Desi girl with Posh Brit accent.
Can't beat that.
Desi girl with Posh Brit accent.
Can't beat that.
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Official ranking of women:
Asian > latina > Indo-Aryan >>>>> wh*te and bl*ack """women"""
All we need is a bucket of water and throw that all just to reveal her true identity
Paki girl with a chav accent.
Made for anglo cock.
She looks like a female version of the great Italian WWE wrestler Santino marella kek
This, desu. She's caked in makeup.
solid banter
Well how about hands/neck/other body parts?
Why are anglos so jealous of the fact that India is getting whiter?
Turds turning white is no amazing phenomenon. About the only use is as burning fuel
Hey kangarooo I can't comprehend i'm drunk af right now...
non posh is better
Pak girls are best
Sources: porn films
I knew a desi girl in london a few years ago
unironically found whitening cream in her bathroom
>Can't beat that.
depends if your area is governed by sharia
Is that why you guys let muslims and brits take over the entire country? Because they were pale?
A piece of shit is you. Flush yourself.
Nah mate drown yourself in curry you sandnogger go eat kangarooo shit
Hey, dothead, you've got about 12,000 bottles to pick up before you can afford for that next 30MB quota chunk of pooposting.
>we wuz white
t. Brit
Nah I have free internet with 48ms ping
>Be Australian
>Ping slower than internet explorer 7
What a pleb 38 ms mustard race
48 Monthly squats?
Bruh I do 100 squats a day also run 10 kms do 100 sit-ups / push ups
Fight me irl
I used to have sex with a Pakistani Muslim girl who's parents ran the local corner shop. Poor thing was terrified of her parents finding out. She was a brown chav known locally as "titch" and she had the strongest South London accent
>Can't beat that.
of course you can, i'm sure her father does everyday
What would be the most unusual race/accent combination?
Do whites ever get adopted in Asia?
Ping to where you retards it's not an absolute number
Probably Latino with a Chinese accent.
Brits have the best former colony girls.
You guys were just fwb?
Is such a thing even possible?
Is she even south-asian though?