People don't like The Force Awakens? How? It's the best Star Wars movie to grace the silver screen since Return of the Jedi! Sure, it borrows from ANH a little bit too much but cmon, it was great.
People don't like The Force Awakens? How...
bad characters and a story where they told us nothing
TFA being the best Star Wars movie since RotJ doesn't mean it's a good movie.
Also, RotJ was a terrible movie.
>It's the best Star Wars movie to grace the silver screen since Return of the Jedi
>Sure, it borrows from ANH a little bit
>but cmon, it was great
This is the most r e d d i t post I've seen today.
>a little bit
7 > the rest
Cuck wars: the quips awaken
Absolute trash.
It was shit.
ROTS is far better than TFA. Name a single scene from that movie that can even grace this one in terms of emotional impact.
>the quips awaken
they awakened a long time ago phamalam
>emotional impact.
I don't know pham I was rather kekking alot
Hayden and Darth Meme did a great job
The plot is interchangeable with any MCU flick.
A new superhero learns that she has super powers and teams up with some negro sidekick to defeat her arch nemesis who also has super powers. Sound familiar?
The prequels are more enjoyable but for all the wrong reasons, first and foremost being the horrible dialogue. It's really saying something when the prequels can be quoted endlessly to this day despite being so bad, yet a Star Wars movie from fucking Disney is so boring and rehashed that you hardly remember any noteworthy pieces of dialogue from it.
>Whedon style quips
>Dull, pandering main character
>rehash of a better film
>uninspired direction
>shits on the legacy of the OT, meaning nothing had any real impact on the universe
How is this a 'good' film?
I watched Rots with a bunch of friend and we were laughing almost the entire time
>Sound familiar?
Yeah, I think Campbell wrote something called The Hero's Journey
>posts AOTC Anakin
he was better in ROTS. Still shit, but better.
I saw it twice in the theatres and I the only ones I remember are:
>That's not how the Force works
>Who talks first, you talk first, I talk first?
No it's literally the same shit
Hayden ruined every single scene
>every movie must follow the same formula because reasons
So you're saying you only remember memes
No not at all
It was okay at best.
Was way too safe and was watered down with all the nostalgia. Rey was boring and had no real character and it was especially noticeable when placed next to Finn and Kylo. Those two shined on screen and the most memorable thing about the movie.
The reason this movie was so well received because it wasn't a complete abomination like the prequels.
"My arm isn't a merchandising gimmick!"
"I'm not just here to pander to nostalgia and sell toys!"
I can't believe this script made it through the basic qc processes.
It looked great. The story and characters sucked.
It's pure kino.
Let's be honest here. NO Star Wars movie has been what I would call a good film. Some are fun and some just suck balls. This one I did enjoy quite a bit.
Just like in the PT ?
lmao'd out loud
Why is she so smug?
>a little bit too much
>basically a remake
Kylo is good though.He's my favorite SW character.
>ywn be that burger
I'm saying that the prequels, while far from perfect, are still enjoyable to watch and can be quoted even to this day. They're not necessarily good films, but they're still fun to watch if only to laugh at the bad dialogue and overabundance of early 2000s CG effects.
TFA was made by fucking Disney, with better effects, a bigger budget, and even some of the old cast; And yet it still came out okay at best, with maybe 2-3 memorable lines and scenes. The whole thing just felt so bland and familiar. If Disney actually cared they would have put more effort into making a new original story with all new characters and factions, but instead they literally just rehashed most of episode IV, put a fresh coat of paint on it, and called it a day.
I always thought this about disney stuff.
That fag snowman from Frozen. I'll bet my balls that he's not traditional snowman shaped because they didn't want kids playing with generic snowman when they could sell them DisneyTM SnowManTM.
I saw this movie 7 times in theaters. When I bought the home version, I slowly started to realize how shallow it actually is. It banked on nostalgia WAY TOO MUCH. Yes, it's a relatively fun movie visually (I think JJ showed restraint with his usual visual tropes), the practical effects are appreciated, and some story elements were kind of interesting. BUT, I agree when some of you say it's a story that didn't tell us anything. It's Marvel style bait, basically screaming at us "Come see the next film in two years!". When Maz gives the lightsaber to Finn, Han asks where she got it, her response was
>"A good question for another time"
When she should've said
>"A good question for another movie"
>I saw this movie 7 times in theaters
Fuck off.
