Feels thread? Feels thread

Feels thread? Feels thread.

Other urls found in this thread:





>I look for your eyes in crowds
>If I can find one person that I look into the eyes of that reminds me of you maybe I can know love outside of your eyes
>Nobody else has those eyes
>And you're dead so I don't think I'll see those eyes ever again


Oh man that's deep. Also checked


Quads confirmed for screencapped

Thread soundtrack


That's one way to get depressive in a minutes.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. If you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight. No immunity. You’re mother's fucking dead, kiddo.

I just miss her you know...

Have you ever felt so, so much of everything
>So tired
>So angry
>So sad
>So conflicted
>So confused
>So much anxiety
>So different
>So dumb
>So unloved
>So worthless
That the only thing you can really feel is nothing. I'm driven to the point every exhale nearly brings me to tears. My chest constantly fucking hurts. I can't keep my fingers out of my mouth, constantly biting my nails. I literally can't think or even see straight, everything seems like a blur as it happens and that's how I remember it. I don't want memory, it just brings me pain. I'm too lazy too kill myself, not that I'd have the balls to do it in the first place. If something were to just happen and I'd be dead, I'd be happy.

Running low on images and alcohol


Problem with this picture is it's coming from the other person...



she doesnt miss me, I know that for a fact

My self esteem has to use people as hosts to replenish itself otherwise I degenerate into a miserable pile of shit.

I've never felt love
I've never felt strong emotion for another person
It's been about 3 years since I've gotten a hug from anyone
There isn't a single person I truly care about
I'm not even sad anymore I just don't feel.

oh shit did not see that coming

is that real? sauce?

you're missing out

get a fucking cat or something


>>And you're dead so I don't think I'll see those eyes ever again

That's trippy and not unusual, but acceptance comes with time. I used to trigger (the CORRECT use of the term, bereavement is legit traumatic stress in many cases) when I saw women whose distinctive traits reminded me of my late wife.

Someone else has those eyes. There are billions of humans.

Acceptance means I'm not looking for a clone, or looking for love. Love should not be hunted for, that's not how it happens.

It takes years to deal with (the term "get over" is nonsensically wrong wording) the death of a beloved, but we got to be in love 24 years so there's that.

ALL love dies by separation or mortality. All love and life is transient, which makes it more poignant.

If you love and are loved, be kind to each other and make good memories, because one day that's all one of you will ever have.


well you wouldn't have posted that and got dubs

>and I wouldn't have posted this
>and etc

I've got a dog and he's pretty cool


Are you me? I've never been able to talk to myself before. That hug from Mikaela in grade 11 felt pretty good didn't it. Why do you remember it so well? I know you liked her and it was the last time you managed to even touch her before she stopped talking to you but what's the big deal it's just a hug? You know at this point if you want to simply embrace someone you have to initiate it. You don't want to taint what that one hug felt like though don't you. The next hug you want has to be from her, right?

kill me

Ex-girlfriend came and got most of her stuff out of my house today. Felt pretty good about that.

On the other hand my worthless junkie brother has been on a bender all day and it stresses the fuck out of me. The other brother is basically a NEET. Between the two of them I feel like I have to keep everything going because I'm the only one with their shit somewhat together so I feel like I don't really have anyone to rely on but myself.

I can't let go of all the bad shit that's happened to me in the past and it's affecting me physically and emotionally. I don't know what to do to try and let things go. I've focused on the negative for so long I don't know how to look at the positive. It's like a part of me wants to stay like this so I don't actually live my life. I see therapists and all but I myself isn't allowing me to try and change.

What is this thread

no one is voting for gary johnson...


Wish I knew

sauce here

I dated a girl seriously for 4 years.
I was finally in a position where I could propose and provide for us
I proposed and shit was great for about a month
After that first month she started changing though
Shit got out of hand and she started listening to her parents who decided they were going to make some serious decisions for us
Cue her changing her mind about shit we decided we were gonna do
Led to a huge fight and shit and things continued to fall apart
Her parents start emotionally blackmailing her and shit, and then she starts verbally abusing me all day every day
Finally after two months break shit off
Feel like absolute shit about it
It's been about a year
Haven't been close to anyone, either physically or emotionally
Have no real close friends I can share stuff with
I'm worried this is it for me, probably won't be able to ever get back to "normal"

Fuck I'm so lonely

1 user talking to himself

(did you text her, user?)

me too user.. me too.


That empty feeling, that one you get when someone else has been chasing you, and you feel like a piece of shit because you can't reciprocate it. You literally can't love her back, because for whatever reason, no amount of physical contact, tender words, or just the comfort of another person, will ever be enough.

If anyone ever wants to explain why there's the tenacious need to chase others, and be stuck exactly where the person chasing you is at, I'd be eternally grateful.

>Have no real close friends I can share stuff with
>I'm worried this is it for me, probably won't be able to ever get back to "normal"
I can be your friend

I didn't propose to her - but though about it - and she left me too. Not my first break up and it was pretty clean but I know it will be the hardest and things will never be the same.

Or motivation to do the impossible

self pity/10

I remember that thread, I asked that guy what was with the melons in the picture.

I think I've finally hit my lowest low Sup Forums fairly certain I couldnt be more depressed.

Thx but how come it's working and I don't have spotify, you have to pay for it don't you?


Anyone save the greentext where the bullied neighbor girl brings a gun to the guy's house and they end up together? Some warmer feels

I'm feeling older every day. People tell me I'm still young but I can already feel my 30s flying by me.

Wow that was deep

I remember your post

I know that feeling.

I ran into a girl I used to hang out with before I started dating my now ex-gf. She gave me her number and started texting a bit. I knew she liked me beforehand and she finally ends up texting me that she loved me.

