the xmen trailer she looks almost 40
Million Dollar Baby was different from a simple gender-swap Rocky. The fact that the protag was a woman affected the story, in that she had to work harder to earn the respect of her old-fashioned trainer.
That film was an example of a good female character imo. It managed to dodge a lot of cliches and keep it pretty real.
Good thing she's showing the badge to the person that she appearently just shot.
What graphics designer thought this was a good idea? This is like that CoD cover where the dude shoots in the wrong direction.
Soon cloning and artificial sperm will be feasible, and we can finally rid the world of the plague that is the Y chromosome.
Face Off with Jennifer Lawrence
Who does she switch faces with?
She gave literally one good performance, which I feel wasn't even Oscar worthy. Then she bought into her own hype and has done literally nothing since. Plus her obnoxious PR stunting and linking up with Amy Schumer. It's funny that normies are now seeing through her shit.
Word is she didn't want to wear the makeup in XMen. She tried to pass it off as an allergy thing, but when the production crew offered her an alternative she denied it. She wants to make sure everyone knows it's her as Mystique.
Caitlyn Jenner
So why not tell her to fuck off and cast someone less stuck up?
So it's like the movie White Chicks now?
Contractual obligations. Plus she's got The Hunger Games fame. She'll learn the hard way that she's disposable when another star like Alicia Vikander BTFOs her life
I want to see an all female "Poor Little White Guy"
I want 9 big booty african amazons fighting over a petite pale blonde girl as a facesitting stool.
Amy Shumer