The plot catalyst/macguffin isn't her getting superpowers, it's getting the droid to the resistance
No force powers until act 2 (the flashback with Anakin's lightsaber) and only starts using them during act 3 (after getting captured)
Let's count down the reasons
>le funny Marvel quips
>zero attempt at cinematography
>bland as fuck characters
>Ma-Ray Sue
>by-the-numbers direction
>shot on film but fails to take advantage of it so it still looks like a made-for-television sci-fi series
>rehash of Episode IV
>boring worlds
>cringeworthy pandering
>subpar acting from the majority of the cast, INCLUDING the original actors
>that helicopter/drone shot at the end just... just what the fuck?
And perhaps the most egregious of all...
>a forgettable John Williams Star Wars score
Because it's all about forcing SJW propaganda now. Nothing else.
As Kasdan said in an interview, he and JJ asked themselves what it would be like if the Nazis had gone to Argentina and regrouped after WWII.
From birth, Jews are raised with this idea that homogeneous white societies will inevitably result in goose-stepping, ethnic cleansing, and warmongering. And I could understand that outlook if history had begun in 1930. But the truth is, whites are the most egalitarian and least barbaric group in human history.
That's what frustrates many of us when jewish SJW Hollywood sensibilities become accepted norms. They're slanted, prejudiced and their bias goes unchallenged by everyone.
The First Order was a Jewish take on ultimate evil. And because modern Jews are obsessed with The Shoah and WWII everything magically relates to MUH SIX MILLION.
It has gotten boring. It's stale. I wish we could get a more nuanced view of evil, but that won't happen because show-biz Jews always find a way of politicizing everything.
Like, recently I saw a movie set in 1920s London. There were several shots of a black man and a white woman holding hands in the street. It was there to sell us something. It was out of place and revisionist. It's tacky and it's condescending.
The objective is to shape public opinion with the assumption that everyone needs "educating" and are too dumb to pick up on the flagrant advertising of their agenda. In this case, it was a short throwaway scene and it still took me out of the movie. The message is basically, "You're too dumb to find the right opinions by yourself, so we're going to give you direction by placing propaganda in the media you consume."
SJW placement just seems dishonest and manipulative. Flagrant product placement annoys me whether it's a product I like or not. It takes me out of the ride that it should be, pauses everything to remind me what I'm supposed to think, and then expects me to jump back in with full enthusiasm.
I've mentioned it a few times but there was just no impact to anything. When Alderaan gets destroyed you have the death of Leia's planet, Obi-Wan talking about millions of voices being suddenly silenced, and them arriving at Alderaan just to find debris, you really feel anger at the Empire.
In TFA they destroy an entire system and it's not felt by anyone, it's just set piece after set piece
Yep. It's like they tried to make you feel something by having you take the P.O.V. of the people attacked, and in concept its great, but why should we give a fuck about those characters?
There was absolutely nothing memorable about the film with the possible exception of Tr-8-tor
I think there were originally more exposition scenes with Leia and the black chick who's on the planet when it gets btfo'd
boyega is one ugly monstrosity
I'll be fair and say the only thing mildly attractive about him are his expressive eyebrows
Wow I just realized how fucking terrible this was. Four times the casualties and literally none of the impact.
I mean if they were going to rehash the movie at least destroy Jakku, Kylo goes into her mind and gets the memory of her parents so he has them destroy the Jakku system thus depriving Rey the chance of her parents coming back for her
Such a small change but it would actually make you give a fuck
And yet they cut it out?
So let me get this straight -- they leave in all of those scenes that are nothing but bullshit pandering... but they can't keep an extra minute to establish why we should care about this character?
You know what? I'm glad they left it out -- the pacing was already god-awful without it. How it got a fucking Oscar nomination for best editing, literally the WORST aspect of the film, is beyond baffling.
This actually makes more sense. Good thinking.
It was just ok. Apart from being Star Wars, it was a fairly forgettable sci-fi adventure. I personally found it really fucking boring because it was a remake of the original, but I'm sure 12 year olds found it great.
