>"""""""""""Comedians""""""""""""" who act like they're too good to tell jokes.
Why are these faggots popular?
>"""""""""""Comedians""""""""""""" who act like they're too good to tell jokes.
Why are these faggots popular?
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ooh mama
Most of what I seem them doing is acting like faggots with each other.
I don't find them funny. Absurdist humor has a limit before its just lazy.
You probably don't understand how anticomedy works newsummers.
I do, I just don't think they're funny. They're schtick is too repetitive regardless of the sketch. It's stale once you've seen an episode or two.
I love how there's always that one faggot who goes "If you don't like it then you just don't get it."
>looking up "anticomedy" because it sounds like something you made up
>turns out Kaufman is supposedly one of the forerunners of it
>he was funny
>Tim Heidecker isn't
>Neither is the other guy
No, they're just shit at anticomedy too.
I respect them more than most comedians in that they stick to what their "message" and don't stray into current events in any way. I get what I expect with them. It's just nice to see something mocking all TV and movies equally.
Kaufman kept it straight laced to the point where it kept the illusion going. Him reading to his audience is still one of the funniest things a comedian has done to me, just because how he never breaks form.
Tim and Eric don't commit enough to make it work. The ideas are too absurd, yet the delivery and the actual jokes are too dull. It's attempting the same joke in multiple sketches with no alteration, and it's dull.
Actually, I'm samefagging. I saw I made a typo there.
>It's suppose to be bad!
Yes. And?
I have to admit I say we forgot about that fucking wolf whenever i forget something.
>"American Humour"
at the London premiere/Q&A of this they turned the entire crowd against a fan that asked a question and he got so buttblasted he almost took a swing at them.
You really can't answer this question for yourself? Okay, I'll bite. Back then it was fresh. Now this style has been run into the ground to the point where it's stale. Still, this isn't the "ha ha" kind of humor to begin with. The live audience is there to laugh, so that's what they did. The audience does sound rather vapid, laughing like people kneel or stand in church, almost zombie-like, but I can appreciate the material as viable performance art.
I think they're brilliant but their work is a clear example of an acquired taste.
Some people can roll with the madness and others are turned off by the manic nature of things. Understandable really and I don't begrudge anyone that hates it because in many ways its very abrasive.
Fuck off back to L Ron Hubbard's bloated corpse scientologist """"""""quote poster"""""""
You have to go back.
I bet your gonna say Eric Andre isn't funny now.
Please post something funny Eric Andre has done. Everything I see by him is just some "DUDE I AM A DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING LMAO". I would love to be proved wrong.
I think Tim & Eric are quite hilarious
My grandparents, however, do not agree.
i'm sorry but if you don't think this video is funny i think you have some sort of personality disorder
you have shit taste
Im a little put off by Tim and his constant tirade against Trump on Twitter, he feels too much like every other liberal comedian now
all comedians are liberal
This one always gets me.
Will Forte was ace every time he showed up.
I thought The Comedy was great.
It's an hour an a half of some guy being a jaded asshole. Not particularly clever or insightful.
Now I can get a flargenstau any time I want.
>their work is a clear example of an acquired taste.
this, i hated them at first
they're an exceptionally poor mans reeves and mortiimer.
>someone thinks this is funny
The disappointing thing about TAEBDM was that it wasn't based on the Adult Swim show that most of their fans are familiar with. I kind of hate Tim and Eric, but really enjoyed Awesome Show for some reason.
The movie had NONE of the material from the show. It was barely even like it, which was a shame. The only thing I really remember from the film was Dobis PR which was pretty funny. Other than that, severely forgettable. However, I'll probably be saying "SPAGHETT!," "For your Health" and "Salame" for years to come.
They will never top tom goes to the mayor tbqh
it was fun in it's own way, it still had their signature brand of humor imo
Tim and Eric humor pretty much sums up everything I hate about the generations that came after mine.
Except celery man. Which was hilarious and I'm willing to bet those idiots had nothing to do with it aside from have it on their show.
Here we go, another T&E/Eric Andre type hate thread. You don't get the humor or just don't like it. Congratulations, you've formed your own opinion. They are popular because they're great at what they do. Their show is an excellent parody of public access television. Look at all the big name comedians and actors they have on the show. Dr. Steve Brule, for fucks sake. If professional comedians think it's funny, then it's probably funny. I didn't like them at first, but they're great of you give them a chance. Take note of all the little details in each episode. Posters in the background, the makeup, the dedication to whatever character they are playing; they put in the work and it shows. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's not good.
Damn. Just found this on Google.
I just made a post defending them, but it seems like a lot of their sketches aren't really original ideas. Shit.
When a comedian isn't funny and knows they aren't funny, they try to hide behind a veil of irony -- "It's SUPPOSED to be bad / stupid / awkward! That's the joke!"
>I seriously have to get away from this subreddit: I keep finding out that my favorite Tim and Eric bits that seem to have come out of nowhere are totally just replications of other people's weirdness. It's been posted on here a lot, but between this and Mark Salud: youtube.com
something something good artist steal, copy, i dunno. inspired by.
Tim Heidecker is literally the greatest comedian the human race has ever produced. You are a pleb if you don't like tim and eric--sorry! them's the facts.
