Writes a paragraph of flawless English text

>writes a paragraph of flawless English text
>"sorry for le bad english it's not my native language :PP"

What do foreigners mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry english is not my native language

>look at how good my English is xD

Fuck foreigners, especially niggers.

fuck leafs desu

Lack of confidence, of course. Most people I know that write that at the end of a text do so because they learned English by themselves and because of that are not sure how good their English grammar is. By putting that at the end of the text, it gives them an excuse for any error that one may found in their words. Yeah, there may be someone like this but that is not the rule, anyway.
Also, sorry for my bad English.

>people that
You are excused.


Your English is unironically shitty. Apply yourself.

>full stop
>capital letters
Good job zhang

This desu

I'm not sorry btw


Sorri* for mai Inglish, not mai neitif languach

Sometimes there English isn't good so they make excuses for them. English is weird language to learn for non English language speaker. Sorry for bad English.

Hi! (sorry for bad English)

sori four mai päät inglis :D

Sorry for my bad English, but Leaffags are even worse.

I sometimes do it because of this It also makes people tell me if I did make a mistake or not. Since grammar Nazis died I can no longer be sure if I have good grammar, or if whatever I happen to be reading is correct or not (there are tons of non-native English speakers on the internet and it is hard to tell).
My English has gotten worse just by being here reading all the posts with bad English without ever knowing they were wrong in some way.

Because English is ghoti language so you'll never know.

I recently took an internet language vocabulary test and got an estimate of 9903 words as my English vocabulary, with a note that my language skill is at around 10 year old native English speaker level. So you never know.

Och soryu mai shite Ngnghls

Strolling along a deserted beach, I saw a bottle dusted with sand and found a message curled inside. An exciting moment! But messages in bottles are not new here. The earliest dates back to eighteen sixty when ships used them to keep those on land informed of their progress. None too reliable when your ship is sinking!
But the local museum is launching a project using bottled messages, not just to promote the whereabouts of the islands and attract tourism. Islanders are being invited to include maps and information about the islands themselves. Bottles have been collected from local beaches and are, though not in the traditional sense, being recycled. Primarily and more ambitiously, the project is set to identify tidal movements. Not by science or satellite systems, but by hurling these bottles back into the sea!
The hope is that people will reply to these messages through the more traditional postal system. Islanders will gain pen pals and new visitors, and the final whereabouts of the bottles will enable scientists to track their paths.
And all this from bottles discarded on a beach!


we are mocking you for not learning languages.

>"sorry for le bad english it's not my native language :PP"

is bassically trolling you with: look how fluent I am in your language and you dont even remember how to introduce yourself in spanish and almost everyone on earth knows how.

>internet language vocabulary test
Forgot the link. arealme.com/vocabulary-size-test/en/


is polish the international lingua franca? no

so dont talk shit

But how?

γkούγkλαρα το kείμενο


they're not good enough to know they didn't make any mistakes

obviously hoping for a "oh no, your english is so great you are so awesome".

they could just say "sorry if there's any mistakes" in that case

>poland is mocking anyone
>poland is mocking 1st world
>look at me poland stronk

they're not good enough to know a different sentence

They're insecure redditors
Eine sorren für nicht so gut Eñgleß

>tfw a native speaker that adds that whenever he's tired

sorry for my English

Fishing for compliments

Just like when girls say they that they are going to fail an exam and then they ace it

Sorry for not being sorry and having a very thick accent while talking about it.

i also noticed foreigners always proof read their posts and correct their mistakes, even some tiny tpyos. they take this shit seriously.



djees we jyst sei that bicauz our'e englits is actully quite good

sry fo ma bät englius

i also thought about comparing with the girls. only i thought about those chicks that love complaining in public ahh i am kinda fat only expecting oh noooo you have a great body!!!!

who here /westerner-that-can't-speak-English-for-shit-but-is-bretty-gud-at-Japanese/

that's what happens when you binge annie may day in and day out I guess

why is English such a bitch to pronounce tho?

I am deeply sorry for lacking the linguistic skill in order to speak English flawlessly yet I am doing the most that my foreigner brain can

>Your English Vocabulary Size is: 22200
>op 6.33%
>Your vocabulary is at the level of professional white-collars in the US!

hmm something's fucky


Well, what do you think, as native speakers? My ten yo native level 9903 words against your 20-30k ? I don't even think in English, ever.