I don't love her and I know there's no future with her even if I came to. Still feels shitty because I know she's going through a shitty time right now anyway, but I can't do it.

I'm screaming on the inside and I have to repress it because I know how faggoty that is to say.

It's free. Prime version is like 4.99 I think.

>All this bawling in this supposed "feels thread"
"Oh I'll never be a cut and paste normalfaggot, woe is me, I'll never have another good relationship! Waaaaaaaaah!"
Do you people even know what it feels like to be human or something?

I think the thing that kills me the most about breaking it off was when I finally had enough of the mental and verbal abuse I told her it was over

She looked me dead in the face and said if you didn't love me you should have just told me from the beginning you didn't want to marry me

I was in my car getting ready to leave. I can still see her face. It fucking haunts me to this day. I didn't say anything, she wasn't even the same girl I knew. I just closed the door and left. It's been just under a year. I don't think I will ever love anyone again. I'm straight fucked from it.

You should feel tired of being a faggot

No, I don't.
My humanity is something I struggle with often but have no one to really turn to since it's become a cliche.
It's actually pretty disheartening.

I am dealing with anhedonia and this shit is just wearing me out. I am losing all my friends and it just feels like life is a waste.

I got a three year relationship and it just doesn't make me feel anything. I have abusive parents but it just doesn't make me feel. I can't feel, I don't even feel suicidal or anything I just can't do anything anymore.


At least you're not some faggot bitching about "how my life sux cuz I'll never mean anything to some bitch or own cool shit or mean anything to other people boo hoo I'm so deep bawhawhawwwwaaaah."
That's all this shit is. It's embarrassing.

I don't know. I don't how to fee some feeing. I don't show empathy towards someone that's clearly in pain. I just don't get it a lot of social cues don't make sense to me I don't even know how fake it so people will think I'm not a heartless fuck.


I think it's more depressing that I've found true love and even at its peak it pales in comparison to how alcohol makes me feel at it's lowest level, I really do very vaguely feel nothing.

I need that cat in my life.

Dude. Consider yourself lucky. You're not ending up like the sad assortment of total faggots in these screencaps and in this thread. People whose worst problems are "wah muh girlfriend." That's the only adversity they have.


>tfw you'll never rise up with your people

Well those things do suck and it's natural for people to want to vent. I don't mind, even though I've grown out of it.


The point is, these people bought these problems themselves and are surprised at the conclusion. Sure they suck, but Jesus Christ it's not all there is to the ever expanding human sadness. And yet it's all people ever TALK about anymore. On Sup Forums of all places. My God, I want to FEEL, I don't want to hear more Facebook-tier bitching and crying. Sometimes I wonder if the people doing this shit are just doing it for social validation.

She's been trying to get with me for 4 years. This weekend she's coming from out of state and wants me to meet her. Talks a lot about sex because honestly I wasn't that mature when I met her. I know she wants to fuck me, thinking that will finally be the thing that will get me to love her. But I know it won't be, and I feel sleezy for saying it, but I'm probably gonna fuck her anyways.

Comrade, I feel the same way. I think about ending it ever moment. There's nothing left to live for.

right in the feels )':

>be me like 16
>go to cousins house to stay the night.
>he logs into facebook, and shows me a pic of this girl.
>9/10 hot as fuck
>he asked to rate and gave 9/10
>he asked "really?" and so we message that girl

Next day

>text girl on my phone, think we have chemistry.
>text for the next few months then she stops responding,

Few months later...
>go to my cousins house (again) and use his phone to text her
>see most recent message from her
>Today: just now; "hey"
>text her, hi and we get into a convo.
>ask her if she liked anyone else
>"oh i like this kid that i go to chemistry class with"
>ask for race, figure out that it is a fat black guy
>tell her that it was me the whole time and i fucking hate her guts
>she apoligizes, abd told me how sorry she really is.
>call her a mental cunt and left her.

I never talked to her again, i hope she died.

Karl Pilkington is a miserable git

not sure what you're feeling other than lame


Me too user, me too


A lot of these people do more than just bitch, feels threads are just a window into their vulnerabilities. Of course the content may get repetitive, humans are similar to one another and seek understanding between people.

Hey man, nice trips. Go somewhere and let it out. Kill a bear with your hands and an axe. Either outcome, there's satisfaction.

Rather have this than those ''boipuss'' threads.


>I don't think I will ever love anyone again. I'm straight fucked from it
You will user you will, juste trust me. But yeah it won't have the same taste anymore.
Love past-25/30 is bittersweet love.

>that pic "he's here because she isn't"

It's not that they're bitching, it's that they're bitching exclusively about "wah muh girlfran broke up wit me boo hoo hoo."

You want to know what's really depressing?
The fact that these people think it's the end of the world. That it's something to be gravely sad about. I get what you're coming onto though.

Absolutely. But this is just whining. Other than this small setback, these people are still fully functioning human beings capable of being happy around others. They're just fine.

Rolling to try it


I didn't notice, thanks. I can't. It saps me of the energy to do anything about it and it only gets worse, plus it always comes back. I'm really tired of fighting.


Ah, yeah I get that.




You might think so but the chance of these people being actually depressed is quite high. Sure you can still be happy around people but you'd still be depressed you know. I know where you're coming from with this idea but everyone has his own problems to deal with in the end some just suck at dealing with em.

Besides I miss the daily bawl threads so I am cool for it.

Why do I keep choosing to fall in love with women i cannot have?
Is it because I know that if I could, it would fade away?

Fuck you. This, this is what I had, and I lost it. I haven't cried since she walked out the door, and you hit me with this. I haven't cried for 2 years, and you fucking got me.

this made me want to read the book
was pretty good

When you're as young as the average user is, losing "her" seems like the end of the world. For me, it was only the beginning of the end...but I'm not in the mood to take that ride tonight. It's not terribly entertaining.