ITT: We make assumptions about people based on their favourite albums of the 2010s by year.
I'll start:
2010 - The Gaslight Anthem - American Slang 2011 - Foo Fighters - Wasting Light 2012 - alt-J - An Awesome Wave 2013 - Arcade Fire - Reflektor 2014 - Royal Blood - Royal Blood 2015 - New Order - Music Complete 2016 - Metallica - Hardwired
2013 was difficult because that year was probably the biggest for albums, and the Manics, QOTSA and Foals all put out some fantastic albums that year.
Lincoln Nguyen
>Foo Fighters >Royal Blood >Metallica
Wew lad
Kevin Rogers
Lel this list.
Sebastian Jenkins
Wasting Light was just a genuinely great rock album.
Royal Blood are one of the best bands to emerge over the past ten years. Their album blew the other shit like Peace, Swim Deep and Wolf Alice out of the water.
I know the new Metallica stuff is a meme on here, but fuck you it's great.
Brayden Young
You have been to the Reading Festival at least three times in your life.
Anthony Russell
Royal Blood suck. They're just paint-by-numbers rock and released an album with 10 songs that were identical.
Brayden Brooks
You really enjoy rock nights in clubs.
Arctic Monkeys are your favourite band.
You really enjoyed Creep but then afterwards Radiohead released a load of rubbish
Dave Grohl is your favourite celebrity.
Julian Howard
Whereas you probably just listen to twee-by-numbers bands that try to rip off Radiohead.
Eli Ramirez
Eh, depends which club.
I do think that Arctic Monkeys have released some great albums, but not that fucking shite that was AM.
I actually think that Pablo Honey is a hugely underrated album, Stop Whispering is awesome, but nah. My favourite is OK Computer, followed by Kid A.
Dave Grohl is a bro tier guy, you've got to admit.
Xavier Morris
disliking AM is pretty much definition of contrarian dude.