Is apologizing for possibly/possibly bad English justified and acceptable or not?


(Sorry for bad English)

i posted it in /brit/ and everyone got like 29k
i only got like 22000

It's like that one kid that is smart gets A* and then says "oh I think I did bad" knowing full well he/she smashed that paper

Same here. I should read more literature 2bh.


Teach me your ways, senpai.

I make grammar mistakes all the time despite having a C1 diploma in English

their grammar is unnecessarily complicated for a lingua franca

>What do foreigners mean by this?
Because I'm as good as a teenager in US.

>their grammar is unnecessarily complicated for a lingua franca
>polish speaker

Maybe, just maybe, I sincerely am unsure whether the text written is correct grammatically, for I have never formally learned English, but had been listening the way people speak/looking at the way anglophones write for a prolonged period of time.

I don't remember any rules/tenses and just write the way it feels like it should be.


I was that kid but I actually thought I did bad

helo hav ar yu (sori for bed inglando XD)

our grammar is very regular and straightforward, believe it or not

Nice one mate

should I just kill myself?

>e hentai
>Sup Forums
baka desu sven


You can cheat in that test. But You didn't.

I could have cheated as well instead of being now a worth of a 10 yo kid in native English speaking countries.

I've got a C1 diploma (CAE Grade B) from a scratch, without even preparing for it.

Took some tests and figured I am capable of receiving the said diploma. Didn't make a mistake in my evaluation.

>don't even know what "synonym" and "antonym" mean

i'm dbmud

at least you can enter a pub and order a pint without having to think up natural-sounding expressions

IMO, you don't have to learn a language.

You just need a use for it and it will come naturally.

In my case, when I was 11 or so, I've started playing a shitton of videogames. Many of them didn't have any dubs or subs, so I've started to manually figure out some word meanings, some I would look up in a dictionary.

This way, I've spent hours, days and months. Then came unrussified movies and articles, blogs, Youtube.

Then came online games, where I would use my skills and put them to the test in countless banters, verbal comflicts and team communication.

I don't know shit about the English grammar. I believe that the best way to learn any language is through active informal use. It just comes naturally that way.

"ayo whiteboi lemme get a pint"
Is it really that hard?


now you tell me?

He is probably a
>native American

>something's fucky
It's your """""educational""""" system.

Same. But towards the end I was just guessing.

> Top 39.30%
>Your vocabulary size is like that of a 14-year-old

ah yes because an online antonym/synonym matching quiz is a good metric to base your opinion of an educational system on

They mean you can't into russian

Tell me more about how great the education system that doesn't teach you basic vocabulary is.

That's really quite aberrant if not fortuitous. I am Shakespeare too, but I did significantly better than you since I am more facund.

yeah I decided not to use a dictionary while i was doing it

sorry amigo

Non-native speakers are often self-conscious about their language skills.

>I am more facund

Missclicked several times. It's 2am here.
Will try english

WTF. Why??


Mind you Romance speakers will score better than we "should" on those tests, since plenty cryptic English words are either Romance- or Latin-related.

Pic related - mostly self-taught, and my grammar is broken as fuck.

I'm not even descent with grammar and syntax

hello my ate yo frend. do u have a eyefone? i have a eyefone. i don't read buks

>different font than everyone else's screenshots
nice try

This mostly happens if you missclick one of the easy words in the very beginning. Try again and read better.


Hehe I've got a bit more

Who /machadodeassis/ here?

>what is linux

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

As said.

in my defense, I'm not a native speaker

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as GNU/Linux, is in fact, systemd/GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, systemd plus GNU/Linux. GNU/Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning systemd system made useful by the systemd init system, service manager, kernel, window system and kitchen sink components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the systemd system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of systemd which is widely used today is often called “GNU/Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the systemd system, developed by the Lennart Poettering. There really is a GNU/Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
GNU/Linux is the leftover: what we still didn't replace with superior systemd. It's still an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. GNU/Linux is normally used in combination with the systemd operating system: the whole system is basically systemd with GNU/Linux added, or systemd/GNU/Linux. All the so-called “GNU/Linux” distributions are really distributions of systemd/GNU/Linux.