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So i understand that if you travel beyond the speed of light then you can step back in time...

How do you travel to the future?

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Get as close to the speed of light that you can, you will be traveling forward through time at an extremely accelerated pace. Good luck finding a method of propulsion and fuel to go with it.

the faster you travel through space toward the speed of light, relative space around you begins to slow in time. Other than freezing yourself in a time capsule it does not seem there is a practical method to travel forward in time.


You would need a negative mass, so good luck with that.

u just have to go negative mph
like say youre walking at 5 mph, normally through time right? Try going -5 mph and time will get wonky
youre welcome

exactly how do you propose one could travel negative speed.

Travel to future is easy (but you can't come "back" to the to your own past is hard or impossible...

you can only ever go to the past and thus create an alternate timeline. In your original timeline, what happened when you went to the past is, you disappeared and were never seen again.

Its easy. Lie down in a comfy place such as a couch or bed. Close your eyes and lay still. Zap! You just traveled 6-10 hours into the future.

where is the how
there is more how in

It is not even possible to travel at speed of light, you would need an infinite amount of Energy.

>being this close-minded

IDGAF how much energy is required, what is the necessary technique to travel forward in time

easily, speed is a vector

what if dark holes
are actually worm holes on the other side?

you propose flipping the polarity of time

All you need to do is travel at a significant enough speed relative to everyone else. All of the astronauts who have done many hours in space for instance have all traveled maybe 1-2 seconds into the future.

The easiest way assuming you have the technology is to make a device that will keep track of all the atoms in your body then kill you. Have this device survive how ever many years before it rearranges the atoms in the configuration to make you again.
Forward time traveling takes no time travel at all.

You don't understand shit OP

Wrong, they have aged 1-2 seconds beyond normal relative time


Velocity is a vector (direction + speed)

Speed is how fast you are going

Get the toilet to flush in the opposite direction.

+time vs -time
how do you control the vector

forward at this point just seems impossible
backwards appears to be entirely feasible

Physical time is an illusion that we humans made.
Why people think you can step forward or backwards in existence is beyond me.
The only thing that exists is now.

OP, you have it all wrong.

Travelling at an incredibly high speed will cause time to slow. The same effect can be achieved by immense amounts of gravity (say, orbiting a black hole). Both of these events cause time to slow for you, but will carry on "normally" for anyone outside the effect of velocity/gravity. Ergo, you will advance into the future.

The hard part is going back, since theoretically you would have to reverse the effects to achieve the opposite. But we can't travel with negative speed, and negative gravity would only cause things to expand. Maybe.

Time is simply how we express our observation of the natural expansion of the universe. There really is no such thing as "time"

Let's say east is positive and west is negative. If I walk 5 m/s east, I will have positive velocity. Walking 5 m/s gives negative velocity. All positive and negative depends on is your point of reference.

By definition, it is impossible to travel -5 m/s.

you have to access the speed force in order to go forward. That's why Superman can only go back


Look it up

dont get drunk, do meth and cocainrer instead

speed is a magnitude/scalar
velocity is vector (magnitude and direction)



A constant force will yield a constant acceleration. You just need the engine and fuel capabilities to output enough force to propel you to the speed of light. Whether it takes a lot of force or a lot of time is up to you and the technology available to you.

higher gravity is equivalent to higher speed in relation to time

the more massive an object the faster the outside worlds time appears away from it

at the same time something in closer proximity will experience more time, thus aging further, while in the same time plane as those around them

How can watches be real if time isnt real

Well, this is possible, you just freeze yourself, and unfreeze in like 1000 years...

ruin the fun yah fuckin nerd

Observational space is out, i'm talking about moving beyond the natural progression of space time.

Simple. They are tracking devices created by the Jews to monitor our lives and movements.

They probably have all the data stored away in a bunker somewhere. Probably in Nevada, since the U.S. is a pupoet state of Israel.


E = mc2
You can't exceed speed of light or you'll become pure energy.But if you get close to speed of light time will slow down for you.

Your subatomic double dubs or firing through my skull


good job looking outside the box

No you are wrong, they have actually aged less relative to the rest of us...they have gone into the future. Barely

why dont we just make a time machine

Here your answer.

you just have to survive getting spaghettified first

something close to a gravity well when viewed from the outside will appear to stand still, inside the gravity well everything will appear to rapidly speed by if it is even observable... something traveling at or close to the speed of light their perspective of the outside observable world will appear to be still.

why do we even force ourselves to think like that, i mean, yea Einstein had great ideas but that doesn't mean the theory is completely true

Make sense to me, but is possible ?

have you heard of a coffin?

that's what i think we can do to teleport

>have something record your atoms
>go into a mini-black hole
>the device entangles the atoms that go out from a white hole
>rearrange them from the data you got

Maybe, but it gives accurate corrections to GPS time errors and Mercury's orbit trajectory

Both wrong, gravity slows down time. Which all mass has gravity. So no one has aged because they still have mass. Only way to go into the future is to have zero mass

Nope, What is it ?

a trapped photon would appear to age at an infinite rate

You can't travel faster than the speed of light.
The amount of energy emparted to the higgs field travel that speed would cause virtual particles to become 'real' and would be like a wall.