You've obviously never seen the 25 minute interview where they talk about meeting each other at clown college
now tayne I can get into
Ah, it's the autist who uses unnecessary quotes and pretends to be a scientologist for replies. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
This is what I would show people to introduce them to tim and eric
post it senpai
Tim and Eric is mostly crap but I love their high points.
That's not even anti-comedy ya dip.
Go to bed, Tim.
Why are their interviews better than their show?
They are funny. As usual, Sup Forums has to be contrarian to the point that something is the best thing ever, and then at a later date complete and utter dogshit with no room in between.
>their work is a clear example of an acquired taste
agreed. i refused to watch them for years because i hated their faces so, so much. now i love them
They're the final evolution of anticomedy, comedy so advanced it's not funny at all, but people still watch it.
Like a trainwreck.
I wish I was tim. He's really got it made.
they have a few bad bits but literally everything else is 7/10 and above, most of it landing in the 9-10 zone. Sorry you can't see that! watch more of their stuff, you'll get it.
yep, this is obvious satire. If you confuse this for plagiarism you gotta be a real dumb guy.
my dad is sixty years old and he's a real big fan of tim and eric. it ain't an issue of age, just taste.
I will agree that BDM is not their best work, probably a 6/10. A few great gags but a lot of filler. Spaghett, for your health, and salame, while great are pretty entry level T+E
see almost everything truly great takes time to appreciate, ask any wine or music or movie afficionado. Just watch them more and you will understand why it's literally leagues above all other comedy.
I appreciate what they try to do, but the whole parody of public access shtick doesn't work for me. It misses the whole point of what makes public access and amateur work funny. It's how genuine and earnest the amateurs are that makes it good. What T&E do just feels empty in comparison.
This is the accusation that people use when they don't know why they like something, but can't tolerate dissent.
you must miss how they take literal PA tier actors and let them be themselves, sincerely (quall, liebe hart, Dunn, to name a few)
you just dont get it
My favorite line out of all of The Eric Andre Show.
These two do it really poorly.
I hate everything about Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job.
However, I very much enjoy Check it out with Dr. Steve Brule and Bedtime Stories.
I have not seen the movie. Which is it more like? An actual narrative supporting the weird jokes, or just a stew of hit or miss like T&EASGJ?
ive plenty of sketches by them that were hilarious to me, off the top of my head the free real estate gets me giggling
but other times i dont laugh
i appreciate that there doesnt seem to be another comedy act like them, however. perhaps the idea of doing quirky weird uncomfortable shit isnt unique but their execution is unique enough for me to at least find their stuff interesting if i didnt laugh
What about alt-right Tim & Eric?
not really comparable at all besides being "quirky/weird" humor
i love MDE though
inb4 some faggot posts the "i'm 16 and my humor is superior" image
Filthy Frank has really gone downhill since he started associating with h3h3.
Fuck that guy.
not anywhere near as subtle, or talented. I've seen less than 20 minutes, so if someone can point be to some good clips I'll watch. But it was literally just super try-hard tim and eric. Like they always try to shoe horn some vague message or faux-deep observation in their videos but it just comes across as teenage edginess.
With Tim and Eric is almost entirely absurdity, no faux-intellectualism.
The only kind of meaning of Tim and Eric style stuff is that everything is terrible and so the only way to continue living once you realize that is to learn to enjoy the horrible qualities of everything.
one of the all time great bits
I can't help but smile at this guy.
Go back to your safe space.
I've never liked Tim & Eric, but THIS I can get into for some reason.
love T&E
On Cinema I think is Tim's best work. It's crazy how small it started and how huge and ambitious it's become. They built this huge world full of rich and interesting characters in the most unexpected way. The fact that Gregg's entire online presence and most of Tim's is kayfabe to their silly online review show is so much fun for me as a fan. Tim plays such a perfect villain. And him throwing all the abuse week in and week out at a guy that's at a guy like Gregg is perfect. It's the perfect dynamic. Their personas play off eachother beautifully.
I really love Awesome Show, Tom Goes to Mayor and so on, but On Cinema is just so much more consistent and so much more rewarding to the viewer. I think the fact that it's a web show causes a lot of people to just write it off as some unimportant side project when really I feel like it's something way more ambitious than anybody of the fans possibly could have imagined it would be.
The make-up work is amazing in awesome show. For instance the way they do Tim's eyebrows up for the Universe bits really complete the feel for what they are parodying. I can't explain it properly it's just that when you look at his eyebrows you know that they fit perfectly in this setting. The show is rich with subtle make-up stuff like that on its characters that just really complete the picture of what they are trying to parody. Once you first notice it, you'll always be looking for it in skits and appreciating it.
Wow I bet you're fun on a date
people passed out with their tvs on this giving their "show" the high ratings
are these 3 lovers?
Funny you use the term kayfabe. The Annual On Cinema Oscar Special is like Wrestlemania or the Superbowl to me. Just like 3 hours of nonstop gold.
The media has trained people to be stupid. Stupid people like stupid shit. Why do you think capeshit is so popular?
The former. You'd probably like it.
Saw them live, i've never seen anything as good.
i thought it wouldn't translate well to the stage but it was perfect.
Can I get a nude tane?
I saw the trailer for that show.
What's with the clown thing?
Was it just memes from Awesome show like their previous tours or was this something completely new?
Eric carries the whole show. Tim is shit without him
see the thing is, "anticomedy" is still supposed to be funny