Good to know that Patton Oswalt is against hordes of online bullies going after Internet reviewers because they don't like their opinions!
Good to know that Patton Oswalt is against hordes of online bullies going after Internet reviewers because they don't...
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Look, just because GG is a pox on the human race and ought to be rounded up and shot and their families billed for the bullets, doesn't mean...uh...what were we talking about again?
I didn't follow gamergate closely but for what I know it was all about a woman who fucked men to get a job at Nintendo, which she lost, and then fucking some guy to get better reviews for her shitty game. People who discovered this then accused her of sleeping her way to success and were subsequently called misogynist.
That's pretty much it, right or did I miss something major?
Actually, it was about ethics in gaming journalism.
I just kind of assume most rational human beings would react that way so it was kind of pointless for him to say that.
Is this actually what happened? I never bothered looking in to that cancerous shit
You're missing the part where nobody gave a fuck about gaming "journalism" in the first place, so them pretending to care about ethics in journalism comes is just a pretext. To people who can't read between the lines, it comes off as disingenuous.
The subtext of the debate is men resisting women trying to invade a uniquely male space.
he's a bit late for the pity party garnering pussypoints from mentally ill womyn
>video games
Manchildren throwing a tantrum. Who cares? Journalism shouldn't be taken seriously in ANY medium, much less one about fucking toys. Who really gives a shit?
Then as internet detectives dug deeper, they found a bizarre web of corruption between journalists, publishers, and SJW crazies. A ton of the journos were being bribed by publishers to hype terrible shit, while also trying to push social agendas.
They'd had set up a secret email ring so they could coordinate on what to cover and how, even though they were all from 'competing' publications. That's what really set everything off.
That's more or less how I understood it, except that review scores and exposure were being sold in exchange for sex. The girl giving sex made some shitty indie game.
I don't really care about games, I just wish women weren't whores
Well there goes all my respect for him. What a moron.
>Warcaft/Vidyakino, AVGN and Gaymergate threads simultaneously on the front page of Sup Forums
>The subtext of the debate is men resisting women trying to invade a uniquely male space.
Nah, it's about resisting the change of the game making scene in to one that panders only to sensitive women and nu-male faggots who think games are art and they can get some respect for their hobby and pussy because they are so progressive and not at all immature.
These people are more than welcome to make the games they want as long they allow that same freedom to others.
Dumb slut detected.
you forgot to mention the women they used it as an excuse to harass
A presumably grown man is here attempting to argue with someone named "assclit". How stupid can you get. Just ignore it, Patton you idiot.
That's how it started. Then it quickly became apparent that almost all of video game "journalism" and media was fucking choking on the sheer amount of corruption, nepotism and other such bullshit. It was insane. Video game "journalism" as a whole, got together and colluded to "kill the gamer", all releasing some variation of "Gamers are dead." articles on the day. Weird stuff. I've never seen a market so determined to kill its own base.
also a bunch of people pretended it was about other manchildren telling them wrong which toys were good and which were bad
>be man
>say stupid shit on the internet
>people point out it's stupid
>be woman (or a tranny)
>say stupid shit on the internet
>people point out it's stupid
>muh soggy knees omg I'm being harrassed please donate to my Patreon
What about all the pro-GG women?
>14 Oct 2014
dont you just hate those sjws who go in search of something to be mad about!
Great, now he's going to get bombarded with attacks about his dead wife by Sup Forums edgelords.
I'm not that user, reviewers started hyping and giving awards and high scores to bad games or in some cases not even games just because they pushed their radical left agenda, the gaming "press" also started bullying developers that made games with "toxic masculinity" or that showed sexy women
that girl sleeping with some reviewer to get attention to her shitty game was just the spark, gamers could not take more of this shit anymore
None of this is remotely true.