JJ doesn't know what made star wars good.
hint: it's not the fucking spaceships.
Lucas, after American Graffiti had a bit of a crisis. He realized that it was not important to tell people the way things were, that those kind of movies were ultimately shlock and generally wouldn't stand against the test of time. Instead, the artist has to show people how things could be, to shape values, to set standards. The Ancients did this through mythology. Their stories all have lessons, morals, and promote a certain set and conception of values.
Lucas poured over volume after volume of folklore, mythology, fantasy and fairy tales. He was not reading pop-science or any of that shit, star wars is not science fiction. Sci-fi is just a motif, much as the old western movies were just motifs for discussing more interesting issues around values and morality in America. The western was set in the west, a place seen as a vacuum of authority and high society, people painted their own pictures against this inky unknown, and the sci-fi space movie filled a similar role for Lucas, providing a canvas for his moral vision.
While researching mythology he came upon Joseph Campbell's works which enthralled him, he meticulously edited his drafts to align them with the monomythic tropes identified by Campbell. This is why Star Wars has nearly universal appeal.
JJ appears to miss that, he has no knowledge of mythology, only of pop culture. He fills the buckets that he brings to us in TFA with water gathered at the mouth of the stream rather than at its headwaters. It should be no wonder then that it tastes foul and brackish.
>daily reminder this film was circle-jerked by critics and has a RT score of 92% w. an average rating of 8.1/10
People say they started to believe Disney pays off critics due to BvS and Civil War...
To me, the reception TFA got makes for a far stronger case of bribery. There's no way in HELL it deserved even half the praise it got.
You just know she got the BBC that night
It could just be the hype. Phantom Menace got good reviews when it came out because they were blinded by the hype. This time they're blinded by the hype and nostalgia.
>be me
>watch Stuckmann's review of The Phantom Menace
>listen as he says "it's okay to finally admit it wasn't great and it was all hype."
>hear he praises TFA out the ass
>realize he's fallen for the same mistake himself and other Star Wars geeks who now trash the sequels fell for all over again
>tfw history is repeating itself for internet critics
>Main character so boring and perfect that literally the only thing anyone ever discusses about her is who fucked to conceive her.
Finn should have been the only MC. He and Kylo were the only saving graces.
This would work if they didn't seem to make a point that Kylo was against destroying systems. And wants Rey to join him.
>I'm not fanboying here but [X] was literally the greatest movie of this year so far
>have 3 action figures in the background
>And I would know since I'm the biggest [X] fan ever
>Now they just gave me a free 34in curved TV but it's definitely not bribing
>mfw friends and co-workers will inevitably be like, "oh, user was right about TFA sucking in retrospect" in a few years' time
Feels good to be patrician
>in a few years time
>The OT has been milked dry by the rat
>~40 Star Wars movies/spin offs/TV shows
>"Which one was that again user?"
Who are you quoting?
I wanted a sequel not a remake.
If I ever feel the need to watch The Force Awakens I'll just watch A New Hope instead.
I liked it but I was disappointed by how safe the movie was. It was to be expected.
Wait... did they actually give him a TV or are you just meme'ing? Either way I lol'd.
It's weaker than what came before it, though RoTJ is not a terrible movie. It's a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. But honestly, I wish Steven Spielberg could have directed it as originally planned.
>the best Star Wars movie to grace the silver screen since Return of the Jedi
such great heights
What if Finn had been an esteemed general or best friends with Kylo before abandoning The First Order? That would have made the traitor subplot more impactful.
Episode VII is a prime example of a movie that tried so hard to be inoffensive that it forgot to be creative.
you know i dont really have problems with directors shoehorning niggers into films, its essential these days to maximize profits, but why did they have to pick the ugliest, most apelike nigger on the planet. he literally looks like a gorilla with a sloped face god damn
Stop making Star Wars threads!
Stop making Star Wars threads!
Stop making Star Wars threads!
Stop making Star Wars threads!
Stop making Star Wars threads!
Which PS2 game is this?
Star Wars Battlefront II
>mfw ywn be apart of the 501st legion for the first time ever again