Got it today Sup Forums, im really excite. This is probably the best horror movie I've seen in years
The vvitch discussion
Got it today Sup Forums, im really excite. This is probably the best horror movie I've seen in years
The vvitch discussion
>buying blurays
Black Phillip is the GOAT
It was boring and not scary in the slightest.
I haven't seen it yet. I'm gonna get it on VOD tonight. Very excited.
>the best horror movie I've seen in years
>tfw there was no literal witch
>the witch was Thomasin's other persona
>she suffers from multiple personality disorder in a time when men and woman feared everything, and the devil was literally around the corner
>the entire farm was riddled with ergot fungus, which causes hallucinations in people who eat it
>evidenced by the rotten corn, and bread they ate on the farm
>tfw the people only died after Thomasin's perceptions were removed, when her witch persona took over
>she killed the baby, left her brother to die, killed the twins, killed her father, and lashed out at her mother
>tfw she sodomized a goat
>tfw there was no witch's coven in the end, it was just her going out into the wilderness and having her insanity take over
Isn't that a massive spoiler? Why not just write the goat did it on the box.
are people still shilling this? i watched a hd ages ago of it and it was mediocre at best.
i wouldn't even call it a horror. it was more like 108 minutes of wide angle shots and poor lighting.
like just after 90minutes of nonstop tension and suspense then it fizzles out and doesn't release any dopamine cause the ending was completely awful. made no sense at all. it was just fucking awful dogshit and u realise u wasted 90minutes of your life. you could of watched civil war with that 100 minutes
I don't see an issue in it if you really like a film, behind the scenes shit and all that
True pleb
it was a bit uneventful but the overall atmosphere was really good i though. i feel like they could have done a lot more with the story. some parts were pretty creepy though especially all the chanting and satanic violin shit.
i enjoyed it anyway. better than most garbage horror shit
Mine came in the mail today:)
>behind the scenes shit and all that
>The Witch 2015 Bluray EXTRAS x264-Grym
you were saying? Enjoy your region locked optical media garbage frisbee
>good atmosphere
>literally nothing happens and the story curt tails into another wide angle shot and black
seriously.. i'm not even trolling. this is quite possibly the worst movie i've seen after the hype this board perpetuated.
Probably there best horror movie since Blair Witch or Mulholland Drive (if it counts as one). Not flawless, some scenes dragged on longer than necessary, but overall very solid. Best child performances in any movie ever. Black Phillip King of All confirmed best nursery rhyme
>he doesn't collect slipcovers
Some of us enjoy the superior quality and sound in our home theater instead of watching yify on a phone. Also behind the scenes features are a plus.
Awesome man, you're opinions are duly noted and I will taken them into consideration
True Patricians spend their money on films, true shitskin garbage plebs pirate shit and watch them on their tiny ass laptop screens
Ok. All shit posting aside
did you really enjoy this movie? and if you did, could you explain to me what the reasons are? I cannot genuinely tell if the interest/posting of this movie is cause of the goat being some new meme like baneposting; or people really enjoyed this film
I watched it and can't really see what the hype was about.
>The year 2016 of our Lord and Savior
>Doesn't have an HDMI cord and $200 48" 1080p "dumb" TV
Your the only pleb here, user
well maybe ive just learned not to get caught up in the hype the internet tends to generate about absolutely everything.
i liked it, you didnt. it's not a problem
yeah nah physical media is a waste of time and only for shitskin pajeets in 3rd world countries that dont have access to gigabit internet connections.
k user xD
Literally just finished watching it for the first time.
It is absolutely Sup Forumstrickedmeintoseeingthiscore.
It's not bad, and I give it big probs for being different from the usual horror formula, but it wasn't nearly as great as you guys said it was.
The subtly of it all was amazing I thought. It was more about the family destroying themselves through paranoia and the evil forces around them kinda just nudge them in directions that cause this. The set design and costuming was awesome and the scenery was legit, its pretty impressive what they were able to do on a million dollar budget. It felt very true to those puritan times when belief in the supernatural was the norm and fully accepted, you can tell the director really cares about or is really interested in this stuff. Also the acting was on point (especially the twins, they were pretty eerie) and the dialogue was so spot on for the period that I could barely understand what they were saying half the time in the theatre.
The suspense was there, hardly seeing the witch made it feel to me like there was some invisible forces hovering over the family the whole time. To be honest, it didnt scare me but maybe thats because i've seen so much horror films im not really phased by much anymore, but you have to admit that compared to most horror films coming out nowadays this one has some serious quality to it (Jump scare popcorn flicks are fuckin retarded)
What kinda goat is Philip?
i liked the costumes, i liked the setting, i liked the language, i found the forest creepy, i found the witch creepy, i found the animals creepy, i liked the soundtrack, i liked the cinematography, i thought the acting was good
at no point was i terrified or even really scared i just found it unnerving. it was very beleivable, i got lost in the setting of the movie. some movies make you very aware that you are just watching a bunch of actors play out a story. to me, this felt like actual events that migh have happned.
it wasnt the best film ever made but i didnt expect it to be anything special because im not a fool who buys into anything until ive seen it for myself
He's a big goat
You faggots are literally the reason the film industry is goin to such shit, git gud, drop some bucks, and collect some kino you cheap wastes of sperm
a black one
Guys come on, do I just ask /an/? they probably don't know dick about goats.