Imagine the higgs field like a liquid, the speed of light is when you are applying so much forward pressure the liquid becomes solid.

>Also sorry warp drive doesn't work, empty space isn't empty thus can't move faster than the speed of light either.

Also, light is a particle, which is mass. So to travel faster than light also means to have zero mass. Theoretically zero mass/gravity=into the future, +mass/gravity= present, infinite mass/gravity= into the past.

>You are an object traveling at faster than light speed
>You experience time as normal at your current state
>You stop and think "i gotta take a shit"
>You are in the past
Do you take a shit in the past as your younger self or do you take a shit in the past as a few seconds older from the time you embarked on your epic journey?

Time is equal to the amount of quantum fluctuations required to interact.

>It's the vibration difference in space-time.

soooo, question. In non-relativistic newtonian mechanics, as long as there is an unbalanced force acting upon an object, that object will accelerate. Ok, so we do that, say for a rocket ship. Now we can't go faster than the speed of light, so there must be some kind of limiting factor at some point that makes it harder and harder to reach the speed of light..? What is that effect?

light doesn't have mass I thought

Oh and wormholes require equal or more energy than it would take to travel in the same amount of time.

It doesn't having resting mass.

It gets it's mass from interactions with the higgs field.

the question as presented has no limitations on the ability to travel faster than light

The reason for the slow down is the particles and such can't move as random the closer to the speed of light you get.


Well, I guess what I mean is... Given what was mentioned about acceleration, we suspect that we can achieve speeds faster than light. However, we reason that we can't go faster than the speed of light. So I guess what I'm asking is, why? What am i missing in my scenario that slows it down, or makes it impossible to pass the speed of light?

oohhhhhhhh neat. Do you study this stuff?

Trick is anti protons and anti matter.

Faster you go, less you weigh, but you can never have zero mass in our physical world.

Need to develop a device that makes your mass a negative amount.

Kinda, lots and lots of watching lectures and such on youtube with a bunch of research into it.

But I don't have any schooling in it.

I thought the faster you go, the more you weigh..?

Hey that's awesome, good on you dude

Are you a mad man!?! That would mean the universe would implode!

You are on a train traveling at 99.99% the speed of light, you run toward the front of the train expecting to surpass that... it doesn't happen... why?

Yes. But you have to weigh less to go faster. The reason you weigh more is because of.... gravity.

It's weird only having a GED and a few college classes but understanding quantum physics.

But to be honest it's not that hard to grasp once you understand it's all particular vibrations in the higgsfield vs the normal random/chaotic vibrations we associate with empty space.

I guess I don't have a practical answer to this but all i can say is, instead of Galilean transformations, you have to work with Lorentz transfromations.

Essentially, it comes down to, you can't simply add two velocities together anymore

No, see

You weigh more, think user meant heading towards infinity. Either way.


You get in a space ship and approach the speed of lite. When you get back to earful bam yer in da future

You don't. That's kiddy fantasy shit.

Would it? If we could continually fall into a controlled space of negative mass to push past light speed, would it tear space and time? Maybe

you have no imagination, you're banned from this thread

Not going to lie, some of that went right over my head. But seriously, that's really awesome! I study Physics but I wasn't able to fit any classes on relativity or too much quantum into my schedule... Too bad...It's really interesting stuff..! Even more amazing that you follow it as well!

Light is not a particle nor a wave.
And particles are just single peak points of energy.

And gravity is quantum entanglement, like vibrating things getting into sync.

I thought particles and anti-particles annihilate each other when in contact.

Right. So if i lasso me a light beam and saddle'r up, I can't just hop on a giddy up to space times.

Nice try, partner.

light is both a particle and a wave

Well you don't need to take classes, just youtube.

You are a raging cunt

The real question is, when will then, be now?

moving backwards

No, that idea has been tossed out. Its something different than a particle or wave. Something in the middle of the two.

>that feel when you only exist in 4 dimensions

hey, that's true. I guess the bigger problem is my motivation and laziness when I'm not bound to responsibilities. I guess that means I'm just not motivated enough though. Don't get me wrong though, that stuff is super interesting regardless