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What are the classics of /jameskino/?
Literally did nothing wrong
Doug response when?
did she really get pregnant?
Imagine the shitstorm if he did this video in the AVGN character.
All Early AVGN.
All Early Board James.
All Monster Madness videos.
SpikeTV movie reviews.
Live play throughs are shit for the most part.
why is nobody making memes? we made so many threads about this and i yet saw one meme
Silver Surfer was peak JamesKino
She aborted her child then made a video about it for profit. She is scum.
Cinemassacre is maximum comfy-core
Meme addiction is a serious condition user. Seek the help of your noose immediately.
It literally took me all day to get this.
I thought this tweet was serious, and I was thinking "I can understand, his wife had a role in this and he feels very passionate about it because he recently lost her."
And then I got the joke hours later.
God fucking dammit.
This is a fact, I like just turning on the old AVGN playlist as background sometimes since the whole nerd lair reeks of comfy.
Super Mario Bros. Super Show DVD review
>Not Swordquest
These people are insane
She is literally arguing about a strawman. James raised perfectly fine points on why he wont see it. He even admitted, that the movie might turn out good but that this is not the point.
What an irrelevant cunt. I hope she reads the BTFO post there and shuts up in the future
This is as relevant as James gets in the current year. I hope he sticks to his guns because the movie does in fact look shit.
>All Early Board James
More like all Board James.
Shit got more complex than Inception in the finale.
James and Mike Mondays aren't really good but I like them because it's like watching your dad play games.
James is already kind of meme, we're just adding layers at this point.
come on friends let us join forces and get this video to more likes than that piece of shit trailer.
Can someone who's good at photoshop make a MAGA hat saying Make AVGN Great Again? Even better if James is wearing it.
i got a better idea for a cure
>Made a video for profit
You're shtting me.
She has the fucking audacity to attack "I won't see it" when she profited from an abortion?
I changed the account info, here's a more recent pic
oh ok
i'd still fuck her though
By the powers of Australia and Sup Forums we have weaponized bantz
Ghostbusters '16 will be the Sokovia Accords of the internet. Pick your side (of history).
Reminder that most people who even know Lindsay exists think of her as "the female Nostalgia Critic." And that most people who even know Doug exists just know him as "that other guy who's like the Angry Video Game Nerd."
This is equal parts hilarious, depressing and scary. Poor James. I can only hope the money made from views and the support in his comments section helps him realise he made the right decision.
Anyone else think James should say "Okay, I change my mind. I'll see it then judge it." And when he see the shit show, give it a negative review?
I really don't understand how this video blew the fuck up the way it did. I mean, it was trending worldwide on Twitter all day.
James is by far not the only YouTube celeb to say this movie looks like trash. He's actually a couple of months late.
He also has by far the most calm and rational explanation and doesn't once resort to name-calling or shit-flinging. Hell, he even acknowledges that it could very well be good. He doesn't even fucking acknowledge the fact that it's an all-female cast aside from a very brief mention.
Yet this blew up Twitter all day, made the news, has people who have never even heard of him posting angry rants on Twitter.
Why the FUCK?
>guy on internet says he doesn't intend to see a movie and lists reasons why in a short video
>sjw cucks proceed to insult his wife for marrying him
Let me guess Doug, both sides are wrong.
wow that was unexpected. . .
This doesn't look comfy, in fact it looks shitty.
>Paul Rudd and Chris Pratt
Ok that... actually sounds like a good time. Shame the script, which has been floating around freely for years, is utter garbage and they still couldn't save it.
this i'd piss off everyone who gave him shit
Patton oswald dun goofed
SJW like to bully people and James being a reserved quiet guy they probably saw him as an easy target
>rewatching 2007 episodes
>opening is the Gametrailers/Screwattack credits
>that memorable jingle
>followed by the nostalgic AVGN theme
Chills man
the nerd, the legend, the man who btfo everyone with no allies.
the glory days are here folks
Of course he did go see Jurassic World, TMNT, Transformers and BvS.
noooo. neither should he apologise or make a "lets clear things up" video. He explained it all very well and is right. The only way to deal with SJWs is to ignore them
I love how people are going on about a 'reputable critic' like James had some pretension of being the next Ebert.
He's well aware he's just a guy uploading videos onto youtube, unlike seemingly everyone on twitter who are acting like he shit in their cheerios
I love how Sup Forums pretends they didn't spend the last couple of years bullying James and slandering his name and making shit up about his personal life.
The worse part of all this shit is that James has a complete valid reason to no go and see this movie. But this SJW are screaming "HOW DARE YOU TO SAY THAT THE NEW GHOSTBUSTERS MOVIE IS SHIT BEFORE PAYING TO SEE IT! GO PAY YOUR TICKET SEE IT AND THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP BECAUSE IF YOU DO COMPLAIN WE WILL CALL YOU A MISOGYNIST ANYWAY"
This is really kicking me in balls now, shut the fuck up you fucking cry baby liberals and to the most reasonable liberals call out this retards or you are as bad as the conservatives that didn't stand up to the retarded Tea Party nutjobs.
Some Noseberg at Sony Pictures probably realized they needed an easy target who could be crybullied into making an apology video, hoping it would cause a chain reaction of online celebrities warming up to GB16. James is that guy who is too nice for his own good, and is small enough to be intimidating by fairly major names like Patton (a Pixar lead for god's sake) and big enough to have an influence on the geek community.
He did say at the end of this video that he would make another about the shit behind Ghost Busters 3.
you mean the cuck meme? do you know about banter?
This is exactly correct.
Mike and Bootsy just annoy me.
He says in the video that he could be overreacting and the movie could end up decent