There was a female indie game writer, not quite a "dev", whose ex-boyfriend wrote a nasty blogpost about her, claiming she was a sociopath or something. One minor detail in this post was that she had cheated on him with a writer for a video game website. Sup Forums seized on this as grounds for claiming there was a huge sexual payola conspiracy. Several thousand twitter death threats later, here we are.
yeah also linked to some social engineering consulting firm shit and them being connected to darpa.
is this the new boipucci
>which toys were good and which were bad
So does that mean gamergate started after the first conversation on Sup Forums
Nice kicks. Those from the RDJ line?
you're a weird guy if you don't play video games m8
that's wrong
Nah, I'm just not a child.
>exboyfriend of indie "game" developer posts that ex girlfriend slept with people to get the ratings of her shitty game up
>this is uncovered in emails
>people call bs on the reviewers
>whole credibility of game journalism is shot to hell
>major game sites start retaliating calling gamers manbabies and telling them they are awful people
>sjw's think this is an attack against women, and not about the corrupt scoring system in game reviews
>also animal mother entered the battle at some point
>GG was bad
Don't believe their lies.
Sockpuppets, duh.
>muh narrative must stand
just fuck off retard
what an idiot
glad his wife is dead
You're mixing some stuff up, and missing the fallout that triggered it and exposed how corrupt the journalists are, but the gist is there.
You honestly think people don't care about honest reviewing? Its payolla all over again with corporates buying journalism.
I think the topic gave people a chance to air wider grievances at the same people giving the 10th remake of Call of Duty. a 9.5
most adults play vidya weirdo
Yeah, GamerGate didn't really start until the GameJurnosPro list came to light.
>all these normies, cucks and whales invading Sup Forums
Prepare yourself, a shitstorm is upon us.
smart frogposter
It's not a "narrative" it's the truth you shitbag.
Ghostbusters will be the #1 hit of the summer and win a few Golden Globes. (They never give Oscars to comedies.)
Yeah, manchildren.
>glad his wife is dead
had me going until
>Ghostbusters will be the #1 hit of the summer and win a few Golden Globes. (They never give Oscars to comedies.)
I only read about it after it all happened, and hindsight is 20/20, but it was always destined to fail. It was essentially a customer user-base attacking an, single, arm of the industry's theoretical "marketing" department.
There was no way to truly win against those that had the power to control the public narrative, and in the end they had to resort to the same tactics SJW's use.
A sad, but cautionary, tale.
Im not one of the people who pretended it was the "greatest conspiracy ever", but the gist is as follows:
>woman "gamer-developer" cheats on her boyfriend
>boyfriend writes pretty pathetic cuck blog about it
>people get mad when they realise that she slept with a game journalist who gave her game a very good review
>turns out alot of journalists are in collusion with game developers and correspond/fuck etc frequently
>emails gets released, big "wow-moment"
>the internet (gamer neckbeards) starts accusing this little gang of "journalists" of bad ethical and professional standards
>journalists (and game devs) instead of apologizing start a tirade of insults and defamation of the "gamers" aka their target audience
>gamers start writing emails to the website owners/sponsors
>people start getting fired/warning not to upset the neckbeards
>suddenly these journalists are being supported by mainstream feminists claiming this to be an issue about "misogyny"
>SJW jump on the train and suddenly big media outlets starts destroying the "toxic gamers"
>suddenly mainstream tv picks it up
>eventually after the dust has settled, a few con artists and feminist "figureheads" have made a name for themselves and start invading the mainstream game developers
>GG was about unethical gaming-journalism turned into a feminist issue
The SJWs won. Gamers are done. Just look at what happened to Overwatch.
Well, this wasn't really meant to be a GG thread but meant to point out the hypocrisy of Oswalt and the AVGN Ghostbusters review...
So wait, James says he won't watch the Fembusters reboot because it doesn't look funny. He talks about his love for the originals, and the botched attempts to make Ghostbusters 3.
For this he gets a torrent of abuse. For daring to say he doesn't think it looks funny and that he won't see it.
Let me guess, their next move is complaining about "abuse" when people call them out on being retards?
I'm seeing a lot of "don't judge it before it's out" from the same crowd that will call something hateful for having white people in it.