What this guy said. Right up there with The Babadook and It Follows
Ok, I see.
Then you'd agree outside of the witch scene, this movie was more a methodical physiological thriller than horror?
It reminds me of that new cloverfield movie. like they took a thriller and just tacked on some BS at the end of post to cash grab a niche.
I still found it boring as batshit. Like 90 minutes of wide angle shots of fields. but thanks for your insight nevertheless.
Is black Phillip the new MAYMAY!?!?
you can buy as many goats as you want theyre not gonna ask you to sign any book.
black phillip seeks you out, not the ther way around
yeah nah the jews constantly rebooting franchises and the average IQ of movie goers being double digits has ruined the film industry.
filthy pajeet
Holy shit how can you be this mad lmao
I liked The Babadook a ton more than I liked this, honestly. I still gotta see It Follows.
um, I'm Moldavian thank you very much
wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
Why did you take the time to write all this stupid shit?
>wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
What did he mean by this?
The life of a witch looked pretty shitty to me, you live in a shithole hut your whole life and have to have a constant supply of baby blood to do magics
you dont even have nuclear weapons LMAO
I agree that it wasnt traditional horror. But holy fuck, the tension and over all eerieness was great. I genuinely dont get how people think its boring
Niggas can fly, if they believe in themselves
Just got the Blu-Ray/DVD/digital steel book copy. Gonna wait until midnight to watch it and then I'll check out the bonus features tomorrow.
Almost better than Black Phillip cover
That one's on the back.
Oh wow do I return my boring copy for this?
these shill threads are so obvious
i sold someone (a fellow employee) a copy of this today. do i work with you OP?
Nah steel books aren't even that great desu
Why is there no posting of the rabbit or that witch hut Caleb went to.
Scary shit, mostly the rabbit
im in your room
My favourite bits are the ones ripped off from 2001s dawn of man sequence, The Shining and ofcourse Deadman and Valhalla Rising (which is itself a ripoff of Kubrick)
Why were her eyes so far apart?
could you scratch my back cuz i can't reach this one spot?
About to watch this
All these people in the comments saying it sucks tho
are they plebs?
Why would you ever listen to anyone on facebook? Whyyyyyy
Melissa seems alright. Get tired of how many people diss movies because they lack the intelligence to enjoy them.
"it used similar sounding music" != "ripped off"
there's also nothing wrong with borrowing from other films. it's what artists in every medium have done since literally the beginning of recorded history.
Now if you don't add anything and just shamelessly copy, or copy with the express purpose of riding on the other work's success, then sure, that's bad. But this film doesn't do either of those.
Maybe you didn't ask them why they disliked it? Usually your blind fanboy shit would be reserved for capeshit, but laa dii daa mr expert is branching out into indy territory this evening.
Go join /truefilm and masturbate to your little "authentic witch movie".
The twins were the evil ones, right?
They stopped the prayer over Caleb and just disappeared at the end.
The made unholy communion with the goat. They damned the family
T. Puritan
>being poor
It was extremely mediocre.
Quality production values in search of a fucking story.
The memers don't care, physical media doesn't matter to capeshitters
How is it best? It may be moody because of music, but it's using mostly gore for "scary" parts.
And this movie is very boring. You can leave for half hour after baby death scene and you won't miss anything important.
it was decent but nothing groundbreaking, I'd say it was a very solid 6/10 or weak 7/10
what I didn't like:
>subtitles almost mandatory
>artificial grim atmosphere created by constant scary music
>the baby disappearing in a blink of an eye was bullshit; witches don't teleport like that
>no information or story about the witches
>the scene when the goat kills the father is laughably bad
i think you mean vvitches
Tips fedora
I wonder if the guy who originally came up with this topped himself after getting BTFO dozens of times for his sophomoric film analysis.
>posting this in every witch thread to try out-autist the autists
>witches don't teleport like that
T. Witch Expert
t. embryo
Why does this movie get shilled so much? I have seen so many fucking threads about this piece of shit that no one cares about.
>the baby disappearing in a blink of an eye was bullshit; witches don't teleport like that
you're disappointing me today, Sup Forums
>good film comes out
>a film board talks about it
>ADD riddled children scream "shill! shill!"
like clock work
Much more than half this board liked it. Stop crying shill; it's well-received here.
>everything was metaphor
fuck off cunt
I have a friend that thinks the same thing
have you seen any interviews with the director? he clearly browses /x/
Was the witch at least nice enough to stay in semen demon form before she fucked the soul out of Caleb?
back to 9gag
>curt tails
But the real question is what the fuck was black philip's problem?
No. You can see her old lady hand when she grabs him.
Maybe. Maybe not.
And that's why I like this story.
Truly horrorkino.
>poor lighting
>Canada only
Man fuck this shit.
Literally shill more you fucking tasteless scumfucker degenerate
See you retarded embryo